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191 Cards in this Set

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Aerobic Metabolism

Metabolism that can proceed only in the presence of oxygen.

Agonal Gasps

Occasional, gasping breaths that occur after the heart has stopped.


The upper Airway tract or the passage above the larynx, which includes the nose, mouth, and throat.

Alveolar Minute Volume

The volume of air moved through the lungs in 1 minute minus a dead space; calculated by multiplying tidal volume (minus dead space) and respiratory rate.

Alveolar ventilation

The volume of air that reaches the alveoli. It is determined by subtracting the amount of Dead Space air from the tidal volume.

American Standard Safety System

A safety system for large oxygen cylinders, designed to prevent the accidental attachment of a regulator to a cylinder containing the wrong type of gas.

Anaerobic metabolism

The metabolism that takes place in the absence of oxygen; the principal product is lactic acid.


Absence of spontaneous breathing.


In the context of Airway, the introduction of vomitus or other for material into the lungs.

Ataxic Respirations

Irregular, ineffective respirations that may or may not have an identifiable pattern.

Autonomic transport ventilator (ATV)

A ventilation device attached to a control box that allows the variables of ventilation to be set. It frees the EMT to perform other tasks while the patient is being ventilated.

Bag valve mask (BVM)

A device with a one-way valve and a face mask attached to a ventilation bag; when attached to a reservoir and connected to oxygen, it delivers more than 90% supplemental oxygen.

Barrier Device

A protective item, such as a pocket mask with a valve, that limit exposure to a patient's body fluids.


A body part or condition that appears on both sides of the midline.


Subdivision of the smaller bronchi in the lungs; made of smooth muscle and dilate or constrict in response to various stimuli.


A non-invasive method to quickly and effectively provide information on a patient's ventilatory status, circulation, and Metabolism. Effectively measures the concentration of carbon dioxide in expired air over time.


The use of a capnometer, a device that measures the amount of expired carbon dioxide.


Point at which the trachea bifurcates (divides) into the left and right mainstem bronchi.


Monitor the levels of CO-2, O-2, and the pH of the cerebrospinal fluid and then provide feedback to the respiratory centers to modify the rate and depth of breathing based on the body's needs at any given time.


The ability of the alveoli to expand when air is drawn in during inhalation.

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP)

A method of ventilation used primarily in the treatment of critically ill patients with respiratory distress; can prevent the need for endotracheal intubation.

Dead Space

The portion of the tidal volume that does not reach the alveoli and this does not participate in gas exchange.


The process in which molecules move from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration.


Shortness of breath.

End-Tidal CO_2

The amount of carbon dioxide present at the end of an exhaled breath.


The passive part of the breathing process in which the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles relax, forcing air out of the lungs.

External Respiration

The exchange of gases between the lungs and blood cells in the pulmonary capillaries; also called pulmonary respiration.

Gag reflex

A normal reflex mechanism that causes retching; activated by touching the soft palate or the back of the throat.

Gastric distension

A condition in which air fills the stomach, often as a result of high volume and pressure during artificial ventilation.


The space in between the vocal cords that is the narrowest portion of the adults airway; also called the glottic opening.

Good air Exchange

A term used to distinguish the degree of distress in a patient with a mild Airway obstruction. With good air exchange, the patient is still conscious and able to cough forcefully, although wheezing may be heard.

Head tilt-chin lift maneuver

A combination of two movements to open the airway by tilting the forehead back and lifting the chin; not used for trauma patients.


Increased carbon dioxide level in the blood stream.


A dangerous condition in which the body tissues and cells do not have enough oxygen.

Hypoxic Drive

A condition in which chronically low levels of oxygen in the blood stimulate the respiratory drive; seen in patients with chronic lung diseases.


The active, muscular part of breathing that draws air into the airway and lungs.

Internal respiration

The exchange of gases between the blood cells and the tissues.

Intrapulmonary shunting

Bypassing of oxygen-poor blood past non-functional alveoli to the left side of the heart.

Jaw-Thrust maneuver

Technique to open the airway by placing the fingers behind the angle of the jaw and bringing the jaw forward; used for patients who may have a cervical spine injury.

