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47 Cards in this Set

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When families did not use vaults what was an option to put caskets in?
rough boxes
Who discovered the circulatory system?
Who wrote the “History of Embalming”
Who was accredited with being the “Father of American Embalming”?
Who patented and developed the airtight coffin?
Almond Fisk
Who drew anatomical plates?
Leonardo da Vinci
Who was accredited with the first technique for arterial embalming but kept it a secret to his grave?
Fredrick Ruysch
Who was the English man who said cities should run cemeteries and medical officers should certify the cause of death?
Edwin Chadwick
Who was the American who translated Gannal’s “History of Embalming”?
What was the type of vault that employs the diving bell seal to seal it?
The New Baker Patent Burglar-Proof Grave Vault-patented in 1879 by Mr. Baker of Champion Co. but developed by Mr. Boyd pg. 190
What was another variant of burglar-proof vaults know as?
“end sealer” pg 190
When did the concrete vault come into prominence?
shortly after 1900
What were the types of caskets called if someone were buried alive?
Life Signals
What was the event that brought American embalming on a large scale?
Civil War
Who did Mr. Stein merge his casket company to?
National Casket Co.
How many caskets was National Casket Co. making a week?
Who was buried in a Fisk casket with a testimonial in the New York Tribune?
Hon. John C. Calhoun
Where did Mr. Stein first show his caskets?
the Philadelphia Centennial of 1876
What was a casket called that was patented but never really used?
“also rans”
Who was the first American to offer caskets?
William Cooley 1849 pg 169
What does the term “casket” mean?
jewel box or container for something valuable
What was President Grant buried in?
Stein casket
What was the name of the casket that looked like a cross?
Cruciform casket
Was the Cruciform a big success?
Was the life signal casket a big success?
By 1915, had burial vaults become very popular?
no only 5% were used
As part of embalming in the Middle Ages were parts of bodies ever separated from the bodies and buried in churches?
Who invented the first disaster pouch and patented it in 1863?
Thomas Holmes
When Gannal’s book was translated into English-which city was it translated in
Who was the first ranking death of the Civil War? (Mary Lincoln stated that his face was so natural it appeared that he was sleeping a brief and pleasant sleep. He was embalmed by Holmes)
Col Elmer E. Ellsworth
What important person’s body was entrusted to the firm of Brown and Alexander of Washington D.C.?
Abraham Lincoln
Who was recorded as the first black embalmer that worked for W.R. Cornelius?
Prince Greer
When embalmers were getting out of hand the War Department issued a law in 1865 and what was the licensing system called?
Order Concerning Embalmers
Who received the first patent for embalming fluid (no. 15972)?
J. Anthony Gaussardia
When did embalming first become used in the United States?
after the civil was-no trocar until 1878
Who invented the first trocar?
Samuel Rogers
Why did a lot of Christians object to embalming?
body mutilation and the body was a temple of God
What was Dr. Thomas Holmes objection to embalming fluids that he saw in the market place?
it was toxic and contained arsenic
Who is accredited with opening the first school of mortuary science?
Cincinnati, Ohio – Cincinnati School of Embalming
Who was the first Virginian to practice embalming?
Benjamin Wheatley
Who received the first patent for the “Refrigerator for Corpses”?
Robert Frederick and C.A. Trump
What were some of the crude methods of embalming used by the early colonists?
disembelling, filling the cavity with charcoal, immersing the body in alcohol, or wrapping the body in a cloth soaked in alum or “sere sheet”.
Who was shipped back to England in a barrel of rum?
Lord Nelson
Who speculated on the possibility of embalming in wine?
Benjamin Franklin
Who patented “an air-tight coffin of cast or raised metal” in 1848?
What were the five major themes in defining and fulfilling the proper function of the burial receptacle?
utility, status indication, preservation, protection and aesthetic representation pg 163
Who prepared fluid called “inominata” and patented it in 1877 and 1891?