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32 Cards in this Set

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What are the two parts of the pituitary called? (2 names for each)
1. Anterior Pituitary (Adenohypophysis)
2. Posterior Pituitary
Which part of the pituitary is embryologically an outgrowth of brain tissue?
Posterior Pituitary
What is the embryological origin of the anterior pituitary?
Outfolding (Rathke's Pouch) from the ectoderm of the primitive oral cavity.
What are the two nuclei in the Hypothalamus and where are their axons going?
Axons go to posterior pituitary
What is secreted by:
Supraoptic Nucleus
Paraventricular Nucleus
Supraoptic- Vasopressin (ADH)
Paraventricular- Oxytocin
What is a Herring Body and in what organ would you find this?
This is a large blob of NT that is working its way down the axon from one of the Hypothalamic nuclei.
What is the effect of Oxytocin?
What endocrine organ does it come from?
Basically smooth muscle contraction of mammary glands and uterus.
What is the effect of ADH (Vasopressin)?
What endocrine organ does it come from?
Water reabsorption by kidney tubules.
What arteries supply the pituitary gland?
Superior and Inferior Hypophyseal Arteries (-> portal system)
What are the 3 general groups of cells found in the anterior pituitary?
1. Chromophobes
2. Acidophils
3. Basophils
Acidophils aka ____
Basophils aka ______
Acidophils aka Somatotropes
1. Growth Hormone
2. Prolactin
Basophils aka Gonadotropins
1. Follicle Stimulating
2. Lutenizing
Basophils aka Corticotropes
1. Corticotropins
Basophils aka Thyrotropes
1. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
What are the two somatotropes and what do they do?
1. Growth Hormone- body wide growth
2. Prolactin- Mammary growth, lactation
What are the three types of basophils?
1. Gonadotropes
2. Corticotropes
3. Thyrotropes
What are the two types of gonadotropes and what do they do?
1. Follicle Stimulating Hormone-development of ovaries
2. Lutenizing Hormone- productino of testosterone
What is the subtype of corticotropes released by the pituitary and what does it do?
causes release of glucocorticoids from adrenal gland to increase blood glucose.
What does thyroid-stimulating hormone do?
Stimulates production of thyroid hormone
What is stored by the thyroid gland?
Inactive form of thyroid hormone that is stored until its needed.
What type of cells surround the colloid in the thyroid gland? what do they do?
secrete calcitonin
decreases calcium in blood
What are the 2 types of thyroid hormones and what is their basic function?
T3 and T4
Overall increase metabolism
What does hyperthyroidism look like histologically and why?
Tons of C-cells with decrease in size of colloid pools because C-cells are taking it up and spitting it into blood at a much higher rate to cause a very high metabolism.
What is Hashimoto's disease?
Autoimmune attack on thyroid -> hypothyroidism
What are the 2 main types of parathyroid cells?
Chief cells
Oxyphil Cells (function unknown)
What hormone is released by the parathyroid and what is its affect?
What cells release this?
Parathyroid hormone
Increased blood calcium
Chief cells of parathyroid
What two hormones control blood calcium levels and where do they come from?
Calcitonin from thyroid
Parathyroid hormone from parathyroid
What is the affect of hyperparathyroidism on bone density?
Hyperparathyroidism -> lots of parathyroid hormone which increases blood calcium and decreases bone density.
Hypoparathyroidism is opposite
What are the parts of the suprarenal (adrenal) gland from outside in?
1. Zona glomerulosa
2. Zona Fasciculata
3. Zona Reticularis
What hormones are secreted by each level of the suprarenal gland and how do you remember this?
Zona glomerulosa- mineralocorticoids
Zona fasciculata- glucocorticoids
Zona reticularis- Gonadocorticoids
What is secreted by the medulla of the suprarenal gland?
NE and EPI
What type of cells are found in the suprarenal medulla and what do they do?
1. Chromaffin cells- relase NE and EPI
2. Ganglion cells
Pineal Gland has no ____.
Easy to identify because it has ____.
Function is ?
Blood brain barrier
brain sand
Makes melatonin which regulates circadian rhythms.
What are the 3 cell types of the islets of langerhans and what does it secrete?
alpha- glucagon
beta- insulin
delta- somatostatin
Where would you find enteroendocrine cells?
Scattered all throughout the digestive system.