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9 Cards in this Set

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4 organic molecules that make up cells
nucleic acids
7 biological functions performed by proteins and an example
1. metabolic regulation
2.defense (antibodies)
3. coordination and control (hormones)
4.movement (actin, mysin)
5. support (collagen)
6. transport (HDL, LDL)
7.Buffering (pH)
what are the monomer units used to make up proteins
amino acids, there are 20 different amino acids
what two functional groups do all amino acids contain?
amino group and carboxyl group
what functional groups are found in the R groups?
hydroxyl, sulfhydryl, carbonyl, amino, carboxyl
what is a weak acid?
it incompletely dissociates in water and becomes fully negative charged (ionized)
3 classifications of amino acids based on R- groups
electrically charged (either negative or positive)
What role do these R groups play in determining the solubility of an amino acid or protein?
If it is nonpolar, it is hydrophobic.
if it is polar, it is hydorphilic
what is the primary structure of a protein? How is it formed? What holds it together?
The unique sequence of amino acids formed by new bonds between carbon and nitrogen. held by peptide (covalent) bonds