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129 Cards in this Set

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Locations of fibrocartilage
Insertion of tendon and ligaments to bone, healing articular cartilage
Locations of elastic cartilage
Tissue type in meniscus
Fibroelastic cartilage
Primary modulator of chondrocyte metabolism
Mechanical stimulation
Composition of cartilage
65-80% H20; 10-20% collagen; 10-15% PG; 5% chondrocytes
H20 content with OA
Primary collagen in cartilage
Type II
Collagen changes in OA
Increased type VI
Type X collagen
unique to enchondral ossification. Physis, fracture callus, HO, calcified cartilaginous tumors.
Type XI collagen
adhesive- holds collagen lattice together
Effects of aging on cartilage
1. dec H20 2. dec PG synth/deg 3. dec chondroitin 4 sulfate 4. inc karatin sulfate 5. inc chondrocyte size 6. dec chondrocyte number 7. inc modulus of elasticity
Effects of OA on cartilage
1. inc H20 2. dec PG conc 3. inc PG synth/deg 4. inc chondroitin 4 sulfate 5. dec karatin sulfate 6. dec chondrocyte size 7. dec modulus of elasticity
Location of Type I collagen
Bone tendon meniscus annulus skin
Location of Type II collagen
articular cartilage nucleus pulposus
Location of Type III collagen
skin, blood vessels
Location of Type IV collagen
basal lamina of basement membrane
GAG +protein core.
PG composition
Aggrecan molecules bound to HA via link proteins
Articular cartilage layers
1. Gliding zone (superficial) 2. transitional zone (middle) 3. radial zone (deep) 4. Tidemark zone 5. calcified zone
Superficial zone articular cartilage
low metabolic activity, tangential orientation. Works vs shear
Transitional zone articular zone articular cartilage
high metabolic activity, oblique orientation. Works vs compression
radial (deep) zone articular cartilage
Thickest. High collagen size. Vertical orientation. Works vs compression
Tidemark zone articular cartilage
thinnest. Undulating barrier. Tangential orientation. Works vs shear
Calcified zone articular cartilage
Hydroxyapatite crystals. Works as anchor
Zone of articular cartilage with highest concentration of collagen
tangential zone
Zone of articular cartilage with greatest tensile strength
superficial zone
TGF-beta effects on cartilage
stimulates PG synthesis, suppresses type II collagen synthesis. Stimulates TIMP
FGF effects on cartilage
stimulates DNA synthesis
Primary mechanism of lubrication of articular cartilage
elastohydrodynamic lubrication
Boundary lubrication
surfaces non-deformable. Lubrication only partially separates surfaces.
Boosted lubrication
concentration of lubricating fluids in pools trapped by regions of bearing surfaces making contact
hydrodynamic lubrication
fluid separates surfaces when one surface is sliding on the other
weeping lubrication
fluid shifts out of articular cartilage in response to load
Source of fibrocartilage scar in articular cartilage
undifferentiated marrow mesenchymal stem cells- differentiate into cells capable of making fibrocartilage
Effects of immobilization on articular cartilage
decreased ratio of PG/collagen. Returns to normal after 8wks of mobilization
Most common cause of UE neuropathic arthropathy
Reiter's Syndrome
Young patients. M>F. Weight bearing joints. Si/Sx: urethral discharge/ conjunctivitis. Lab: HLA-B27. RAD: MT head erosions, periostitis. Tx: NSAIDS/ sulfa
Acute Rheumatic Fever
Peds. Assymetric migratory arthritis of large joints. PE: red/tender/rash. Lab: ASO titer. RA: nml. Systemic: erythema marginatum. Carditis. Tx: Symptomatic
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Symmetric arthritis of SI/spine/hip. PE: rigid spine. Chinon chest deformity. Lab: alk phos/CPK/HLA-B27. RAD: SI arthropathy, bamboo spine. Systemic: urethritis.
Psoriatic arthritis
Young patients. Assymetric arthritis of small joints/ DIPJ.PE: rash, sausage digits, nail pitting. Lab: HLA-B27. RAD: DIPJ pencil in cup deformity.
