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49 Cards in this Set

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Energy---Plants converting light through photosynethesis- ---we eat plants----- Food is converted to chemical energy----Muscles use this energy------Movment creates heat energy
Energy---Plants converting light through photosynethesis- ---we eat plants----- Food is converted to chemical energy----Muscles use this energy------Movment creates heat energy
WHat is the command center
The brain, the spinalord, and nerves
What is physical fitness
Is the ability to meet the physical demands of the sport to perform optimally.
is a disciplined routine of specialized procedures or steps that are performed by athletes to condition the body for the purpose of improving performance.
What are some of the benefits of Training
1. Better performance
2. Less fatigue in long contest
3. Less muscle soreness
4. Quicker recovery from injury
Energy fitnness- cardio respiratory fitnnes
Energy fitnness- cardio respiratory fitnnes
What is muscular strength
The maximum amount of force that a muscle can generate in a single effort
What is muscular endurance
The ability of a msucle to repeatedly contract or sustain a continuous contraction
What is speed
The abliity to move the body or parts of it very quickly
What is reaction time
Period from when a stimulus is perceived to teh beginning of the movement
What is muscluar power
The ability to exert muscular strength quickly
What is felxibility
Is the range of motion though which the body's joints are able to move
What's the difference between static and dynamic balance?
Static balance is mainitianing equilibrium in a stationary position, while dynamic is while you are moving
What is agility
It is the ablity to start, stop, and change speed and direction
What are the benefits of physical training on the body
1. Increased size of muscle fibers
2. More efficient repsiration
3. Stronger bones, ligaments, and tendons
List the coaches role in physical training
Determine the physical demands of your sport
2. Assess the fitness of your athletes
What are benefits of testing your athletes?
1. Helps predict perfomance potential.
2. Helps guide athelte to the best position for them
3. ALlows you to track their progress
What are the basic compnoent assessed in most physical evaluations of athletes?
Body composition
Energy Fitness
Muscular fitness
What are the two parts of energy fitness
1. Aerobic
2. Anaerobic
What are the five parts of muscular fitness?
Flexibility, strength, muscular endurance, speed, power
WHat are some guidelines for test
1. pre and post seeas
2. have them warup
3. Have a form to record result
4. Make the testing fun
Six choices you ahve about designing a program
1. Choice of exercie
2. Order of exercises
3. Inensity of exercise
4. Volume of exercise
5. Frequence of training
What are the four phases of trainig
1. Off-season
2. Pre-season
3. Early season
4. Peak season
What are the benefits of warming up
1. Decreased risk of injury
2. INcreased body and tissue temperature
3. Increased blood flow to muscles
4. INcreased Heart Rate
What are the three phases toa warm-up
1. Aerobic warm-up
2. Stretching
3. Technical skill warm-up
What are the benfits of cooling down
Decreased chance of blood pooling in the lower body causing ligthheaded
2. Removal of lactic acid from muscles
3. Reduced muscle soreness
What are the two p hases to a cooldonw
Aerobic phase
Stretching Phase
What is the Specificiity Principle?
You should trains pecifici to that sport
WHat is the overlad principle
You must do more than your body is used to
Progression Principle
Have to progress at the right pace
What is the diminishing returns principle
As the athlete becomes more fit the amount of improvment is less
Variation Principle
Train by using a varety of activitins
What is energy
The capacity for work
What does glycolysis mean?
It is the breakdown of glycogen to glucose
What is the Lactate Threshold
The point at which blod lactate begins an abrupt increase
What is the primary source of stored energy
How do we measuer body type
How do we measure bodyfat
Skinfold test, bioelectrical impedance analyzers
How to measure fiber type
Vertical jump test
Aerobic Fitness
1.5 mile run
How do we measure anaerobic capacity?
30 second max test
WHat are the four parts of tthe training pyramid
1. Aerobic foundation
2. Lactate threshold training
3. Anaerobic training
4. Speed Training
What is Fartlek Training
Sprinting and then active recovery
What are the effects of overtraining
1. Loss of coordination
2. INcreased muscle soreness
3. Increased resting heart rate
4. Headaches
What is muscular fitness?
It is having enough strength, endurance, speed, poweer, and flexibility to mee the demands
Muscular strength
It the maximumum amount of force that a muscle can generate in a single effort
How do you test muscular endurance
Push ups, pull ups
How do you test power
Vertical jump test
Name 5 commandments of stretching
1. Do wwarmup before stretching
2. Stretch before every workout
3. Stretcvh within 10 minutes of each workout
4. Repeat each stretech 3 times