Labored breathing

Breathing that requires greater than normal effort; may be slower or faster than normal and usually requires the use of accessory muscles.


A complex structure formed by many independent cartilaginous structures that all work together; where the upper Airway ends and the lower airway begins; also called the voice box.

Manually triggered ventilation device

A fixed flow rate ventilation device that delivers a breath every time it's button is pushed; also referred to as flow-restricted, oxygen-powered ventilation device.


Space within the chest that contains the heart, major blood vessels, vagus nerve, trachea, major bronchi, and esophagus; located between the two lungs.

Metabolism (cellular respiration)

The biochemical process that results in production of energy from nutrients within the cells.

Mild Airway obstruction

Occurs when a foreign body partially obstructs the patient's Airway. The patient is able to move adequate amounts of air, but also experiences some degree as respiratory distress.

Minute volume

The volume of air moved through the lungs and 1 minute; calculated by multiplying tidal volume and respiratory rate; also referred to as minute ventilation.

Nasal cannula

An oxygen-delivery device in which oxygen flows through 2 small, tube-like prongs that fit into the patient's nostrils; delivers 24% to 44% supplemental oxygen, depending on the flow rate.

Nasopharyngeal (nasal) Airway

Airway adjunct inserted into the nostril of an unresponsive patient or patient with an altered level of Consciousness who is unable to maintain Airway patency adequately.


The nasal cavity; formed by the union of facial bones and protects the respiratory tract from contaminants.

Non rebreathing mask

A combination mask and Reservoir bag system that is the preferred way to give oxygen in the hospital setting; delivers up to 90% inspired oxygen and prevent inhaling the exhaled gases (carbon dioxide).

Oropharyngeal (oral) Airway

Airway adjunct inserted into the mouth of an unresponsive patient to keep the tongue from blocking the upper Airway and to facilitate suctioning the airway, if necessary.


Forms the posterior portion of the oral cavity, which is bordered superiorly by the hard and soft palate, laterally by the cheeks, and inferiorly by the Tongue.


The process of delivering oxygen to the blood by diffusion from the alveoli following inhalation into the lungs.

Oxygen toxicity

A condition of excess oxygen consumption resulting and cellular and tissue damage.

Partial Pleura

Thin membrane that lines the chest cavity.

Partial pressure

The term used to describe the amount of gas in air or dissolved in fluid, such as blood.

Passive ventilation

The act of air moving in and out of the lungs during chest compressions.


Open, clear of obstruction.

Phrenic nerve

Nerve that innervates the diaphragm; necessary for adequate breathing to occur.

Pin indexing system

A system established for portable cylinders to ensure that a regulator is not connected to a cylinder containing the wrong type of gas.


A partial or complete accumulation of air in the pleural space.

Poor air exchange

A term used to describe the degree of distress in a patient with a mild Airway obstruction. With poor air exchange, the patient often has a week, ineffective cough, increased difficulty breathing, or possible cyanosis and may produce a high-pitched noise during inhalation (Strider).

Pulse oximetry

An assessment tool that measures oxygen saturation of hemoglobin in the capillary beds.

Recovery position

A side-lying position used to maintain a clear Airway in unconscious patients without injuries who are breathing adequately.

Residual volume

The air that remains in the lungs after maximal expiration.


The process of exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide.


Movements in which the skin pulls in around the ribs during inspiration.

Severe Airway obstruction

Occurs when a foreign body completely obstructs the patient's Airway. The patient cannot breathe, talk, or cough.


An opening through the skin and into an organ or other structure; a stoma in the neck connects the trachea directly to the skin.

Suction catheter

A hollow, cylindrical device used to remove fluid from the patient's Airway.


A liquid protein substance that coats the alveoli in the lungs, decreases alveolar surface tension, and keeps the alveoli expanded; a low-level in a premature infant contributes to respiratory distress syndrome.

Tension pneumothorax

A life-threatening collection of air within the pleural space; the volume and pressure have both collapsed the involved lung and caused a shift in the mediastinal structures to the opposite side.