Lyme disease
Young patients. Assymetric. Affects any joint. PE: acute effusion. Lab: culture/ ELISA. RAD: nml. Systemic: rash/neuro/cardiac. Tx: PCN/Tetracycline
Fungal septic arthritis
Any joint. Indolent infection. Minimal RAD changes. Immunocompromised patients. Tx: 5-FU, amphotericin
XR finding of hemophilic arthropathy
squared off patella
Best indicator of when to stop total contact casting
Skin temperature = contralateral side
Degenerative arthritis secondary to alkaptonuria-->excess homogentisic acid deposition. + degenerative discs/ black urine. RAD: ossification of annulus.
TNF-alpha effects on cartilage
Increases chondrocyte secretion of matrix metalloproteinase-->degradation of cartilage and matrix
Rheumatoid factor
IgM vs IgG
Felty's syndrome
RA, splenomegaly, leuokopenia
Still's disease
acute JRA +fevers/rash/splenomegaly
Synovectomy in RA patients
Decreased pain/swelling. No change in RAD progression/ROM/need for TKA
SLE arthritis
acute, red, tender swelling of PIP/MCP/carpus/knee/etc.. Less destructive than RA.
Polymyalgia Rheumatica
Elderly. Aching/stiffness of pelvic/shoulder girdles. Malaise/HA/anorexia. PE: nml. Lab: markedly elevated ESR/anemia/inc alk phos. Tx: steroids if refractory. Associated with temporal arteritis.
Seropositive JRA
pos RF. Higher incidence of chronic active and progressive disease
Early onset JRA
Onset before teens
Polyarticular JRA
at least 5 joints involved. Seropositive type 5x frequency in girls. Desctructive DJD which frequently progresses to adult RA
Pauciarticular JRA
less than 4 joints involved. Early onset type associated with iridocyclitis.
Relapsing polychondritis
Episodic inflammation and diffuse/self-limiting arthritis, proegressive cartilage desctruction. Associated with thickening of auricle/inflammatory eye d/o, Tx: supportive
C-spine injury in AS
Fracture with low energy. High rate of epidural hemorrhage. 75% neuro involvement
Xanthine oxidase inhibitor- inhibits conversion of xanthine to uric acid
Causes of chondrocalcinosis
1. CPPD 2. ochronosis 3. hyper-PTH 4. hypothyroidism 5. hemochromatosis
Short, rhomboid positively birefringent crystals. Neutrophilic aspirate. XR: calcification of menisci/fibrocartilage. Tx: NSAIDS
Calcium hydroxyapatite crystal deposition
destructive arthropathy of shoulder/knee
Milwaukee shoulder:
basic calcium phosphate deposition + rotator cuff tear
X linked defect in factor VIII (type A) or IX (type B). Mild: 5-25% levels. Mod: 1-5%. Severe: <1%.
Perioperative Factor management in hemophilia
100% during 1st week. 50-75% during second week.
Factor inhibitor
IgG vs clotting factor-->no response. Relative contraindication to surgery. 5-25% inciddence
surrounds muscle bundles
surrounds muscle fascicles
surrounds muscle fibers
Thick filaments= myosin. Thin filaments = actin
H band
only thick
I band
only thin
Z lines
boundary of adjacent sarcomeres
Myasthenia gravis
deficiency of Ach receptors
Botulinum toxin
blocks Ach release at end plate
Non-Depolarizing drugs
Curare/pancuronium/vecuronium. Competitive inhibitors of Ach receptors. Long-acting paralytics
Depolarizing drugs
Succinylcholine. Binds to Ach receptor-->temporary depolarization. Short-active paralytic.
Neostigmine/edrophonium. Acts at autonomic ganglia. Prevents breakdown of Ach--> reverses action of non-depolarizing drugs. Also blocks muscarinic effects
Isotonic contraction
Equal tension. Measure of dynamic strength
Isometric contraction
Equal length.
