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38 Cards in this Set

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Define: Appendicular skeleton

The bones of the limbs and girdles.

Define: Axial Skeleton

The bones that form the longitudinal axis of the body.

Describe: five functions of bones

1. Support- forms the internal framework, supports the body and holds soft organs.

2. Protection- Protects organs, example: skull protests the brain.

3. Movement- Skeletal muscles, attach to bones by tendons, use bones as levers to move the body.

4. Storage- Holds calcium and phosphorus inside the bones, Marrow is stored in the cavities.

5. Blood Cell Formation- occurs within the marrow cavities of certain bones.

How many bones are in the human body?

206 bones

Define: Long Bone

Bones that are longer then wide, is a shaft with heads at both ends.

Example: Compact bones, All limb bones.

Define: Short bones

Bones that are cube shaped and are mostly spongy bone.

Example: wrist and ankle, sesamoid bones, patella.

Define: Flat bones

Bones that are thin, flat end and usually curved, two layers of compact bone sandwiching a layer of spongy bone between them.

Example: Skull, ribs, sternum.

Define: Irregular bones

Bones that do not fit one of the preceding categories.

Example: the vertebrae, spine, pelvis.

Draw and Label the parts of a long bone.

1. Periosteum

2. Epiphysis

3. Diaphysis

4. Medullary cavity

5. Compact bone

6. Spongy bone

What are the differences between an Osteocyte, an osteoclast and an osteoblast?

1. Osteocyte- bone cells, are modified osteoblasts that become buried within the bones matrix, that detect bone deformation.

2. Osteoclast- Bone - resorbing cells.

3. Osteoblast- Bone building cell - forming cells, mineralizing this matrix.

Describe the process of ossification.

Except for flat bones, most bones using hyaline cartilage structures as models.

hyaline bone covered completely by bone matrix.

The hardening of the bones.

What is an epiphyseal plate?

A growth plate, that is made up of a hyaline cartilage plate in the metaphysics at each of a long bone. Seen in children and adolescents.

How do calcium levels in the blood and the pull of gravity influence bones?

Osteoclast release calcium from bones when blood calcium levels drop and vice versa.

The stress of gravity and physical activity stimulates osteoblasts to form more bulk.

Label the bones of the skeleton

1. Parietal bone 2. Occipital bone

3. Frontal bone 4. Maxilla

5. Mandibular ramus 6. Clavicle

7. Scapula 8. Sternum

9. Ribs 10. Humerus

11. Vertebra 12. Radius

13. ilium 14. Coxal bone

15. Pubis 16. Ischium

17. Sacrum 18. Ulna

19. Femur 20. Patella

21. Carpals 22. Fibula

23. Phalanges,proximal, distal, middle 24. Tarsals 25. Metatarsals

26. Navicular 27. Cuboid

Label the parts of the human skull.

Frontal bone, parietal bone, temporal bone, occipital bone, squamous suture, coronal suture, lambdoidal suture, anterior fontanel, posterior fontanel.

How many vertebrae are found in the following regions of the spine?

Cervical: 7

Thoracic: 12

Lumbar: 5

Before birth,9 vertebrae are fused to form the ________ and ________.

Sacrum and Coccyx

What is a slipped disc?

A vertebral disc that is displaced or partly protruding, pressing on nearby nerves and cause back pain or sciatica.

What are the functions of the spine?

1. Protection of the spinal cord

2. Providing stiffening for body and attachments for the pectoral and pelvic girdle.

3. Motion for the human skeleton

4. Transmitting body weight in waling and standing.

How many pairs of ribs are there in the bony thorax?

12 pairs

Which vertebra connect to the 12 pairs of bony thorax ribs?

the thorax verebra

What are true ribs?

The first 7 pairs of ribs attached directly to the sternum by costal cartilages.

What are false ribs?

3 pairs of ribs, that do not attach or indirectly attach to the sternum.

What are floating ribs?

The last 2 pairs of ribs that do NOT have any attachments to the sternum.

What two bones make up the pelvic girdle?

2 Coxal bones or ( hip bone) and sacrum.

Label the regions of the pelvis.

Ilium or lliac crest, sacrum, False pelvis, pelvic brim, Inlet of true pelvis, Ishial spine, Acetabulum, Coccyx, Pubis symphysis, Ischium, Obturator foramen

Which organs lie within the pelvic girdle?

1. Urinary bladder

2. Reproductive organs, uterus and ovaries.

What is the name of the cartilaginous joint on the anterior pelvis?

Pubic symphysis

What is the True pelvis?

It is the surrounded by the bone and lies inferior to the flaring parts of the ilia and the pelvic brim.

Name 6 differences between the male and female pelvis.

1. females inlet is larger and more circular.

2. Females pelvis as a whole is more shallower and the bones are lighter and thinner.

3. the female ilia flares more laterally.

4. the female sacrum is shorter and less curved.

5. the female ischial spines are shorter and further apart, thus the outlet is larger.

6. The female pubic arch is more rounded because the angle of the pubic arch is greater.

Describe and give examples of cartilaginous joints.

The bone ends are connected by fibrocartilage.

Example: slightly movable, Pubic symphysis of the pelvis and intervertebral joints of spinal column.

Describe and give examples of synovial joints.

Joints that articulate bone ends and are separated by a joint cavity containing synovial fluid.

Examples: Articular cartilage, Articular capsule, Joint cavity, Reinforcing ligaments.

knee, elbow, shoulder, hip.

What is the effect of the hormone relaxin on the skeletal system? What is the purpose of this effect?

Relaxin alters the properties of cartilage and tendons.

- Helps bone remodeling, heals injured ligaments and skeletal muscles.

- Symphysis pubis can widen up to 10 mm

What is lordosis and what causes it?

It is excessive inward curvature of the spine.

(Lumbar and cervical)

Causes: Obesity, pregnancy, tight lower back muscles, osteoporosis, weight from a pregnant belly.

Why is adequate dietary calcium important in pregnancy?

For the growth of the fetus to develop it;s skeleton system, if not enough the fetus will draw the calcium fro the mothers bones.

Lowers the risk of fractures and osteoporosis or bone lose.

Organs within the female pelvis




part of Lg intestine

Types of pelvises

Gynecoid - typical female pelvis

Anthropoid long A-P dimension

Android- Male, Cone shaped

Platypelloid- Long/wide transverse dimension

Fibrous joints

Irregular edges of bones are fused together, sutures.