Tidal volume

The amount of air that is moved in and out of the lungs during one breath

Tonsil tips

Large, semirigid suction tips recommended for suctioning the pharynx; also called Yankauer tips.


Surgical opening into the trachea.


Exchange of air between the lungs and the environment, spontaneously by the patient or with assistance from another person, such as an EMT

Visceral pleura

The membrane that covers the lungs.

Vital capacity

The amount of air that can be forcibly expelled from the lungs after breathing in as deeply as possible.

Vocal cords

Thin white bands of tough muscular tissue that are lateral borders of the glottis and serve as the primary Center For Speech production.


The production of whistling sounds during expiration such as occurs in asthma and bronchiolitis.


The process by which medications travel through body tissues until they reach the bloodstream.


The therapeutic effect of a medication on the body.

Activated charcoal

An oral medication that binds and adsorbs ingested toxins in the gastrointestinal tract for treatment of some poisoning and medication overdoses. Charcoal is ground inside very fine powder that provides the greatest possible surface area for binding medications that have been taken by mouth


Medication that causes stimulation of receptors.


A medication that binds to a receptor and blocks other medications.

Aspirin (Acetylsalicylic acid or ASA)

A medication that is an antipyretic (reduces fever), anagesic (reduces pain), anti-inflammatory (reduces inflammation), and a potent inhibitor of platelet aggregation (clumping).


Conditions that make a particular medication or treatment inappropriate because it would not help, or may actually harm, a patient.


The amount of medication given on the basis of the patient's size and age.

EMT-Administered medication

Administration of a medication by the EMT directly to the patient.

Enteral medications

Medications that enter the body through the digestive system.


A medication that increases heart rate and blood pressure but also eases breathing problems by decreasing muscle tone on the bronchiole tree.


A semi-liquid substance that is administered orally in capsule form or through plastic tubes.

Generic name

The original chemical name of a medication (in contrast with one of its proprietary or "trade" names); the name is not capitalized.


An abnormally low blood glucose level.


The therapeutic uses for specific medication.


Breathing into the lungs; a medication delivery route.

Intramuscular (IM) injection

An injection into a muscle; a medication delivery route.

Intranasal (IN)

A delivery route in which a medication is pushed through a specialized Atomizer device called a Mucosal atomizer device (MAD) into the naris.

Intraosseous (IO) Injection

An injection into the bone; and medication delivery route.

Intravenous (IV) injection

An injection directly into a vein; a medication delivery route.


A substance that is used to treat or prevent disease or relieve pain.

Medication error

Inappropriate use of the medication that can lead to Patient harm.

Metered dose inhaler (MDI)

A miniature spray canister through which droplets or particles of medication may be inhaled.

Mucosal atomizer device (MAD)

A device that is used to change a liquid medication into a spray and push it into a nostril.


A medication that increases cardiac perfusion by causing blood vessels to dilate; EMTs may be allowed to assist the patient to self administer the medication.


By mouth; and medication delivery route

Oral glucose

A simple sugar that is readily absorbed by the bloodstream; it is carried on the EMS unit.

Over-the-counter (OTC) medications

Medications that may be purchased directly by a patient without a prescription.


A gas that all cells need for metabolism; the heart and brain, especially, cannot function without oxygen.

Parenteral medications

Medications that enter the body by a route other than the digestive tract, skin, or mucous membranes.

Patient assisted medication

When the Mt assist the patient with the administration of his or her own medication.

Peer assisted medication

When the EMT administers medication to him or herself or to a partner.

Per os (PO)

Through the mouth; a medication delivery route; same as oral.

Per rectum (PR)

Through the rectum; a medication delivery route.


The process by which a medication works on the body.


The study of the properties and effects of medications.


The use of multiple medications on a regular basis.

Prescription medications

Medications that are distributed to patients only by pharmacist according to a physician's order.

Side effects

Any effects of a medication other than the desired ones.


A liquid mixture that cannot be separated by filtering or allowing the mixture to stand.

Sub continuous (SC) injection

Injection into the fatty tissue between the skin and muscle; a medication delivery route.

