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45 Cards in this Set

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Microbiology is the study of what?





Bacteriology is the study of?


Virology is the study of?


Parasitology is the study of?


Mycology is the study of?



Something that is disease producing


This man discovered the "cell" in "cell theory".

Van Leeuwenhoek

This man discovered bacteria and called them "animalcules".


This man disproved the theory of "spontaneous generation" by experiments using "swan-necked" flasks or "U" tubes. This ensured there was NO contamination of media.

Spontaneous generation was the belief that living things could be derived from inanimate objects


A material made up of water, sugars, proteins and/ or fats that organisms can utilize to grow on or in.


The fact that living cells arise ONLY from pre-existing cells.

Pasteur also proved that biogenesis was real.

Pasteur is also known for his work in what?

Pasteurization and fermentation

Who coined the word "vaccine" as he worked with the virus that causes rabies



Is considered the Father of Immunology


The study of how we fight infection

What did Jenner discover?

People who had cowpox were immune to smallpox! He also made a vaccine against smallpox.

What did Jenner discover?

People who had cowpox were immune to smallpox! He also made a vaccine against smallpox.


A preparation of a weakened microorganism that produce immunity.

Who is Joseph Lister

The founder of aseptic surgery

Alexander Fleming

Found that a mold, Penicillin Notatum, produces a waste product that prevents bacteria from growing and called it Penicillin.

Paul Ehrlich

Found and studied antibodies in immunity. He also worked with the disease syphillis. Also founded and coined the word " chemotherapy. Which means treating a disease by chemical substances.


Means treating a disease by use of chemical substances

What was Koch famous for?

He founded solid culture "media" and discovered the organisms that causes TB, called Mycobacterium

What was Koch famous for?

He founded solid culture "media" and discovered the organisms that causes TB, called Mycobacterium

What are the 2 types of culture?

1. Pure culture, when only one organism is growing on the media.

2. Mixed culture; When two or more organisms are growing together.

Agar is a complex sugar used as a solidifying agent in culture media.

Who discovers the Germ Theory, which states a specific microorganism causes a specific disease?



The classification and naming of organisms.


The classification and naming of organisms.

What are the 5 Kingdoms?

1. Monera- contains bacteria and blue-green algae.

2. Protista- contains slime molds and other algae.

3. Fungi- contains yeasts and molds.

4. Plant

5. Animal


Is the family group of a particular organism and the 1st letter is ALWAYS capitalized!


Is the family group of a particular organism and the 1st letter is ALWAYS capitalized!


Is the name of the actual disease and is written in all lowercase letters!

What are the 2 kinds of CELLS??

1. Eukaryotic

2. Prokaryotic

What makes Eukaryotic Cells unique?

Only found in Humans, animals or fungi. They have DNA in a NUCLEUS, surrounded by nuclear membrane. The have organelles, particularly Mitochondria, where cell respiration occurs! This is where the cells make energy (ATP)! Has double helix shaped DNA.

What makes Eukaryotic Cells unique?

Only found in Humans, animals or fungi. They have DNA in a NUCLEUS, surrounded by nuclear membrane. The have organelles, particularly Mitochondria, where cell respiration occurs! This is where the cells make energy (ATP)! Has double helix shaped DNA.

What makes Prokaryotic Cells unique?

They are BACTERIA cells! The do have DNA but It's NOT membrane bound! NO organelles or mitochondria or large ribosomes! The have a semi rigid cell wall. Some bacteria are noble due to having flagella. They DO NOT have cilia. They have singular, circular shaped DNA.

Characteristics of Bacteria

- Are Procaryotic, simple cells

- all divide by binary fission

-cell respiration occurs in the cell membrane

Cell membrane is where ATP (energy) is produced!

What are the 3 shapes of bacteria?

Round, Rod and Spiral

What are the 3 shapes of bacteria?

Round, Rod and Spiral

Characteristics of Fungi

- Fungi are Eucaryotic

- They require organic material for growth (sugar, proteins or lipids)

- do NOT use sunlight or CO2!

- NOT classified as a plant!

-Are either UNIcellular (yeasts)

- or MULTIcellular (molds)

- Can reproduce either sexually OR asexually!

What are the 3 shapes of bacteria?

Round, Rod and Spiral

Characteristics of Fungi

- Fungi are Eucaryotic

- They require organic material for growth (sugar, proteins or lipids)

- do NOT use sunlight or CO2!

- NOT classified as a plant!

-Are either UNIcellular (yeasts)

- or MULTIcellular (molds)

- Can reproduce either sexually OR asexually!

Benefits of Fungi

-Produce Molds like Penicillins

- Provides flavor and texture to cheeses!!

-Used for insect control (pesticide), will secrete toxin to kill certain pests ( like locusts!)

Characteristics of Protazoans

-They are parasites

- They are eucaryotic

- Are UNICELLULAR and have a complex structure. Ex ( cilia, flagella)

- classified by locomotion


- reproduce sexually or asexually


Characteristics of Virsuses

- NOT composed of CELLS

- Contain DNA OR RNA; not BOTH!

- Have a protein coat

- do NOT metabolize nutrients to carry out chemical reactions

-can NOT reproduce!

- NEED a LIVING cell to reproduce! (Plants, animals or humans!)

- easily attaches to mucous membranes!

- once inside host cell, virus instructs DNA to make copies of the virus!