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15 Cards in this Set

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Which two hormones are called Gonadotropins
FSH and LH
Which is the only endocrine gland that stores its hormone product extracellularly?
Thyroid gland
What are corticosteriods?
Two dozen different steroid hormones produced by suprarenal cortex.
Epinephrine and norepinephrine hormones secrete by suprarenal medulla
Two symptoms of diabetes mellitus
Glucose in urine and excessive urine production (polyuria)
Growth Hormone (GH; underproduction and overproduction)
Underproduction: pituitary growth failure (children); retarded growth, abnormal fat distribution, low blood glucose hours after meal.

Overproduction: Giantism (children), acromeglay (adults); Excessive growth in stature of a child or in face and hands in an adult
Antidiuretic hormone ( ADH; underproduction and overproduction)
Underproduction: Diabetes insipidus; polyuria

Overproduction: SIADH (syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion); increased body water content and hypnonatremia (low sodium ion concentration)
Thyroxine (T3, T4; underproduction and overproduction)
Underproduction: Myxedema, cretinism; Low metabolic rate, body temperature, impaired physical and mental development

Overproduction: Grave's disease; high metabolic rate, high body temperature, tachycardia (high heart rate), weight loss
Parathyroid Hormone (PTH; underproduction and overproduction)
Underproduction: Hypoparathyroidism; muscular weakness, neurological problems, tetany (involuntary muscular contractions) due to low blood calcium concentrations

Overproduction: Neurological, mental, muscular problems due to high blood calcium concentration; weak and brittle bones
Insulin (underproduction and overproduction)
Underproduction: Diabetes mellitus; high blood glucose, impaired glucose utilization, dependence on lipids for energy, glucosuria, ketosis

Overproduction: Excess insulin production or administration; low blood glucose levels, possibly causing coma
Mineralcorticoids (MC; underproduction and overproduction)
Underproduction: hypoaldosteronism; polyuria, low blood volume, high blood potassium concentrations

Overproduction: aldosteronism; increased body weight due to water retention, low blood potassium concentrations.
Glucocorticoids (GC; underproduction and overproduction)
Underproduction: Addison's disease; inability to tolerate stress, mobilize energy reserves, maintain normal blood glucose concentrations

Overproduction: Cushing's disease; excessive breakdown of tissue proteins and lipid reserves, impaired glucose metabolism
Epinephrine and Norepinephrine (E and NE; underproduction and overproduction)
Underproduction: none identified

Overproduction: pheochromocytoma; high metabolic rate, body temperature, and heart rate, elevated blood glucose level, other symptoms comparable to those of excessive autonomic stimulation
Estrogens (female; underproduction and overproduction)
Underproduction: hypogonadism; sterility, lack of secondary sexual characteristics;
menopause; cessation of ovulation

Overproduction: Androgenital syndrome; overproduction of androgens by suprarenal cortex leads to masculinization;

Precocious puberty; early production of developing follicles and estrogen secretion
Androgens (male; underproduction and overproduction)
Underproduction: Hypogonadism, einuchoidism; sterility, lack of secondary sexual characteristics

Overproduction: gynecomastia; abnormal production of estrogens, sometimes due to suprarenal or intestinal cell tumors, leads to breast enlargement

Precocious puberty; early production of androgens, leading to premature physical development and behavioral changes