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71 Cards in this Set

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L9: The socio- cultural impacts of tourism
What is a socio-cultural impact?
- Outcomes particular kinds social relationships between host and tourist. Affects both.

eg: Give $ to beggar: good for them, profound for you.
What are the 5 main categories of socio-cultural impacts?
a) Demographic (pop size/age)

b) Occupational (seasonal)

c) Economic (change price/consumption)

d) Physical enviro (crowding: stretched infrastrucutre)

e) Cultural- change in traditions.
How is tourism neocolonialism?
-Corporate colonialism (power): profits to overseas owners-explout locals.
-Tst behaviour exaggerated holidays
-Tsm employment dehumanisisng

Eg: Demonstration effect= Tst introduces new ideas, hosts adapt and lack unique they once were.
What are the main 5 factors influencing the scale of socio-cultural impacts?
a) Volume tourist arrivals (depends on their behaviour too)

b) Types tsm activity: sex tsm vs lye beach

c) Difference between socio-cultural characteristics tsts and locals.

d) Structure host community (planned/not)

e) Package vs independent tourist

What are types of tourist: Explorer (low #, accepts local norms) vs charter (large #'s , demands western amenities)

effects different- depends on duration stay etc.
What is Doxeys irridex, adn what are the 5 different stages of the curve from top of it?
Curve shows over time the happiness/ satisfaction within community concerning tourism there.

1) Euphoria: Happy

2) Level apath

3) level irritation

4) level antagonism

5) Final level
What is the role of images in socio-cultural impacts?
-promotes culture/creates myths
-Places =commodities-produced/consumed: new images constructed create demand- also cause 'othering' -home/ away seems inferior.
how are images of socio-cultural aspects of destinations presented?

-Visual persuasion
-Pull factoes
What is the mirror effect concerning tourist?
-Tourist looks world of another whilst reflects on self - see fortunate.

+: People aware past/culture

-: Reduces meaning traditions/customs.
What is culture commodification? what are positive and negative effects of this?
-Marketing to create myths: tourists expect culture/ product-consumed.

Problem: Hard to know if culture real or not (dictated tourist/natural)

eg: Positive effect: Bali=revitalised culture, identity, crafts-Bali :
Tourism strategy- increase cultural devt-profit promotes culture, controlled cultural heritage.

Funerals rescheduled request high paid tourists:
Sulawesi= village tourists objects/fake culture for $.
How do we manage socio-cultural issues?
-Local ownership tsm (reduce outside investment/employment)
-Community members managers

-Community helps plan policy:
a) Consult
b) Local ownership
c) Research
L10 and L11 : Economic Impacts and Multiplier Analysis
What are some figures surrounding tourism worth in the world (GDP, earnings etc)?
2013: $1.3 Tril

Tsm receipts= 6% worldwide export
Consume 1/8 free $ world
What is value of tourism to N.Z. economy? give example of Rotorua tsm value to their economy?>
-3.3% to GDP
-120,000 jobs direct, 90 000 indirect (10% workforce)
-Partial industrialisation (4 to other sectors)

Intal tsm:
Source FX (direct, indirect, induced)

-1m L milk, 650k beef/pork/lam.
-Tsts mostly international
What was the impact of the Americas Cup (2000) and Rugby World Cup (2011)?
a) Americas Cup (2000):
-$640m N.Z. Economy (most Auckland)
Main expenditure: construction, transport, accommodation.

b) rugby World Cup:
-Transprot service=export $
-Approx $387m spent
What is international tourism inbound money called?
Export (foreign exchange)
What is tourism used for in nations economically?
1) Develop nations (FOREX)-post industry
2) Regional economies (transition)
3) Rejuvenate urban
4) Remote communities (source $-Chatham Is.)
5) rural: diversify economy from farms.
What was international toursit spend in N.Z. in 2010?
-$NZ 5.4 B for 2.6 intal: av $2300/stay.Depends stay time and type tourist (backpacker vs tour grp)
how did tourism compare to dariy industry in export earnings?
Dairy industry=$10B
What is economic and general benefit of domestic tourism?
-Adds eco redistribution
$14B (March 2013)

