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29 Cards in this Set

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physicians who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders
specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders and everyday behavioral problems
Insight-Oriented Therapies: Psychodynamic therapy
Goal is therapeutic insight and working through conflicts; verbal interactions intended to enhance clients’ self-knowledge and thus promote healthful changes in personality and behavior
Free association
clients spontaneously express their thoughts and feelings exactly as they occur, with as little censorship as possible
Dream analysis
therapist interprets the symbolic meaning of the client’s dreams
occurs when clients start relating to their therapists in ways that mimic critical relationships in their lives
Client-Centered Therapy
insight therapy that emphasizes providing a supportive emotional climate for clients, who play a major role in determining the pace and direction their therapy
Therapeutic alliance
nonthreatening environment for client
Unconditional positive regard
nonjudgmental acceptance of the client
person’s distress is due to inconsistency, or “incongruence,” between a person’s self-concept and reality
Behavioral Therapies
involve the application of the principles of learning and conditioning to direct efforts to change clients’ maladaptive behaviors
Systematic desensitization
behavior therapy used to reduce clients’ phobic responses
fear hierarchy
list of anxiety-arousing stimuli related to the specific source of anxiety; client ranks the stimuli from the least anxiety arousing to the most
relaxation response
engage in deep thorough relaxation on command from the therapist
Aversion therapy
creates a negative response to a stimulus that has elicited problematic behavior
Token economy
state hospitals; autism and schizophrenia; environment in which you get something good for good behavior and losing things for inappropriate behavior; shape behavior usually in institutionalized setting
Social skills training
strengthen how people interact with one another; schizophrenia and autism; identify a skill the person is lacking (i.e. eye contact); practice the skill and get feedback; then repeat the learned skill
Automatic thought
thought you have in a specific situation that is often an extreme; hate or love it
Group therapy
simultaneous treatment of several clients in a group
emphasize outpatient care (1) emergence of effective drug therapies for severe disorders and 2) the deployment of community mental health centers to coordinate local care)
Biological Approaches
physiological interventions intended to reduce symptoms associated with psychological disorders
Tranquilizers (anxiety disorders)
anti-anxiety drugs which reduce tension, apprehension, and nervousness
gradually elevate mood and help bring people out of a depression
fewer side effects
slow reuptake of serotonin
Lithium (mood disorders)
mood stabilizer; prevents future episodes; high concentrations can be fatal; valproate
Antipsychotics (schizophrenia)
used to gradually reduce psychotic symptoms, including hyperactivity, mental confusion, hallucinations, and delusions
Atypical (Schizophrenia)
new class of drug; roughly as effective as traditional antipsychotics; help patients who do not respond to conventional antipsychotic medications; produce fewer unpleasant side effects and carry less risk for tardive dyskinesia
ECT (depression)
electroconvulsive therapy; biomedical treatment in which electric shock is used to produce a cortical seizure accompanied by convulsions