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128 Cards in this Set

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Father of Psychoanalysis
Alfred Adler
created Individual psychology
Carl Jung
created analytic psychology
Rollo May
prime mover in existential counseling movement
Berne's Transactional Analysis has three ego states:
1) the Child 2) the Adult 3) the Parent
Freud's structural theory consists of three parts:
1) id 2) ego 3) superego
In transactional analysis the _______ is the conscience or ego stated concerned with moral behavior.
the Parent
In Freudian theory, the ____________________ is concerned with moral development
Successful resolution of the Oedipus complex is identified by
identification with the aggressor or the parent of the same sex
Freudians refer to the ego as
the administrator of the personality and the reality principle.
greek word for death
present at birth, never matures, operates out of awareness to satisfy instinctual needs according to the pleasure principle
the reality principle
the ego ideal, perfection rather than pleasure.
free association
instructions to say whatever comes to mind, used in therapy sessions
All associated with the analytical movement
Freud, Jung, Adler
Joseph Wolpe
developed systematic desensitization, behavior therapy to weaken a client's response to anxiety producing stimuli
Little Albert
a famous case associated with John Broadus Watson who pioneered American Behaviorism, little Albert had a fear of furry objects
Classical psychoanalysis
lengthy process, 3-5 sessions a week for several years, costly
Psychodynamic Counseling
utilizes fewer sessions, does not utilize the couch, performed face to face
talking about difficulties in order to purge emotions
do not emphasize diagnosis or giving advice
Conscious mind
is aware of the immediate environment
preconscious mind
is capable of bringing ideas, images, and thoughts into awareness with minimal difficulty
unconscious mind
is composed of material which is normally hidden or unknown from the client.
ego defense mechanisms of the unconscious mind
These minimize anxiety and protect the self from severe id or superego demands. Therapists agree that these mechanisms also deny or distort reality.
According to Freudians the most important defense mechanism
All of the Defense Mechanisms
Rationalization, compensation, repression, projection, reaction formation, identification, introjection, denial, displacement
Reaction formation
occurs whena person can't accept a given impulse and thus behaves in the opposite manner.
a conscious act, to refuse to think about something also called suppression
is present when a person acts out an unconscious impulse in a socially acceptable way, example an aggressive person becomes a boxer or football player.
sour grapes rationalization
underrates a reward
sweet lemon rationalization
overrates an award
is a client's tendency to inhibit or fight against the therapeutic process
Freud's psychoanalysis
is the oldest major form of therapy
purpose of interpretation
to make the clients aware of their unconscious processes
organ inferiority
relates to the work of Alfred Adler's individual psychology
when a client becomes aware of a factor in his or her life that was unknown, Wolfgang Kohler, The Mentality of Apes
Jung (analytic psychology said men operate on logic or the ....
LOGOS principle
Jung (analytic psychology said women are intuitive, operating on the the ....
EROS principle
drawings used by analytic psychologist Jung, balanced around a center point to analyze himself, his clients and his dreams. mandala is a Hindu symbol of meditation, magic protective circle of unification
eidetic imagery
the ability to remember the most minute details of a scene or a picture for an extended period of time
Adler (individual psychology)
emphasized the drive for superiority or will to power, a thirst for perfection that motivated behavior
constructivist therapy includes
brief therapy and narrative therapy...as helpers we need to understand the client's view
Alfred Adler said that
sibling interaction may have more impact than parent/child interaction
Neo-Freudians such as Adler, Horney, Erikson, Sullivan and Fromm
stressed the importance of cultural/social issues and interpersonal (social) relations
behaviorist term that indicates the frequency that behavior is manifested in the absence of treatment
Behaviorists and analysts are
unconditional positive regard
Rogerian (Carl Rogers) concept of caring for a client even when the counselor is uncomfortable or disagrees with the client's position
introversion (Jung)
a turning in of the libido, his or her own source of pleasure, shys away from social situations
extroversion (Jung)
the tendency to find pleasure and satisfaction in people
MBTI Myers Brigs Type Indicator
most widely used measure of personality preferences and dispositions
4 scales for MBTI
Rudolph Dreikurs
student of Adler, first to discuss the use of group therapy in private practice
Thematic Apperception Test is a projective test in which the client is shown a series of pictures and asked to tell a story, introduced by Henry Murray
social connectedness
Adler believed that people wish to belong
collective unconscious
(Jung) implies that all humans have collected universal inherited unconscious neutral patterns
anima (Jung)
feminine side archetype
animus (Jung)
masculine side archetype
archetype (Jung)
a primal universal symbol that means the same thing to all men and women (ex the cross)
the persona archetype (Jung)
the mask or role we present to others to hide our true self
the shadow archetype (Jung)
the mask behind the persona which contains id like material, denied yet desired
