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15 Cards in this Set

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What is heart rate?

The number of times your heart beats per minute

What is pulse?

A recording of the rate per minute at which the heart beats

What parts of the body make up the circulatory system?


Blood vessels


What are the functions of the circulatory system?

To transport blood which carried o2 water nuritents and antibodies

Protects the body by carrying antibodies

The blood absorbs heat and carries it to the lungs and skin where it's released

The heart is a very efficient...


Why is the heart a muscle?

It contracts and relaxes

What is a heartbeat?

Every time the heart contracts and relaxes

Why does heart rate increase during exercise?

So your body can be supplied with more oxygen to the working muscles

Describe an arterie

Thick walls

Carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to the aorta

Describe a vein

They carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart

They have tonner walls than arteries

What are capillaries?

They are blood vessels that link the arteries to the veins and are thin to allow O2 and Co2 to pass through their walls

What is plasma?

A transport system to let other components travel round the body

What do red blood cells do?

Carry oxygen

What do white blood cells Do?

Attack infection

What do platelets do?

Create blood clots