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53 Cards in this Set

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renal nerves
supplies the nerves to the kidneys and ureters
renal corpuscle
production of filtrate
proximal convoluted tubule
reabsorption of water, ions, and all organic nutrients
loop of henle
further reabsorption of water
distal convoluted tubule
secretion of ions, acids, drugs, toxins, variable reabsorption of water, sodium ions, and calcium ions(under hormonal control)
collecting duct
variable reabsorption of water and reabsorption or secretion of sodium, potassium, hydrogen, and bicarbonate ions
papillary duct
delivery of urine to minor calyx
renal tubule
long passageway
renal corpuscle
the beginning of the renal tubule, contains bowman's capsule
bowman's capsule
cup-shaped structure, serves as a filter to remove organic wastes, excess inorganic salts, and water
A tuft of capillaries situated within a Bowman's capsule at the end of a renal tubule in the vertebrate kidney that filters waste products from the blood and thus initiates urine formation.
efferent arteriole
derived from the glomerular capillaries in the renal glomeruli, these arterioles exit from the glomerulus at its vascular pole.
afferent arteriole
enters the glomerulus at the vascular pole and divides into capillaries which subsequently merge to form efferent arterioles.
the filtrate that passes from the lumen of the glomerular capillary to the space of Bowman's capsule. protein free solution, similar to blood plasma
tubular fluid
the filtrate that changes in composition while it travels through the tubule
collecting system
tubes that carry tubular fluid away from the nephron
85 percent of all nephrons are what
cortical nephrons
cortical nephron
most nephrons, loop of henle is short, efferent arteriole delivers blood to peritubular capillaries
juxtamedullary nephrons
15% of nephrons, have long loops of henle, have vasa recta
vasa recta
long straight capillaries that parallel the loop of henle
what nephrons lets the kidney produce the concentrated urine
juxtamedullary nephrons
The medulla consists of ______ renal pyramids
The cortex is composed of roughly _____ million nephrons
Major and minor calyces along with the pelvis drain urine to the ________
FILTRATE is produced at the ___________
renal corpuscle
Blood leaves the nephron via the ________
efferent arteriole
peritubular fluid
interstitial fluid surrounding the renal tubule
primary function of the PCT
loop of henle divided into a ___________limb and an _____________limb
descending and ascending
each limb contains a ______ segment and a ________ segment
thick and thin
thick segment of limbs function as the _____
thin segment of limb are freely permeable to ______ not to _______
water, solutes
DCT ______ _______ ions, toxins, drugs
Actively secretes
DCT reabsorbs sodium ions from ___________
tubular fluid
Excretion maintain Homeostasis by regulating the ______________________ of the blood.
volume and compsition
most abundant organic waste, produced during breakdown of Amino Acids
generated in skeletal muscle tissue by the breakdown of creatine phosphate
formed by the recycling of nitrogenous bases from RNA molecules
Blood pressure
Water and solutes across glomerular capillaries
The removal of water and solutes from the filtrate
Transport of solutes from the peritubular fluid into the tubular fluid
Filtration in the kidneys modified by
carrier mediated transport
Carrier proteins have a transport _________ (Tm) ( Determines renal _________)
maximum, threshold
Reabsorption & Secretion are accomplished via __________
diffusion, osmosis, and carrier-mediated transport
Tm determines renal threshold for reabsorption of substances in __________
tubular fluid
Loops of Henle regulate final volume and solute ___________
Is the amount of FILTRATE PER MINUTE
But…______% of filtrate is reabsorbed and….only _______ liters of urine are excreted!!!
99, 1-2
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
Amount of filtrate produced in the _________ each minute
Factors that alter filtration pressure change________
A drop in filtration pressure stimulates _____________ (JGA)
Releases renin and erythropoietin
Juxtaglomerular apparatus
If GFR increases – urine output _________, dehydration and electrolyte depletion.
If GFR decrease – wastes _________
risesre, absorbed
Sympathetic activation
Produces powerful _______of afferent arterioles
________ GFR and slows production of filtrate

Changes the regional pattern of blood flow
Alters GFR

Stimulates release of _______ by JGA
vasoconstriction, Decreases, renin