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157 Cards in this Set

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What are the top 4 toxic causes of abortions?
Nitrates, Ponderosa pine, Locoweed, Broomweed
What are two toxic causes of infertility
Fescue and locoweed
When do we more commonly see nitrate toxicity?
In drought seasons
What is the toxin in ponderosa pine?
Isocupressic acid
How does ponderosa pine cause abortion?
It causes vaso constriction at the levels of the caruncles
What toxic plant causes the most economic losses?
what toxic plant is more common in the spring?
What is the toxin in fescue
What does fescue cause?
Summer slump
How long is equine gestation?
11 months
At what point does a horses teat distend?
4-6 days pre-partum
At what point does a horses udder begin to distend
2-4 weeks pre-partum
Stage 1 of parturition in the mare ends with what?
Rupture of the chorioallantois
Stage 2 of parturition ends with what in the mare?
Expulsion of fetus
Stage 3 of parturition in the mare ends with what?
Passage of placenta
at what point is a placenta considered retained in the mare?
After 3 hours
What is the 1,2,3 rule with foals?
at 1 hour - they stand
at 2 hours - they nurse
at 3 hours - the placenta is expelled fully
What is red-bag?
A premature placental seperation where the placenta has detached from uterine wall too soon. Must go in and remove foal
What is the most common vandeplassche position
Anterior presentation (68%)
rotation vs version
Rotation is on a longitudinal
version is on a transverse axis
What is normal fetal position
Dorsosacral, anterior, front limbs extended
When do we induce a mare?
Only if it is life threatening to the mare and not sooner then 330 days!
Haemophilus Somnus, in regards to bovine pregnancy can cause...
Weak calves and still births more then abortions
How do we diagnose Haemophilus Somnus?
Through a pure culture
Granular vulvovaginitis is cause by what two organisms?
Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma
When thinking of viral causes of abortions, what three are thought of?
IBR, BVD, and Blue Tongue
What is the virus that causes IBR?
Bovine herpes virus 1
What is the most commonly diagnosed cause of viral abortion in north america?
IBR/Bovine herpes virus 1
Intranuclear inclusion bodies are typical of what?
Herpes viruses
If you have a PI calf, what kind of BVD do they have?
If you see arthrogryposis and hypotrichosis what is a top dd in calves?
What test is the gold standard for BVD?
Virus isolation from buffy coat, serum or tissue
For control of BVD, what should a control program aim for?
Detection and elimination of PIs
What kind of virus is blue tongue
Orbi virus
How is blue tongue transmitted?
What is an important cause of protozoal infertility in cows?
Neospora Caninum
What is the most important cause of fungal infertility in cows?
Aspergillus fumigatus
In the Southern Hemisphere, what is an imporant cause of fungal abortion in cows?
Mortierella Wolfii
Why do we take measurements of the testicles
They are used to determine the estimated daily sperm output (DSO)
Inability to retract the penis into its sheath
When do we use chemical ejaculation?
When the stallion is in pain and refusing to move
Penile erection in the abscence of sexual stimulation that does not recede
Where do we take cultures from in the Stallion
Prepuce (pre-ejeaculate), Urethral fossa, Urethra, semen/seminal plasma, Glans penis.
What are the four types of AVs?
Missouri, Colorado, Japanese, and Polish
2 most common types of external genital tumor
Sarcoid and SCC
Which stallions will have a hgher incidence of external genital skin tumors?
Non-pigmented penis/prepuce
What is an advantage of using a Missouri AV?
It is lighter weight and easier to manipulate the stallion through the AV
What is an advantage of using a Colorado AV?
They retain heat better (therefore better to use in colder places) and can be placed in a phantom
What muscle do you feel for contractions in while collecting a stallion?
Most common testicular tumor of stallion?
When drugs do we use for chemical ejaculation?
Imipramine and xylazine
At what point do stallions begin to show clinical signs of a testicular torsion
After it has rotated 180 degrees
How do we test for idiopathic infertility?
Endocrine testing (resting levels of FSH, inhibin, and Estrogen for 3 consecutive days - FSH is high, but inhibin and estrogen are low)
What is the bitches cycle like
3 cycles per 2 years, but is considered monoestrous
What is the estrous cycle like in the prepubertal bitch
More likely to show a split heat (no ovulation with signs of estrus) or she may have a silent heat where there is ovulation but no signs of estrus
How is puberty defined in the bitch?
Onset of proestrus
What kind of cells do we want to see to say a bitch is in heat
90 superficial cornified epithelial
When do estrogen levels peak in the bitch?
Just before estrus
What is a colpotomy
When you cut through the vagina (generaly to remove a fetal mummy)
What is the progesterone source in a cow for the first 150d of gestation?
Luteal origin
Between what days in the cow does the placenta act as the source of progesterone?
In the final month of bovine pregnancy, what supplies progesterone?
How long should you wait to give PGF2a to cause luteolysis
4-5 days post breeding (wait up to 8 days to make sure) as it has no effect on placental P4
If you want to reduce placental P4, what drug do you use?
How many injections of PGF2a do we give to abort pregnancy
If cow is in the final month of gestation, what drug do we give to induce parturition?
Dexamethasone or PGF2a alone
What happens if you induce abortion after 120 in cows?
80% RFM
When holding the penis with towel clamps, where do you place them?
On the dorsal aspect of the penis which is the apical ligament
When you see a swelling of the preputial sheath in a bull, what are the top differentials
Hematoma, retropreputial abcess, and urethral rupture, preputial prolapse, preputial laceration
With a preputial laceration, what do we use as a conservative treatment?
Petercillin (2g tetracycline powder, 60 ml scarlet oil, and 500g lanolin)
With preputial laceration, how to we treat it surgically?
Resect and anastamosis
Penile hematomas are common in which breed of cow?
