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15 Cards in this Set

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who was Hippocrates, and when was he important?
400 BC Greek philosopher, approached medicine in an empirical approach
who was aristotle, and when was he important?
350 BC fist study of biology
who was Galen, and when was he important?
160 Roman physician, developed medicine through careful observations and experimentation
ailing (ailin`)
who was Andreas Vesalius , and when was he important?
1543 first human anatomy
who was William Harvey , and when was he important?
1628 elucidated the role of the heart in human blood circulation
Harvey sounds like what major organ?
who was robert hooke, and when was he important?
1655 discovered cells
hooked the phrase
who was Antoni van Leeuwenhoek , and when was he important?
1673 invented a powerful microscope to observe unicellular microorganisms
powerful enough to see ants
who was Carolus Linnaeus , and when was he important?
1735 developed a classification system for biological organisms
C L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
who was Edward Jenner , and when was he important?
1789 vaccination against small pox
edward hospital
who was Mathias Schleiden and Theodore Schwann , and when was he important?
1839 proposed the cell theory
2nd letter in both their last names , one ___ed to the other
who was charles darwin , and when was he important?
1859 evolution
who was Louis Pasteur , and when was he important?
1864 proposed the germ theory
job in ec
who was Gregor Mendel , and when was he important?
1866 proposed the theory of genetic inheritance
G_ _ _ _ _ _ , talia will get a large
who was Alexander Fleming
1928 discovered penicillin
went to school with fleming
Watson and Crick
proposed the structure of DNA
couple so they _____