Isokinetic contraction
Equal speed. Require specialized equipment
Slow twitch fibers
Oxidative/aerobic. High mitochondria. Low glycogen/ATPase. Endurance activities. First lost without rehab
Fast twitch fibers
Anearobic. Contract quickly. Large/stronger. Less efficient. High intensity/short-duration activities- sprinting
Endurance training
Decreased tension/ increased repetitions-->hypertrophy of ST/inc mitochondria
Strength training
Increased tension/ decreased repetitions--> increased number and cross section of FT fibers. Isokinetic>isotonic
Plyometric exercises
Bounding. Muscle stretch followed immediately by rapid contraction. Most efficient way to improve power.
Best fluid replacement regimen
oslmolarlity <10%--> enhanced absorption. Glucose polymers minimize osmolality
Return to play after concussion
Grade I: when asymptomatic. Grade II: (persistent retrograde amnesia): may return after one week without symptoms . Grade III: months. 3 grade I/ 2 grade II or 1 grade III--> months until return to play
Spinal cord reflex
Sensory organ-->interneuron-->motoneuron. Most polysynaptic
Nerve regeneration
1 monthe delay then proximal axonal budding then regenerates at 1mm/day (3-5mm in kids). Influenced by contact guidance, neurotrophism. Pain first sensation to exist.
Reversible conduction block. Local eschemia and selective demyelination.
Disruption of axon/myelin sheath. Intact epineurium
Complete nerve division (including epineurium)
blood supply sheathed tendon
Mesotenon (vincula) carries vessel to supply one segment. Avasculr regeions get nutrition via diffusion
blood supply paratenon covered tendon
many vessels supplying rich capillary system
Tendon repair strength
Weakest at 7-10 days. Maximal strength at 6 months.
Ligament failure
Most common: sequential rupture of collagen bundles. Midsubstance: adults. Avulsions: kids- usually bet unmineralized and mineralized fibrocartilage layers
Blood supply to cruciate ligaments
middle genicular artery
Ligament healing
Heals with type III collagen then converted to type I collagen. Weaker with immobilization.
Cell mediated immune response
T lymhpocytes present foreign antigens
Humoral mediated immune reponse
B lymhpocytes-->plasma cells
Mucosal surfaces
Produced earliest
Allergic response
Growth control genes. Improper expression-->unregulated growth
P glycoproteins
Cell wall pump--> eliminates toxins/chemotherapeutic agents
Dead bone with surrounding granulation tissue
Periosteal new bone surrounding sequestrum
Osteomyelitis in newborn
S. aureas/Gram -/ Group B strep. Tx: naficillin/oxacillin + 3rd gen cephalosporin. Local signs best predictors of osteomyelitis.
Osteomyelitis in kids >4yo
S.aureus/ group A strep. Tx: oxacillin/nafcillin.
Osteomyelitis in sickle cell
S. aureus most common/ Salmonella more likely- may seed from cholecystitis. Tx: fluroquinolones
Human bite wounds
S. viridans/bacteroides/Eikenella. Tx: unasyn/timentin/zosyn
Dog bite wounds
S. aureus/ pasteurella/capnocytophagia. Tx: augmentin/clindamycin
Cat bite
Rat bite
s. monoliformis. Tx: augmentin/doxycycline
Marine infections
Culture: 30deg C. Micro: vibrio vulnificus/atypical mycobacteria. Tx: ceftazidime/docycycline.
Chronic sclerosing osteomyelitis
Involves diaphysis of adolescents. Intense proliferation of periosteum. Cause: anaerobic organisms. Must r/o CA.
Cause of epiphyseal osteomyelitis
Almost exclusively S. aureus
Serratia osteomyelitis
IVDU. Axial skeleton. Tx: cotrimoxazole
Newborn septic arthritis
S. aureus/ Group B strep.
Intra-articular metaphyses
Proximal femur/proximal humerus/radial neck/distal fibula
Chronic monoarticular septic arthritis
Brucella, Nocardia, mycobacteria, fungi
Bacteria assocaited with total joint infection after dental procedure
Organism from puncture wound through shoe
Pseudomonas. 1-2% incidence of infection
Diagnosis of AIDS
CD4 <200 or opportunistic infection
Risk of seroconversion from needle stick
Cat scratch fever
Bartonella henselae. Erythematous/painful lymphadenitis. Tx: azathyoprine vs supportive tx. Do not I/D lesions
Marjolins ulcer
squamous cell carcinoma from chronic draining sinus tract