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44 Cards in this Set

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Articles of Confederation

adopted by the Continental Congress

much like before independence^

Congress remains central

power for wars and foreign affairs

anything having to do with money

couldnt regulate trade

draft troops or levy taxes

no executive branch

"presiding officers of congress"

each state had a single vote

9/13 states had to agree

small states wanted equal representation

large states wanted it based on population

small states won

western lands

New York and Virginia gave up lands to articles gov't.

lasted from 1781 to 1789


Northwest Ordinance of 1787

abondoned the ten districts established in 1784

created a single territory out of the lands north of the Ohio

divided into 3 to 5 territories

60,000 people for statehood

freedom of reigion

right to trial by jury to residents ofthe northwest

prohibited slavery

Shays’ Rebellion

Daniel Shay and Job Shattuck

farmers had debt's that they wanted help from the federal government

paper money

tax relief

moratorium on debts

abolition of debt prisons

concessions to aggrieved farmers


tax relief

debt postponment

***necessary for bringing about stronger central government

Constitutional Convention

George Washington gave the convention credibility

Shay's Rebellion marked the need for such a convention

55 men present

all states but rhode island

Piladelphia State House May/September 1787

this is where the term 'founding fathers' became famous later on.

average age 44

wealthy property owners

Washington presided

simple majority

strong centralized government?

Virginia-James madison-"national government"-Exec/house/judiciary<===only brief debate

Madison's Virginia Plan- legislature in two houses. one by population, one voted.

New jersey Plan- all states have equal rep. Tax and regulate commerce.

**no one really confronted slavery

Slaves part of pop. ?


july 2- "grand commitee"- "Great Compromise"

july 16, 1787

Representatives based on population. Senate got two reps a piece.

Roger Sherman

signed all major documents of american history.

against paper money

against slavery

founding father

3/5ths compromise

William Patterson

New Jersey Plan


legis/exec/judic system

virginia plan

Virginia Plan

rep by population in the house and by vote in the senate.

New Jersey Plan

one house with equal representation

tax and regulate commerce

Connecticut Plan

the great compromise

3/5ths Compromise

roger sherman/james wilson

a third more representation for states with slaves.


James Madison- virginia plan and drafted most of it himself. (sovereignty and limiting power?)

the federal and state gov't were subject to the will of the people.

concentrated authority- Baron de Montesquieu(avoid tyranny by keeping the centralized gov't close.

checks and balances


no rights for blacks/native americans

Checks and balances

each branch of gov't checks each other


three departments: state, treasury, and war.

attorney general/postmaster general

Alex hammy: treasury

Hen Knox as war general

Edmond randolph- attorney general


bi cameral


barely covered in constitution

Bill of rights

the first ten ammendments:

north carolina/rhode island join afterwards

First Amendment - Freedom of speech, press, religion, peaceable assembly, and to petition the governmentSecond Amendment - Right for the people to keep and bear arms, as well as to maintain a militiaThird Amendment - Protection from quartering of troopsFourth Amendment - Protection from unreasonable search and seizureFifth Amendment - Due process, double jeopardy, self-incrimination, private propertySixth Amendment - Trial by jury and other rights of the accusedSeventh Amendment - Civil trial by juryEighth Amendment - Prohibition of excessive bail, as well as cruel and unusual punishmentNinth Amendment - Protection of rights not specifically enumerated in the Bill of RightsTenth Amendment - Powers of states and people

George Washington

federalist views without a declared partisanship.

strong national government that was above controversy.

avoided personal influence in congress.

Alexander Hamilton took charge.