+: Less seasonal than international-helps isolation
how many trips were outbound by N.Z.ers in 2012 , and what is something that has reduced internaitional travel in the past?
-2m trips
Tsars, 9/11: Domestically forced people travel-$ stay here.
What is an economic benefit of tourism in regards to bettering society?
-Income, infrastrcture
-Stimulates regional economies-reduce eco disparities
What are some economic costs of tourism?
a) Incident costs: Rubbish/health costs

b) Opportunity costs: Tsm golf course-better for famring land productive

c) Overdependence-tsm: all business focused tsm

d) Inflation/land prices: Tsm demands land built-lots $$

e) Leakage (RWC-import $ gone)

f) Seasonality: Cost layoff labour

g) Cost tsm management: Develop, market, operate

h) eco failure: Not all $
What is the multiplier?
-calculates respend $/incomes/ create other incomes=multiplier effect.
-Measure: increased eco activity geenrated in economy by tourist influx
-Inversely related to leakage
What are the main uses of multiplier figures: ACRONYM: PASEC
a)Policy make/plan
b) Analyse national/ regional effects invest tsm
c) Stimulate eco impact for devts
d) Examine impacts-diff tsm types
e) Compare tsm other sectors.
What are the 4 different types of methodological apporaches to multiplier analysis?
a) base theory
b) keynesian multiplier model
c) ad-hoc models
d) input -output models
Describe base theory?
Assume stable relationship between export and local sectors- economy. Neagtives: oversimple, rarely used.
Describe Keynesian multiplier models?
-Measure income by additional unit tst expenditure.
Problem: Comlex, not-detailed, policy/plan.
Decribe ad-hoc models:
Specific to study (simplest)
Describe input-output model?
math model-flows $ b/w sectors
How do we calculate basic Keynesian model multiplier?
Multiplier= 1/ (MPS-Marginal propensity to save+ MPI- Marginal propoensity to export)
What is the tourism income multiplier (TIM)?
TIM= (1-TPI: tsts propoensity import/ buy import goods/ services)/ (MPS + MPI)

Ratio total income generated to total initial spent:

Multiplier= (primary +secondary_/ Initial expenditure
What does leakage vary with?
-Country size
-Type tourism
-Devt stage
What are some common sources of leakage?
a) Overseas promotion
b) Consumables
c) Foreign loans
d) Import materials

eg: thailand: 70% earnings overseas.
What is the difference between import and export leakage?
-Tst demand stds-equipment and food: must import outside countries-improve and get up to good standard.

Export leakage:
-Intal investors -$ taken back home.
How do we calculate the economic impact of tourist?
Economic impact tourist= (# tourists) x av spend/visitor x multiplier.
To assess impact new tourism devt:
a) estimate change # tourists area
b) Estimae av spend locally
c) Apply change spend to regional model- see secondary effect
Are regional and national multipliers and leakages the same?
Leakage=60% island, 10% developed
Multipler: N.Z. 2.4, Antigua =0.88
Why are national multiplrs usually bigger than regional?
Large economic base/decreased leakage
What are the 3 different spending types?
Direct: Initial expenditure

Indirect: Spend businesses as buy inputs so meet visitor demand: Pay wages.

Induced: Wages//salaries used elsewhere-groceries.
What are the different multiplier types?
a) Sales/transaction multiplier
b) output
c) emplyment multiplier
What does sales/transaction multiplier calculate?
Increase business turnover created tourism spend.
what does output multiplier calculate?
Addition to sales generation- change level inventories
What does employment multiplier calc?
ratio: Direct/secondary employment generated addition tsm spend to direct employment
What is difference between types 1 and 2 multipliers?
Type 1: Initial effect/ industrial support effect
Type 2: These two and consumption.
What are weaknesses of multipliers?
Data deficiencies= lack 2ndary data b/c to timely and expensive
-Partial industrialisation

-Restrictive assumptions, supply constraints, static model nature.
When are models misused?
-Lack accurate data

ie: Zinder Report (1970's Caribbean):
-Failed allow for leakage
-Varies with tourist type- Edinburgh (1977)
What was the multiplier analysis investigation survey on visitor Spending in Rotorua, and what were its findings?
Included: 820 people. $ spend per day, accommodation/food/retail/souvenirs.

Study desing: Pop stratified activity/size=random

Problems: -Confidentiality and time
-Only gave 1st round spend- used national patterns/regional businesses for rest.

a) Direct visitor spend: $310M/yr
b) Visitor dependent spend=$464 M/yr
What was found concerning analysis of rail trail income in Aussie?
3 rail trails studied (East Gippsland, Murray to mountains, Warburton), 454 questioned.

