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36 Cards in this Set

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tension - Release method
a procedure for systematically achieving deep relaxation of the body
vicarious desensitization
a reduction in fear or anxiety that takes place vicariously (secondhand) when a client watches models perform the feared behavior
virtual reality exposure
use of computer generated images to present fear stimuli to clients in a realistic yet carefully controlled fashion
eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)
based on holding upsetting thoughts in mind while rapidly moving eyes from side to side.
technique for reducing fear and anxiety
token economy
patients are rewarded with tokens for a wide range of socially desirable or productive activities
somatic therapy
any body therapy
drug therapy
the use of drugs to treat psychopatholgy
drugs that produce relaxation or reduce anxiety
mood - elevating drugs
example: Prozac
antipsychotics (major tranquilizers)
reduce hallucinations and delusional thinking
example: risperdal
electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
a treatment for severe depression consisting of a 150 volt electrical shock passed through the brain which induces a convulsion ; supposed to bring an end to severe depression and suicidal behavior
any surgical alteration of the brain designed to bring about desirable behavioral or emotional changes
the most extreme medical treatment
mental hospitalization
placing a person in a protected therapeutic environment staffed by mental health professionals
partial hosptialization
patients receive treatment at a hospital during the day but return home at night
reduced use of full-time commitment to mental institutions to treat mental disorders
halfway house
short term group living facilities for people making the transition from an institution to independent living
community mental health center
facility offering wide range of mental health services (prevention,counseling,consultation,crisis intervention)
crisis intervention
skilled management of a psychological emergency are used to prevent problems before they come serious
individuals who work in a near professional capacity under the supervision of more highly trained staff
therapeutic alliance
a caring relationship that unites a therapist and a client in working to solve the client's problems
culturally skilled therapist
a therapist who has the awareness,knowledge,skills necessary to treat clients from diverse cultural backgrounds
transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)
use of magnetic pulses to temporarily block activity in specific parts of the brain
group therapy
psychotherapy conducted in a group setting
a therapy when clients act out personal conflicts and feelings in the presence of others who play supporting roles
role reversal
involves taking the part of another person to learn how he or she feels
mirror technique
observing another person re-enact ones own behavior , designed to help persons see themselves more clearly
family therapy
technique when all family members participate both individually and as a group to resolve problems in the family
sensitivity group
take part in exercises that gently enlarge self-awareness and sensitivity to others
encounter group
group experience that emphasizes intensely honest interchanges among participants regarding feelings and reactions to one another
large group awareness training
programs that claim to increase self-awareness and facilitate constructive personal change
therapy placebo effect
improvement caused not by the actual process of therapy but by a clients expectation that therapy will help
covert sensitization
use of aversion imagery to reduce the occurrence of an undesired response
thought stopping
use of aversive stimuli to interrupt or prevent upsetting thoughts
covert reinforcement
using positive imagery to reinforce desired behavior
peer counselor
a non professional person who has learned basic counseling skills
self help group
a group of people who share a particular type of problem and provide mutual support to one another