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57 Cards in this Set

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What did Romantics encourage people to get back to?

something real and to think for themselves by going into nature and temporarily forgetting about their daily beliefs and concerns so that they can be receptive to new understandings

What is the source of knowledge and goodness for the Romantics?

Nature and Human Imagination

Romantics were big on ________ realities.


Realist were big on ________ realities.


What is Local Color Literature?

A subgenre of realism that attempts to portray faithfully the customs, speech, dress, and living and working conditions of a chosen locale (region)

What realist work used Local Color Literature?

Daisy Miller by Henry James

What famous philosopher influenced Naturalism and what book did he publish?

Charles Darwin- Origin of Species (1859)

What is the formula associated with Naturalism?

Individuals fate= Chance+ Heredity+ Environment

What drives "moral" according to naturalism?

Survival Instinct

What three philosophers influenced Modernism? What works did they produce?

Nietzsche- The Death of god" (1882)

Freud- Interpretation of Dreams (1900)

Marx- Superstructure and Base

Who are some authors that were popular during the Modernists time?

Faulkner (AILD), Hemingway (Short happy.. and Snows of..), Larsen (Quicksand), Hughes

According to Nietzshe, why did humans create the idea of God?

To give meaning to our lives, especially suffering. This was a time after WW1 where they looked around and said they have been doing everything right so why has this happened? Hence the novel the Death of god

What did Freud help us to understand?q

That human beings are not as rational as we'd like to think. He believed her actions were driven by supressed experiences/feelings that we are often not even aware of.

What literary techniques did Freud express his insights through?

Stream of Consciousness

Shifting Narrative Perspective

Juxtapose Unrelated Fragments

Non chronological Writing

Stream of Consciousness

Our primary thoughts are chaotic --fragmented, nonchronological, random, and seemingly unconnected. It is only after the fact that the rational mind makes sense of our initial impressions, organizing them into interpretive narratives or stories.

Shifting Narrative Perspective

When a story is told through multiple points of view or by multiple characters, illustrating that one situation can be interpreted in many different ways.

How do Shifting Narrative Perspective and Stream of Consciousness reflect Freud's insights?

Shifting Narrative Perspective shows the reader that everyone experiences the world/situations differently and one situation can be interpreted many ways. Stream of Consciousness shows us that we experience something and then make sense of it afterwards showing us that our primary thoughts are random, chaotic, and not rational and then we later interpret these experiences in to stories. All of these force readers to make sense of the text in their own ways.

What is Freuds opinion on Reality and Truth?

He believes that there is no one objective truth but that everyone interprets things differently therefore the one interpretation that the majority believes in should be regarded as truth.

What does Freud call histories and belief systems and what are they for?

"Interpretive Narratives" which are stories created to make sense of human experience.

Marx created the idea of the _______ and ________.

Superstructure; Base.

The Base represents the _______.

Economic system (Capitalism)

The Superstructure represents the ________.

Culture (beliefs, values, institutes that promote things like religion and education, etc.)

What does Marx tell us about our beliefs and values?

They come from the Base! Our beliefs are not universal and natural but related to our economic system.

Give 3 examples of specific beliefs/values that are related to our (and other) economic systems:

For capitalism to work we must value such things as- a,b,c,d. In contrast to a culture whose economic base is supported by values like- a,b,c,d.

Competition, private property, individual pursuit of self-interest, focus on now

Cooperation, Shared resources, pursuit of the greater good, focus on the future

What is Marx's idea of False Consciousness?

The belief that the government is working for you when in reality it is not

What does Marx consider as the "Opiate of the Masses"?


What does Marx tell us about the relationship between the base and the superstructure?

Beliefs come from the Base ,and the Superstructure supports the Base.

What are Marx's three problems with Capitalism?

1. Alienation of Labor (not seeing the final product of your work, becoming just an interchangeable part- ex. Fords assembly line)

2.Competition pits people against one another

3. Preludes self-fulfillment because it depends on people always wanting more

What is the time period for Post-modernism?

WWII ----> Present day

What trait do the Post-Modernism writing have that Modernism did not?