Direct expenditure: $/per/day:

Overall: 1 day =$141.59, total=$132.33
E.Gippsland: $176.50
Murray to Mtns=$147.15
SUBSECTION: Case study of Catlins tourism:Economic impact tsm.
Waht was methodology of study?
-2002/3 visitor survey
-677 visitors(204 dom, 472 intal)
what were main results of spending in Catlins as compared to national average too?
Spent most on accommodation, then petrol/gas, then groceries

Compared national average=much lower: accommodation=$89.34 compared to national=$321
What were overall results of visitor survey?
Toatal expenditure: $69, 847

mean /day/visitor: $43.82

Domestic vs international spend:
Dom: $55.66/person (Acommodation/gifts)
Intal: $42.21 (more $ on transport, admission fees)

Spend compared national av: (internationals)
$43.82 compared to $160 elsewhere in nation averaged.
What are visitor expenditure categories?
Spent most accommodation, little food/groceries/fuel
-Spend fees, gifts.

Why is Catlins different to national average spendin patterns?
2/3 (NATIONAL) goes on accommodation, transprot, food
Catlins=90% -less diverse range do tourists-more relaxed.
What is approximate spend of toruists in Catlins?
$2.25m: direct spend

-Suppliers goods/services-accommodation, food outlets, tour operators, retailers-increase $ too.
How to calculate monetary effects in Catlins>?
a) calc multipliers=applied to direct expenditure
b) Estimates-total impacts: regions GDP
How do we undertake a calulation of the effects/expenditure for area?
a) Distinguish direct, indirect, induced expenditure-value added (businesses coutns to regions GDP. proportion used import goods etc doesnt coutn value)

b) value added: calc as share direct spend: Av between Otago/Southland=0.50 geog and eco mix

c) direct spend approx $1.125m

d) value added type 2 mltiplier applied: estimate eco impact flow visitor spend: figure 2.1

e) Apply figure- total tourism value=$2.36m.
What is the geography and features of Whistler?
-Near Vancouver (In Canada)
-5 different lakes
-3 golf courses
- Function junction (service based area)
What is the history of Whistler?
Population: 10,000
-2 m tourists

Started 1910- founders Philips couple: go there for honeymoosn/fishing resort.
a) Railway developed (log industry)
b) 1970's: Resort development
c) 1975: Resort municipality- gave people lived/owned 2nd home input community devt.
d) 1980's: Open other mountains (friendly comp and 2 companies merged)
e) 1990's: Visits famous royal family
b) 50 yrs build summer tourism

-Garibaldi: host Winter olympics 2010-develop si fields allow this.
-Gondola 1 mtn to another.
Went from summer, to winter, to 4 seasons resort.
What is natural step ?
-Sustaianbility method- single individual to national type plans.
-18 different countries: long term sustaianbility an got companies, individuals all over world.
-Early adopters: 3 seminars to bring key businesses together enable best outcome.
Who was the founder of Natural Step and what made Natural Step so successful-implementation wise?
-Karl Henrick Robert

-Tried to get all businesses to co-operate with theory to enable most successful outcome (translate experts from each field or aspect tourism industry so all could follow and implement it)
What is the natural step?
4 steps to care for earth. Decrease dependence on nature/earths services. Apply all parts life and tourism operation.
What is Whistler 2020?
Plan for sustaianbility into future-how get from here to there and reach fgoals along way: plan.
What is Whistler like presently?
-Very young community and unique
-Pedestrian part in centre, natural community: scouts, schools etc.
-national Parks
-priviledges of large city, feel small town.
-Bike trail throughout town.
-Vibrant and exciting.
-Lots young in population.
What is goal of Whistler 2020?
have sustaianble and preserved community into future.
-Set goal and have indicators prove if successful- leaders meet top down and bottom up approaches.
What are strengths of Whistler 2020?
-Transparent and accountable:less toop down
-Carry capacity considered
-Helps use resources well, decrease $ paid by local community.
What are problems with Whistler 2020?
-Lost momentum.
-Median income struggling in community
What is Whistler Village 3.0?
-Initiative make each area whistler own destination: sustaianble in own right.
-Workshops run: word cloud direct strategy-get ideas: ie: fire pit-ski instructors go through ring fire enhance area.