Herefords - lazy sloppy breeders
Where does the rupture occur in a penile hematoma in a bull
At the level of the sigmoid flexure at the insertion of retractor penis muscle
Preputial avulsion is usually due to what?
AV injury
What 3 etiologies cause vesiculitis in bulls?
B. Abortus, A. Pyogens, H. Somnus
What does gossypol cause in bulls?
Receptivity of the bitch starts when?
It is variable
What test should be done during prebreeding exam in bitches
What are the limitations of the Brucella RCAT
Positives can be true or false positives
How long does LH last in the bitch?
24 hours
What is most commonly used to test for estrus in the bitch?
Progesterone (to figure out when the LH surge occurs)
What is the minimum suggested breeding dose for male dogs in fresh semen
200 million
Gestation in the bitch
63 days (2 days after LH surge)
What maintains pregnancy in the bitch?
The CL
What are come physologic changes seen in the bitch around one month gestation
Increased cholesterol and increased plasma protein
What kind of placentation do bitches have?
zonary endotheliochorial
When do we take rads in bitches to tell how many babies are present
50-55 days post LH peak
What is the normal fetal heartbeat in the dog
what are 2 important acute phase proteins in bitch pregnancy
C- Reactive protein and fibrinogen
What is the pregnancy specific hormone in the dog
At what point do we see teeth on rads with dogs
61 days
How can we tell if a bitch is going to whelp soon?
Boy temp drops dramatically - sometimes below 98 degrees
What is the max amount of time parturition in btiches should last
average 2-3 hours total but not any longer then 24 hours
How long between pups when whelping
20mins to 1 hr usually
At what point is a bitch considered overdue?
Past 71 days post breeding
What drug is contraindicated in cases of obstructive dystocia in the bitch
A retained testicle is how many times more likley to become neoplastic?
when you see orchitis, what should be your first thought?
Brucella Canis
How do we treat Brucella?
Castrate and antibiotics (tetracyclines)
Feminizing paraneoplastic syndrome is seen in which breeds of dogs?
Boxers and weimeriners
Sertoli cell tumors can cause what kind of syndrome
Feminizing paraneoplastic syndrome
Abdominal testicles usually become what kind of neoplasm?
what is the most commonly prostatic disease in dogs
BPH - benign prostatic hyperplasia
What is DHT?
It regulates prstatic growth and secretion
What causes BPH
What is the primary C/S with BPH
Sanginous urethral discharge
With BPH, what are 2 other differentials?
Prostatitis and neoplasia
How do we definitively diagnose prostatitis
Culture fluid or tissue - ejaculate, prostatic wash, or urethral brush. ---No FNA of active infection-- look for coliforms
what drug decreases DHT
most common tumor in castrated dogs
Prostatic carcinoma
If you remove the testicles, what disease of the prostate can you still get?
Prostatic carcinoma
Inability to protude penis from prepuce
The "red pea" is consistent with what issue in dogs?
Urethral prolapse
What dicates when a cat hits puberty?
The season in which she is born
How young can a kitten get pregnant?
4 months
What month do cats begin to cycle?
Around february
At what point is a queen accepting to mating?
What is post-estrus in the cat?
Interestrus - no luteal phase is not induced to ovulate
When does diestrus occur?
After ovulation
How many times does a queen have to be bred to have 100% ovulation?
4 times
how long does post estrus last in the queen?
How long does estrus last in the queen?
How long is gestation in the queen?
With a psuedopregnancy, how long will it last in the cat?
When managing the breeding of cats, which cat should move?
The female should go to the males territory
What hormone do we use for pregnancy diagnosis in the cat?
When is relaxin detectable in the queen?
Day 25
Fetal heartbeats are seen on U/S at how many days?
Feline herpes virus caues what in the pregnant queen?
abortion, maceration, placental necrosis, congential fetal infection
Kitten mortality complex is caused by
FIP is caused by what virus
Corona virus
Feline panleukopenia - what do you think of in the kittens born
Cerebellar hypoplasia
Is there a drop in temp in the prepartum queen?
how long does parturition take?
4 hours for the first kitten, and up to 2 in between each
What is the most common cause of dystocia in the pregnant queen?
Primary uterine inertia
how long after parturition can a queen become pregnant again?
7-8 days
Ovarian cysts can cause what clinical signs
Prolonged signs of estrus
Intact animals are how much greater at risk at getting mammary neoplasia (malignant carcinomas)
What kind of placenta does the pig have
Diffuse epitheliochorial
Why does a boar have to be 11 months old before you use him to induce puberty in sows?
He has developed anough of a sublingial salivary glad to produce phermones
What kind of estrous cycle does the pig ahve?
When do pigs ovulate
Towards the end of estrus
What animal do we flush feed?
Why do we flush feed
To try to increase ovulation rates
What is the minimum number of teats a pig can have
6 on each side
Periocular edema and conjunctivitis in pigs is usually due to what disease?
PRRS - Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome
Mummies and first parous gilts --> think this disease
Porcine Parvovirus
What is blue eye disease?
Rubulavirus (seen in central america)
What causes cyclops in sheep?
Skunk cabbage - veratrum californicum
Subterranean clover and alfalfas cause what issues in sheep?
Hyperestrogenism, vaginal prolapse, and subclinical repro impairment
Hairy shaker lamb is caused by what?
Border disease virus (pestivirus)
Other then Border disease virus, what other disease is a pesti virus?
B. Ovis causes what?
Epididymitis in rams - zoonotic
B melitensis causes what?
Abortion, weak kids and mastitis in goats - zoonotic
Campylobacter in sheep does what?
Fetus fetus - causes large outbreaks of abortions
What is the most important cause of abortion in sheep in N America?
Campylobacter fetus fetus
Target lesions in the liver is due to what?