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26 Cards in this Set

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The Canterbury Tales were written in this century
14th Century
Heretical group that work to bring the Englishh Bible to the people were called
The Lollards
Chaucer's pilgrims are going to visit
St. Thomas a Beckett in Canterbury
The pilgrims meet in this tavern
The Taberd Inn
The pilgrimage begins in this month
The Prioress speaks this language
The name of the host in The Canterbury Tales is:
Harry Bailey
The 3 most virtuous characters are:
1. Knight (those who fight)
2. Plowman (those who work)
3. Parson (those who pray)
In the Pardoner's Tale, three tavern men seek out this character after something happens
They seek Death after their friend dies
The three men are from this city
Who do the three men run into on their search for death?
An old man
Where does the old man tell the men to look for death?
Under a tree
What are some of the sins of the three revelers?
Swearing, gambling, drinking, and gluttony
What do the three men ask the old man?
How he escaped death
This object is under the tree
What happens to the three men?
1 goes into town and gets poison that he puts into drinks for the two others. The other two are at the tree plotting on how to kill the one in town. The one returns and the two jump out and kill him. Then they drink the poisoned wine
Dante, Petrarch, and Boccaccio are contemporaries of this author
Chaucer's goal for the tales was:
To have each pilgrim tell two stories on the way to Canterbury and two stories on the way back
When the Pardoner begins his tale, the other pilgrims are afraid that he will be:
The Pardoner wants to finish this drink before he begins his tale
Corny ale
The Pardon tells the pilgrims that these are fake
His relics
Pardoner proclaims that this is the root of all evil
What is the Pardoner's biggest problem?
This character breaks up the argument between the Pardoner and the Host
The Knight
The Pardoner tries to sell his relics to this character first
The Host
The Host tells Pardoner that he would make a relic out of:
His crappy pants