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18 Cards in this Set

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What is a translator?

A program that converts high-level or assembly-level commands into machine commands.

What is opcode?

The part of an instruction that tells the CPU what operation is to be done

What is operand and give an example of what it often is?

The part of an instruction that tells the CPU what to apply the operation to - often an address

What is a low-level language?

A language understood by the the computer than works deep into the hardware and not on a user interface level

Give an example of a low-level language.

Machine code such as pure binary

What type of language are programs generally written using?


What is an assembler?

Software that translates assembly language programs into machine code.

What is assembly language?

A low-level language that uses a mnemonic to represent binary opcode.

What will a translator called an assembler do?

It will translate mnemonics into pure binary required by the processor.

What is source code?

The program written by the programmer in a high-level language before it is converted into machine code.

What is object code?

The machine code produced by the translator to be run on the computer.

What is a high-level language?

Languages more like human languages that make programming easier. Each instruction represents several machine code instructions.

What does an interpreter do?

Translates each line of high-level code into the equivalent machine code then executes it before translating the next line.

What does a compiler do?

Translates the complete program in order to be executed.

Advantages of interpreters:

- Easier to debug

- Errors reported as processed

- Useful for code experimentation

- Program can run on any machine without a suitable interpreter.

Advantages of compilers:

- Executable file is unreadable, securing the code from others.

- Compiled code runs faster

- No need for a translator in memory

- Optimise code to be more efficient

Disadvantages of interpreters:

- Runs more slowly

- Source code is available


Disadvantages of compilers:

- When developing