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98 Cards in this Set

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long journey to holy place/religious group

St. Thomas a Becket

Arch Bishop of Canterbury. He was murdered.

3 division of Pilgrims

Feudals, Church Groups, and Professionals

2 types of Feudals

Knight, Squire. people of nobility

3 types of Church Groups

monk, nun, friar

3 types of Professionals

doctor, miller, and merchant.

What are some of the places where the Knight has fought

Prussia, Russia, Alexandria,

What is the Knight’s conversation and speech like?

He has manners and is very polite.

Knight’s armor in appearance?

tunic, dark. he has been in several battles

Who is the son of the Knight


How does Squire’s appearance differ from the Knight?

looks fresh.

How old is Squire? What talents do he have and how do they differ from the Knight?

He is 20 years old. He sings, dances, and not like his father

What medieval society is the Yeoman in?


What is a Yeoman? Why is the Yeoman so tanned

a servant. he works outside.

Why would the Knight want a Yeoman who is good with a bow

to hunt.

What is a Prioress? What is the particular name that joins the pilgrimage company?

the head nun. Madam Eglantyne

What foreign language does the Prioress speak? Where did she learn to speak it?

She speaks French, at the nun school.

What is the Prioress’ attitude toward animals? What does that say about her?

She is caring and sympathetic

What does the Prioress’ golden brooch have written on it?

“Love Conquers All.”

What is the Monk’s attitude towards the Benedictine Rule or the Mauritian Rule?

He ignores rules.

What does the Monk think about the debate that holy men shouldn’t hurt animals?

He disagrees.

What does the Monk think about studying books?

He doesn’t like it.

What does the Monk think about Saint Augustine’s Rule, which requires that monastic clergy work with their hands at manual labor?

He cares very little.

What animals follow the Monk around when he rides?


What sort of absolution does the Friars grant to sinners?


What does the Friar want instead of tears from sinners?


What locations does the Friar know especially well in every town. What sort does he not know very well?

Taverns Inn, the rich people, the poor people.

What verbal affectation does the Friar adopt to make his English sound sweet?

a lisp.

Rising middle class (5)

Merchant, The Oxford Clerk, The Sergeant at Law, Franklin, the Guildsmen

what sort of hat does the Merchant wear? How does he wear his beard?

Beaver, pointed like a fork.

What sort of subject does the Merchant always talk about?

Currency Exchange

Why does it make sense that the Merchant is particularly worried about the sea being kept free from pirates?

He can’t make money.

What does the Clerk apparently spend all his money on?


How talkative is the Clerk? When he talks, what traits characterize his speech?

He says only what he has to say. He is respectful.

What two things would the Clerk “gladly” do?

learn & teach

What does the Clerk study at Oxford? What is his physical appearance? Compare the physical contrast to his horse. What condition are his clothes in? What does that say about Clerk?

Aristotle. Thin. The horse is skinny. Old clothes. He cares about education.

What is the Sergeant-At-Law job occupation?

a Lawyer.

what is the lawyer capable of quoting verbatim?

word for word. Every single judgement, every single case since King

How busy is the lawyer

He just acts busy.

What color is Franklin’s beard like? His cheeks? What does he resemble during the holiday?

White. Red. Santa Claus.

What is always set up and ready to go in the Franklin’s hall?

food buffet with wine.

Which class specialized in craftsmanship?

The Guildsmen

types of Guildsmen? (5)

Carpenter, Weaver, Dyer, Maker, and Haberdasher

What do the Guildsmen all have eating utensils made of?

pure silver

what class is the Cook in?

Middle Class

Who does the Cook work for in the pilgrimage company?


what does the Cook have on his knee? What does that say about the health or hygiene?

Ulcer. He does not have good hygiene.

What town does the Shipman possibly come? What does the sailer keep on a cord around his neck? Under his arms? Under his clothing? Why? What does that say about him?

Dartmouth. Daggers. He is afraid of pirates

What does the Shipman steal while traders sleep?


What does the Shipman do with people he captures during the naval battle?

Makes them walk the plank.

What is the name of the Shipman’s vessel


Why are the stars important for the Doctor of Physick’s medical treatments? What does he Ascribe to?


What sort of book does the physician Doctor verse in?


What book does the physican Doctor does not know well?


What does the Wife of Bath wears on her head? How much does it weigh? Why do she wear it?

kerchief. ten pounds. She’s big.

What color are the Wife of Bath’s stockings?

scarlet Red

how many husband has the Wife of Bath had?


How many times had the Wife of Bath journeyed to Jerusalem? What other places has she traveled to? What does that say about her?

3 times. Rome, Cologne. She wants people to think she is spiritual.

What are the Wife of Bath’s teeth like?


The Parson is hesitant to “curse his parishioners to get a tithe.” Instead what does he do with his own good and income?


Why does the Parson refuse promotion to London or Saint Paul’s Cathedral?

watch our own flock

to whom is the Plowman related to? What sort of work does this Plowman do all day?

Parson. carts animal maneuver.

What does the Plowman wears?

loose smock

What is the physical build of Miller like?


What physical activity is the Miller particularly good at? What prize does he always win?

Wrestling. Ram

What does the Miller have on the end of his nose?

a wart.

What illegal thievery does the Miller engage in?

steals grain.

What musical instrument does the Miller play?

bag pipes.

Where does the Miller travel in the procession of pilgrims?

walks beginning of processia

What is the Manciple? What is his attitude to “learned men” in comparison to his own?

in charge of purchasing supplies -for institutions- thinks he is smarter.

What is the physical appearance of the Reeve like? and how does be serve the foil for the Miller?

old & thin. opposite of Miller.

What is the Reeve?

Administrative officer

How does the Reeve keeps his hair trimmed?

very short and close to the skin.

Why are the business agents more afraid of the Reeve than they are afraid of the death?

Steals from them. Knows all the tricks.

What is the Shipman name?


What is the Miller name?


What is the Reeve name?


Before Oswald was a Reeve, what job did he have?


Where does the Reeve petition himself in the procession of pilgrims as they travel?

back of the group.

What is a Summoner

enforce church laws

what skin problems does Chaucer’s Summoner have?

scars from leprocy

what food does the Summoner like?

garlic, onion, wine

How had the Summoner gained power all over the boys and girls of the diocese?

He speaks Latin.

What pilgrim in particular is a buddy to the Summoner


What is a Pardoner?

forgives people by price

What is the Pardoner’s like?

long and yellow

What documents are stuffed full into the Pardoner’s wallet?

Pardons from Rome

What does the Pardoner’s voice sound like?

a goat

What does the Pardoner claim about his bottle filled with pig bones?

glass relic from church

What other fake relics does the Pardoner carry to sell?

sail from Simon Peter’s boat- cross medals with stones.

What does the narrator apologize about to the reader?

inappropriate dirty

What is the Host name?

Harry Bailey

What traits distinguish the host?

generous, bold speech, wise

What sport or entertainment does the Host suggest for the pilgrim company?


How many stories will each pilgrim tell on the way to Canterbury? How many stories will each pilgrim tell on the way back?

2 there, 2 back

What are the two criteria used to determine the best tale? What is the prize the best storyteller will receive? Where ? Who will pay for it?

pleasure of 1) morality and 2) entertainment. dinner paid for. tavern. other pilgrims

if anybody “gainsays” or question his rule, according to the Host, what will that person have to do along the journey?

pay expense for the trip

How does Harry Bailey determine the order of the storyteller?

draw straws ( shortest straw will start)