Sublingual (SL)

Under the tongue; a medication delivery route.


A mixture of ground particles that are distributed evenly throughout a liquid but do not dissolve.

Therapeutic effect

The desired or intended effect a medication is expected to have on the body.

Topical medications

Lotions, creams, and ointments that are applied to the surface of the skin and affect only that area; a medication delivery route.

Trade name

The brand name that a manufacturer gives a medication; the name is capitalized.

Transcutaneous (Transdermal)

Through the skin; a medication delivery route.

Unintendedly effects

Actions that are undesirable but pose little risk to the patient.

Untoward effects

Actions that can be harmful to the patient.


The buildup of excess acid in the blood or body tissues that results from a primary illness.

Adventitious Breath Sounds

Abnormal breath sounds such as wheezing, stridor, rhonchi, and crackles.


The buildup of excess base (lack of acids) in the body fluids.


A substance that causes an allergic reaction.

Anaphylaxis (Anaphylactic shock)

An extreme, life-threatening, systemic allergic reaction that may include shock and respiratory failure.


An acute spasm of the smaller air passages, called bronchioles, associated with excessive mucus production and with swelling of the mucous lining of the respiratory passages.


Collapse of the alveolar air spaces of the lungs.

Bronchial breath sounds

Normal breath sounds made by air moving through the bronchi.


Inflammation of the bronchioles that usually occurs in children younger than 2 years old and is often caused by the respiratory syncytial virus.


An acute or chronic inflammation of the lung that may damage lung tissue; usually associated with cough and production of sputum and, depending on its cause, sometimes fever. A viral illness often caused by RSV. Affects mostly newborns and toddlers.

Carbon Dioxide Retention

A condition characterized by a chronically high blood level of carbon dioxide in which the respiratory Center no longer responds to high blood levels of carbon dioxide.

Carbon monoxide

In odorless, colorless, tasteless, and highly poisonous gas that results from incomplete oxidation of carbon in combustion.

Chronic bronchitis

Irritation of the major lung passageways from infectious disease or irritants such a smoke.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

An umbrella term used to describe a few lung diseases, including emphysema and chronic bronchitis . A slow process of dilation and disruption of the Airways and alveoli caused by chronic bronchial obstruction. May result from lung and Airway damage from infection or toxic gas inhalation.

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP)

A method of ventilation used primarily in the treatment of critically ill patients with respiratory distress; can prevent the need for endotracheal intubation.


Crackling, rattling breath sounds signaling fluid in the air spaces of the lungs; formerly called Rales.


An inflammatory disease of the upper respiratory system that may cause a partial Airway obstruction due to swelling of the pharynx, larynx, and trachea. It is characterized by Strider and a barking cough; usually seen in children. Responsible to humidified oxygen.


An infectious disease in which a membrane forms, lining the pharynx; this lining can severely obstruct the passage of air into the larynx.


Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.


A blood clot or other substance in the circulatory system that travels to a blood vessel where it causes a blockage.


A COPD disease of the lungs in which there is Extreme dilation and eventual destruction of the pulmonary alveoli with poor exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide; it is one form of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Smoking is a Cause.


A bacterial disease in which the epiglottis becomes inflamed and enlarged. They cause an upper Airway obstruction.

Hay fever

An allergic response usually to outdoor Airborne allergens such as pollen or sometimes indoor allergens such as dust mites or pet dander; also called allergic rhinitis.


Rapid or deep breathing that lowers the blood carbon dioxide level below normal.

Hyperventilation syndrome (panic attack)

This syndrome occurs in the absence of other physical problems. The respiration of a person who is experiencing hyperventilation syndrome may be as high as 40 shallow breaths per minute, or as low as only 20 very deep breaths per minute.


A condition in which the body's cells and tissues do not have enough oxygen.

Hypoxic Drive

A condition in which chronically low levels of oxygen in the blood stimulate the respiratory drive; seen in patients with chronic lung diseases.

Influenza type A

Virus that has crossed the animal/ human barrier and has infected humans, recently reaching a pandemic level with the H1N1 strain.

