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24 Cards in this Set

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(True/False) Tumors of the CNS are second in frequency to cerebrovascular accidents (CVA)


(Primary/Metastatic) tumors begin in the brain and stay in the brain


How do metastatic tumors spread?

Arise outside of CNS then travel through blood and CSF to spread to brain and spinal cord

How common is it to have metastatic tumors from the brain to the body?


Name the cancer that most commonly metastasizes to the brain and other origins of metastasis

-Lungs (this is the cancer that most commonly metastasizes to the brain)




In adults, most CNS tumors are located


In children, most CNS tumors are located


Briefly explain how a brain tumor can progress to an increase in intracranial pressure

The rigid skull contains the brain, CSF, atrial blood, and venous blood, which are essentially incompressible. causing compression, displacement, destruction and necrosis, alterations in blood and CSF circulation, alterations in neural activity, neurological sings depending on type and size of tumor. Eventually there is no more room in the skull and the decreased space and expanding mass leads to increased ICP.

ALL signs and symptoms associated with the triad

Triad: headache, vomiting, papilledema (swelling of optic disc). this can lead to changes in vital signs, seizures, loss of consciousness, coma, or even death.

Type of brain tumor that occurs most frequently

Gliomas (40-50%) of all CNS tumors

Gliomas originate from the ________ cells of the brain called ________ cells

supportive, glial.

Gliomas are classified according to the cells rom which they arise, name the 3 types of cells



-Ependymal Cells

_________ arise from astrocytes and include Glioblastomas Multiforme

Astrocytomas (which are more than 3/4 of gliomas)

____________ is the most common type of astrocytoma and is the most aggressive primary brain tumor in humans

Glioblastoma Multiforme

__________ make the myelin that surround the nerve cells; and this type of tumor is called _____________

Oligodendrogliomas; Oligodendrocytes

_________ cells line the ventricles and central canal; this tumor is called a _________

Ependymal; Ependymomas

___________ are tumors slows growing from the meninges (common in middle aged females); good prognosis


________ arise from immature cells in the cerebellum; extremely malignant; invade cerebellum and 4th ventricle; almost exclusively in children and in more males than females


Pituitary gland tumors arise from:

cellls in the anterior pituitary; cause symptoms related to pressure on surrounding areas (hypothalamus, optic chiasm, 3rd venticle); endocrine symptoms: acromegaly, giantism, hyperolactinemia, hypopituitarism

Spinal cord tumors (3 types)


-Intradural extramedullary


Tumor within spinal cord


Tumors within dura, outside spinal cord

Intradural extramedullary

Tumors outside dura


Symptoms of spinal cord tumors:

Pain (usually the earliest symptom and occurs at night), progressive sensory and motor deficits, impaired bowel and bladder function, decreased balance.

Symptoms often precede tumor discovery by about 2 years (because tumor is slow growing)