Judiciary Act of 1789

congress provides a Supreme Court with six members

lower district courts

courts of appeal

final say in constitutional laws

Thomas Jefferson

wrote most of the declaration of independence

favored sturdy/independent farmers


limited central government.

in favor of 'the enlightenment'

Alexander Hamilton

part of publius

secretary of treasury


believed in a classist society

government and the elite needed to be hand and hand with the governement

group debt

national bank: provide loans/currency to business, federal funds, private inverstors

alcohol tax/import ax to cdollect money for the gov't

"report on manufacturers"

wealthy/enlightened class/commercial economy/manufacturing sector

James Madison

convince virginia legislature to convene on interstate affairs

Virginia Plan

believed that stating a person's individual rights would ultimately limit those rights

wrote most of the constitution

helped resolve the question of: sovereignty and limiting power

all gov't flowed from people

favored a large republic

checks and balances


ran with jefferson

Report on the Public Credit

The First Report on the Public Credit was one of three major reports on fiscal and economic policy submitted by American Founding Father and first United States Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton on the request of Congress.[1] The report analyzed the financial standing of the United States of America and made recommendations to reorganize the national debt and to establish the public credit.[2] Commissioned by the House of Representatives on September 21, 1789, the Report was presented on January 9, 1790,[3] at the second session of the First US Congress.[4] The 40,000 word document [5] called for full federal payment at face value to holders of government securities (“Redemption”)[3] and the national government to assume funding of all state debt (“Assumption”)[3] The political stalemate[6] in Congress that ensued led to the Compromise of 1790, locating the permanent US capitol on the Potomac River ("Residency”).

Bank of the United States

provide loans and currency and assume the national debt

Report on Manufactures

as a means of creating wealthy, making provisions for manufactures in america.

growth of industry and manufacturing sector

Strict Constructionism

In the United States, strict constructionismrefers to a particular legal philosophy of judicial interpretation that limits or restricts judicial interpretation

loose constructionism

an advocate of loose construction (as of a statute or constitution);specifically : one favoring a liberal construction of the Constitution of the U.S. to give broader powers to the federal government

Citizen Genet

french, almost banished, tried to gain american support for the french revolution

Whiskey Rebellion

washington took 15,000 men to stop

farmers in pennsylvania were upset about new whiskey tax

Jay’s Treaty

john jay-chief justice of the supreme court

went to end attacks on harbors by british fleets

settled the disbutes

Washington’s Farewell Address


John Adams

george washington's vice president

not apart of the federalist controversies

appoint bipartisan commission to negotiate with france

(XYZ affairs) he wanted to declare war wit hfrance after they said thye wouldnt help with the debt

convinced congress to cut trade with france

capture french ships


Alien and Sedition Acts

made it hard to get citizenship/people could be held for being against the government

XYZ Affair

Comissioned by james madison

french asked for a loan

XYZ refers to the french ambassadors


undeclared war with france due to french disrespect during a meeting

Kentucky Resolution

The Kentucky Resolutions of 1798 argued that each individual state has the power to declare that federal laws are unconstitutional and void. The Kentucky Resolution of 1799 added that when the states determine that a law is unconstitutional, nullification by the states is the proper remedy.

Virginia Resolution

The Virginia Resolutions of 1798 refer to "interposition" to express the idea that the states have a right to "interpose" to prevent harm caused by unconstitutional laws. The Virginia Resolutions contemplate joint action by the states.

Revolution of 1800

"the defeat of the Federalists"

Jefferson won the election

only branch that remain federalist was judicial branch

“Democratic Republic”

A democratic republic is, strictly speaking, a country that is both a republic and a democracy. It is one where ultimate authority and power is derived from the citizens, and the government itself is run through elected officials.

Aaron Burr

republican vice president.

Barbary Pirates

Until the American Declaration of Independence in 1776, British treaties with the North African states protected American ships from theBarbary corsairs. Morocco, which in 1777 was the first independent nation to publicly recognize the United States, in 1784 became the first Barbary power to seize an American vessel after the nation achieved independence. The Barbary threat led directly to the United States founding the United States Navy in March 1794. While the United States did secure peace treaties with the Barbary states, it was obliged to pay tribute for protection from attack. The burden was substantial: in 1800 payments in ransom and tribute to the Barbary states amounted to 20% of United States government's annual expenditures.[23] The United States conducted the First Barbary War in 1801 and the Second Barbary War in 1815 to gain more favorable peace terms; it ended the payment of tribute. But, Algiers broke the 1805 peace treaty after two years, and refused to implement the 1815 treaty until compelled to do so by Britain in 1816.

John Marshall

chief justice of the supreme court

Marbury v. Madison

clearly defined the role the judiciary branch had

Louisiana Purchase

special rights to french in the territory and inside new orleans harbor