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57 Cards in this Set

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How many named bones are in the human body?


What bones form the axial skeleton?

Cranial & facial skull bones, vertebral column, ribs, sternum and hyoid.

What bones are in the appendicular skeleton?

Bones in the arms (scapula, clavicle, humerus, radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals, & phalanges) and in the legs (pelvis, femur, tibia, fibula, patella, tarsals, metatarsals, & phalanges)

What are examples of flat bones?

Cranial bones, & ribs

What are examples of short bones?

carpals, tarsals

What are examples of irregular bones?

vertebrae and facial bones

What are examples of long bones?

Most of the bones in the arms & legs

What is the one sesamoid bone everyone has?


Where do u find wormian bones?

In the sutures of the skull

What holds the skull bones together since they are not movable joints?


What is Wolff's Law?

That none will remodel according to the stresses that are placed on it, therefore you need stress going through a bone to keep it healthy and prevents resorption

When is a bone spur created?

when unwanted stress is put on the bone

What is the head of a bone?

rounded, knob-like end separated by a neck

ex: femur where is joins the hip at the femoral acetabular joint, or where the humerus joins at the glenoid fossa

What is the process of a bone?

Large projection of a bone

ex: the acromiom process of the scapula

What is the condyle of a bone?

smooth, rounded articular projection

ex: femur where it joins the tibia & fibula


Raised area on or above a condyle


Smooth, nearly flat articular surface

ex: between vertebrae


distinct border or ridge, often rough

ex: iliac crest


Sharp projection from the surface of a bone

usually straight across the bone

ex: spine of the scapula


Large, rounded projection; not a joint

Ex: large area on a bone


small, rounded projection of a tuberocity

What are the 3 parts of the axial skeleton

Skull - bones of cranium, face and auditory ossicles

Vertebral column

Bony thorax - ribs & sternum

Cranial bones

1 Frontal bone

2 Parietal bones

2 Temporal bones

1 Ethmoid bone

1 Sphenoid bone

1 Occipital bone

Facial bones

1 Mandible

2 Maxillae

2 Zygomatic bones

2 Nasal bones

2 Lacrimal bones

1 Vomer

2 Palatine bones

2 Inferior Nasal Conchae

Which skull bones make up the nasal septum?

Ethmoid bone + Vomer

Which skull bones make up the hard palate?

Maxillae + Palatine bones

Which skull bones make up the Zygomatic Arch?

Maxillae + Zygomatic Bone + Temporal Bone

What are other skull bones besides facial and cranial bones?

6 auditory ossicles that are located in the temporal bone & hyoid bone located just below the mandible.

Which cranial bones have paranasal sinuses?

Frontal, ethmoid & sphenoid bones

Which facial bones have paranasal sinuses?


What is the function of sinuses?

lighten skull and give resonance to voice

What are the sutures in the skull and which bones to they unite?

Coronal - frontal & parietal

Squamous - temporal & parietal

Lamboid - occipital & parietal

Sagittal - parietal & parietal

What are fontanels?

Areas in which bone formation is incomplete in an infant's skull

How many vertebrae are in the adult spine?

24 typical vertebrae and 33 total

How many joints are in the vertebrae?

1 disk joint anteriorly

2 facet joints posteriorly

Which vertebrae have bifid spinous processes, transverse foramina and a triangular shaped vertebral foramina?


Which cervical vertebrae has no central body, but has 2 lateral masses called occipital condyles that articulate with the occipital bone and a posterior tubercle instead of a spinous process?

C1 the atlas

Which cervical vertebrae allows the head to pivot from side to side and has an upright toothlike portion called the dens at the top of the vertebral body?

C2 the axis

which vertebrae have 12 vertebrae, circular shaped vertebral foramina, have facets and transverse processes for the ribs

Thoracic vertebrae

Costovertebral facet

articulation of rib with vertebrae

Costotransverse facet

articulation of rib with transverse process

Lumbar vertebrae

5 vertebrae numbered 1-5, have large heavy vertebral bodies that are kidney shaped, have short stubby spinous processes, and triangular shaped vertebral foramina


5 separate vertebrae in child, fuse in adults to form a single bone, has tubercles numbered 1-5 where vertebrae are fused

Coccygeal vertebrae

4 tiny bones in the child, fuse into 1 bone in adults known as coccyx or the tailbone


Curve of the spine in fetus, and in thoracic & sacral in adults. Concave anteriorly


Developmental not born with spinal curve of the cervical and lumbar spines. Appears in cervical when baby begins to hold head up around 3 months, and in lumbar later on as child learns to walk.


Come shaped cage of the 12 ribs and the sternum

Parts of the Sternum



xiphoid process

How many bones make up the carpals, and their names?


scaphoid, lunate, triquetral, pisiform, hamate, capitate, trapezoid, trapezium

3 bones of pelvis

Ilium, ishcium, pubis


Deep socket that holds the head of the femur. Portions of all 3 bones contribute

Obturator foramen

found on either side of pubic symphysis, largest foramina in the body

Tarsal bones

7 bones - calcaneus, talus, navicular,cuboid, & 3 cuneiforms.

3 Arches of the foot

2 longitudinal - medial and lateral longitudinal arches

1 transverse arch

Synarthoses Joints

fibrous connective tissue, immovable joint

ex: sutures in skull & ribs 1-7

Amphiarthrosis joints

bones are connected by cartilage, and are slightly movable

ex: pubic symphysis, intervertebral joints, ribs 8, 9 & 10


Synovial joints - Have potential space between them called joint cavity which is lubricated by synovial fluid, most joints are synovial joints