to illuminate the discrepancies between the client's and the helper's conceptualization of the situation
accurate empathy
when a counselor is able to experience the client's point of view in terms of feelings an cognitions
subjective understanding of a client's here and now
symptom substitution
psychoanalytic concept if you deal with the symptom another symptom will manifest because the real problem is the unconscious mind
eclectic counselor
uses theories and techniques from several models of intervention, Frederick C. Thorne felt that it was rigidly scientific
lifestyle, birth order, family constellation
Adler...lifestyle is a predictable self-fulfilling prophesy based on our psychological feelings about ourselves, long for feelings of belonging and strive for perfection
John Locke
Associationism asserts that ideas are held together by associations
BF Skinner's reinforcement theory elaborated on
Edward Thorndike's law of effect which asserts that response accompanied by satisfaction will be repeated
Lazurs and Wolpe
B-behavior including acts, habits, and reactions
A-affective responses such as emotions, feelings,mood
S-sensations, including hearing, touch, sight, smell
I-images, self perception, memories, dreams
C-cognitions thoughts
I-interpersonal relationships
D-drugs, legal, illegal, diet and nutrition
Classical Conditioning
operant conditioning
also called instrumental learning
respondent behavior refers to
all reinforcers
tend to increase the probability that a behavior will occur
positive punishment
is said to occur when something is added after a behavior and the behavior decresases
negative punishment
takes place when a stimulus is removed following the behavior and the response decreases
negative reinforcement
is not used as often as positive reinforcement and is not the same thing as punishment
decreases the probability that a behavior will occur
In Pavlov's experiment the bell is the
Conditioned stimulus/neutral stimulus
The meat is the
unconditioned stimulus/reinforcing or charged stimulus
The most effective time interval between the CS and the UCS is
.5 or 1/2 second
The USC before the CS means
no conditioning occurs
stimulus generalization or irradiation
occurs when a stimulus similar to the conditioned stimulus (the bell) produces the same reaction (car horn, etc)
stimulus discrimination
the learning process is fine tuned to respond only to a specific stimulus
experimental neurosis
when the differentiation process becomes too tough because the stimuli are almost identical
the conditioned stimulus (CS) is not reinforced via the unconditioned stimulus (The salivating stops)
spontaneous recovery
the conditioned response will reoccur automatically if the subject is given a bit of rest
John Watson is associated with
Little Albert case, fears are leaned not the result of unconscious conflict
sometimes the behavior gets worse before it gets better, response burst. Ignoring the behavior is a common method for extinction
Time out
is extinction
a behavioristic term that means , a series of operants joined together by reinforcers
Behavior modification
Behavior therapy
Neal Miller
did the first studies on animal conditioning to control autonomic processes
charting the occurrence of behavior prior to any therapeutic intervention
Mary Clover Jones
demonstrated that learning could serve as a treatment for a phobic reaction
NLP-Neurlinguistic Programming
professor John Grinder and John Bandler
depth psychology
based on Freud's topographic hypothesis
counseling pardigm
a treatment model
a suggestion made by the counselor
a bathroom scale is a
biofeedback device, doesn't change the client, provides biological information
genuineness or congruence
the counselor's ability to be himself or herself
the ability to understand the client's world and to communicate this to the client
Robert Carkhuff
5 point scale to measure empathy, genuineness, concreteness, and respect
when something is adding following an operant it is called
a positive reinforcer
when something is taken away it is called a
negative reinforcer
higher order conditioning
when a new stimulus is associated or paired with the Conditioned Stimulus (CS)
EMG Feedback
Electromyogram is used to measure muscle tension
Electroencephalogram is used to monitor brain waves
electrocardiogram provides information on the heart
Jacobson Method
alternating tensing and relaxing muscle groups all over the body
Premack Principle
an LPB (lower probability behavior) is reinforced by a HPB (higher probability behavior
continuous reinforcement
the reinforce is given every time a desired response occurs
ratio schedules
based on number of responses
interval schedules
based on time elapsed
variable ratio
most difficult to extinguish
(Wolpe) Systematic Desensitization Subjective Units of Distress Scale
Yerkes Dodson Law
a moderate amount arousal actually improves performance
secondary reinforcement
a stimulus which accompanies a primary reinforce takes on reinforcement properties of its own
back up reinforcer
an item or activity which can be purchased using tokens
aversive conditioning
an aversive stimulus given to reduce the satisfaction of the old behavior (Antabuse which causes nausea when paired with alcohol)
systematic desensitization
starts with the least anxiety arousing and builds up (calling about flight reservations leads up to an actual flight eventually)
fixed role treatment
George Kelly, CT reads a script to act think and verbalize like the person in the script
role playing combined with a hierarchy of situations in which the CT is normally non assertive...
assertiveness trainers call this behavioral rehearsal