Name some writers popular in Post-Modernism times

Rich, Plath, Mammoth

Name one aspect of Post-Modernism:

It reflects the expansion of the literary canon to include works of non-whites and women. It also reflects the mid-twentieth century movements such as Civil Rights and Women's Rights.

Name a second aspect of Post-Modernism:

There is a revisionist trend- as desire to "rewrite" history to give a more accurate relection of history in regards to minority perspectives and the perspectives of women. Example of this is Rich's poem "Diving into the Wreck".

Name a third aspect of Post-Modernism:

Like Modernists, Post-Modernism believe that there is no objective/unchanging truth, not because we interpret the world differently, but because truth and reality can not be separated from language and representation and those who have the power to control them.

Jean Baudrillard came up with the belief that-

Jacques Derrida cam up with the belief that_

What do these sayings mean?

"There is no real beneath representation"

"There is nothing outside of the text".

This is the idea that language creates "reality" rather than reflects reality, reality is constituted by the specific understandings that are agreed upon by a particular community and confirmed through language.

Ferdinand de Saussure believed that-

language/representation are arbitrary; meaning depends on differentiation, context, and community agreement. Because the "truth" will always evade us because it isn't really there apart from language.

Post-Modernism loses a lack of __________ _________.

Meaningful distinctions (groups).

How did the influence of late-capitalism effect Post-Modernism?

This resulted in _______ of culture.

Mass production, consumption, media, and globalization

This resulted in Homogenization of culture and thought- the same thing is influencing everyone so we have begun a merging of thoughts and opinions throughout the world.

At what dates did the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd wave of feminism occur and what did they primarily focus on in each?

1st Wave: (1850s-1960s) focused on gaining legal rights and official mandates, especially the right to vote

2nd Wave: (1960-1980) focused on more unofficial qualities like sexism, stereotypes, and discrimination

3rd Wave: (1990s-today) focuses on expanding definitions of womanhood and opening up the realm of opportunity and experiences for women.

What is the Notion of Double Consciousness and who came up with this?

W.E.B. DuBois

The idea that you have more than one aspect influencing your social identity. You can have your idea of yourself along with an outside source. For example, stereotyping caused Double Consciousness in African-Americans because they had ideas of themselves along with the cruel beliefs of others influencing their psych.

Washington's beliefs vs. DuBois's beliefs:

Washington- only wanted African Americans to achieve up to a certain point, wanted them to learn trades

DuBois- wanted the best for African Americans, wanted them to set goals high and accomplish them

Indian's Relation- What was the Civilization Act?

Native American children were taken from their homes and sent to schools-hundreds of miles away- to become customized to U.S. Governments culture. They were forced to cut their hair and were forbidden to practice any aspect of their native culture.

Indian's Relation- What is the Dawes Allotment Act of 1887?

Was intended to familiarize Native Americans with the idea of private, rather than communally owned, property. U.S government surveyed lands belonging to tribes and divided it into parcels to separate Indian families who were then required to pay taxes on land after a period of years. This was a disaster. Those who understood took advantage of other tribal members and purchased their land for a fraction of the cost, many did not understand taxes and had to forfeit their land.

What is Historical Metafiction?

Give an example as to why this pertains to Ragtime.

This combines fact and fiction to produce a new understanding and blurs the distinction of what we regard as "fact" and "fiction".

An example of this in Ragtime is how the economic base, capitalism, reflects the idea that the American Dream is available and possible for everyone when in reality it is not. Race, heritage, mental and physical ability all play a role in your ability to achieve the American Dream. Ford's intellectual creativity and ability helped his achieve the American Dream while Fathers tendency to get frostbite prohibited him of reaching more success in his work.

What is Metaphorical Juxtaposition?

Give an example of each as to how this pertains to Ragtime.

This is when the author sets two seemingly unrelated things next to each other to bring out the similarities between them.

An example in Ragtime is when Doctorow sets two unseeminly related scenarios, Thaws prison cell and the houses of impoverished immigrant families., to point out their similarities and differences.


Romantic Period


Civil War










Women's Right to Vote was established


Harlem Renaissance






Vast progression in Civil and Women's Rights Movements


America's involvement in the Vietnam War