Metered dose inhaler (MDI)

A miniature spray canister used to direct medications through the mouth and into the lungs.


Severe dyspnea experience when lying down and relieved by sitting up.


The process of delivering oxygen to the blood.


An outbreak that occurs on a global scale.

Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea

Severe shortness of breath, especially at night after several hours of reclining; the person is forced to sit up to breathe.

Pertussis (whooping cough)

An Airborne bacterial infection that affects mostly children younger than 6 years old. Patients will be feverish and exhibit a "whoop" sound on inspiration after coughing attack; highly contagious through droplet infection.

Pleural effusion

A collection of fluid between the lung and chest wall that may compress the lung. Upright position eases pain. Can stem from irritation, infection, congestive heart failure, or cancer.

Pleuritic chest pain

Sharp, stabbing pain in the chest that is worse than a breath or other chest wall movement; often caused by inflammation or irritation of the pleura.


An infectious disease of the lung that damages lung tissue. It says temperature and provide Airway support and supplemental oxygen. Bacterial pneumonia will come on quickly and resulting high fever. Viral pneumonia presents more gradually and is less severe.


A partial or complete accumulation of air in the pleural space.

Pulmonary edema

A buildup of fluid in the lungs, usually as a result of congestive heart failure. Can be caused by inhaling large amounts of smoke or toxic chemical fumes, traumatic chest injuries, and exposure to high altitudes.

Pulmonary embolism

A blood clot that breaks off from a large vein and travels to the blood vessels of the lung, causing obstruction of blood flow.


The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)

A virus that causes an infection of the lungs and breathing passages; can lead to other serious illnesses that affect the lungs or heart, such as bronchiolitis and pneumonia. RSV is highly contagious and spread through droplets. Look for signs of dehydration.


Coarse breath sounds heard in patients with chronic mucus in the Airways.

Small volume nebulizer

A respiratory device that holds liquid medicine that is turned into a fine Mist. The patient inhales the medication into the Airways and lungs as a treatment for conditions such as asthma.


A harsh, high-pitched, barking inspiratory sound often heard an acute laryngeal (upper Airway) obstruction.

Tuberculosis (TB)

A bacterial infection that can lay dormant in a person's lungs for decades, then reactivate; many strains are resistant to antibiotics. Patients complain of fever, coughing, fatigue, night sweats, weight loss. (TB) is spread by cough. Wear gloves, eye protection, and a n95 respirator.


Exchange of air between the lungs and the environment, spontaneously by the patient or with assistance from another person, such as an EMT.

Vesicular breath sounds

Normal breath sounds made by air moving in and out of the alveoli.


A high-pitched, whistling breath sound, characteristically heard on expiration in patients with asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Bag valve mask (BVM)

A BVM device is indicated if the patient's respirations are less than 8 breaths per minute

The upper Airway consist of

Nose, mouth, pharynx, larynx


The trachea divides in the thoracic cavity at the Carina into two main stems which are the right and left bronchi

The mediastinum contains

Heart, great vessels, esophagus, trachea, major bronchi, many nerves

The six rights

Right patient

Right medication

Right dose

Right route

Right time

Right documentation

Medication EMT carry


oral glucose

Wet lungs vs. Dry lungs

Patients with pulmonary edema (Bronchitis and crackles) will have wet lung sounds, patients with COPD will have dry lung sounds.

Treatment of upper or lower airway infection

-Administer humidified oxygen

-Don't suction the airway or use oropharyngeal

-Position comfortably

-Transport promptly

Treatment for acute pulmonary edema

Provide 100% oxygen

Suction of necessary

Position comfortably

Treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

-Assist with prescribed inhaler and watch for side effects

-Position comfortably

Transport promptly

Treatment for asthma

-Prepare to suction -Assist

-Assist asthma patient with prescribed inhaler

-Provide aggressive airway management, oxygen, and prompt transport

Treatment for hay fever

Unlikely to need emergency treatment

Treatment for anaphylaxis

-Remove the offending agent

-Maintain the airway

-Transport rapidly

-Administer epinephrine