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33 Cards in this Set

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Articles of Confederation

* 1781

* Constitution drafted after the declaration of independence.

* The Articles of Confederation jealously guarded state power , at the expense of federal power.

Three Powers Specifically Delegated in the Articles of Confederation

* To direct the conduct of national wars.

* To direct national foreign policy.

* To borrow or print a national currency.

Three Powers Specifically Prohibited in the Articles of Confederation

* No authority to regulate trade.

* No authority to levy taxes.

* No authority to script soldiers or draft army's.

Shays's Rebellion

* 1786-1787

* Shays's Rebellion is put down in


* Farmers in western Massachusetts rebelled because of high taxes and bad state government Took over court houses to prevent foreclosure on farms.

* The impetus that Shays's Rebellion gave to conservatism and nationalism across the new United States was the important consequence.

Constitutional Convention

* 1787

* Constitutional Convention is held in Philadelphia.

* The convention of the states for the sole and express purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation.

Federalist Papers

* The Federalist Papers are published.

* 1787-1788

* 85 essays published in the newspapers of New York under the name Publius to convince the colonists to ratify the Constitution . Written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison.

First Presidential Inaugaration

* 1789

* President George Washington is inaugurated ( 1st President of the United States).

Members of Washington's First Cabinet

* President ( George Washington ) .

* Vice President ( John Adams ) .

* Secretary of War ( Henry Knox ) .

* Attorney General ( Edmund Randolph ) .

* Secretary of State ( Thomas Jefferson ) .

* Secretary of the Treasury ( Alexander Hamilton ) .

The Federalist's

* An advocate of the Constitution.

* For a centralized federal system.

The Republicans

* Opponents to the Constitution.

* For decentralized federal system and states rights.

Number of Times "Slave , or Slavery" Appears in the Constitution.

* 0 , Nadda , None , Nigh

Separation of Powers

* Government powers where separated into three branches.

* Bicameral Legislature.

* Judicial Branch.

* Executive Branch.

* Used to create checks and balances , against tyranny.

Virginia Plan

* Recommended using a bicameral legislature.

* Based on the Virginia house of Burgess.

New Jersey Plan

* Recommended using a unicameral legislature.

* Based on the Continental congress.

Quasi War

* 1798

* Naval war between the states and France.

* John Adams told France the debt would seise to be paid.

Alien and Sedition Acts

* 1798

* Limited freedom of speech and press , and liberty of aliens.

* was an excuse by federalist to supress American critics.

Thomas Jefferson

* 1800

* Elected as the 3rd president.

* Leader of the Republican party.

* Known for the embargo act of 1807 , and the Louisiana purchase in 1803.

Marbury Vs Madison

* 1803

* supreme court case in which the elected justice of the peace was denied his commission from John Adams by James Maddison.

* Led to judicial review - implication that the supreme court does not have to make a decision.

USS Chesapeake Incident

* 1807

* Occurred off the coast of Virginia when the HMS Leopard hailed the Chesapeake to stop in order to impress it's sailors.

* Led to the embargo act of 1807.

Embargo Act of 1807

* Thomas Jefferson's plan to avoid a war.

* Kept US ships in port.

* Caused economic depression along US sea board.

Hartford Convention

* 1814.

* New England federalist wrote new amendments to the Constitution.

* Demanded congress pass the legislation or New England would secede from the union.

Treaty of Ghent

* 1814

* Mutual agreement between British and American forces.

* Ended the war of 1812.

Battle of New Orlean's

* 1815

* Took place after the Treaty of Ghent but was still considered a major American Victory.

3/5th's Compromise

* Compromise by the North while creating the Legislative branch.

* Every 5 slaves owned 3 would count towards southern votes.

Election of 1796

* 1796

* Election between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson.

* John Adams the favored canidate with support from George Washington and the federalist.

* Alexander Hamilton tried to undermine John Adams because he was not controllable.

Fort Mchenry

* Major fortification that kept the English from attacking baltimore.

* Francis Scott Key wrote the national anthem or the poem " The Star Spangled Banner " during this attack , while he was on a British ship trying to negotiate peace.


* The practice by British navy in which they would stop and board US ships , in order to recover British naval deserters.

* Typically American.

Burning of Washington D.C.

* The British capture of Washington D.C. after Americans failed attempts to invade Canada.

* Resulted in the burning of the white house, the Congressional library, and public buildings.

War Hawkes

* The next generation of republicans after the Jeffersonian republicans.

* Led by Henry Clay , and John . C. Calhoun.

* Comprised mainly of frontiers man and southerners , bent on revenge of English oppression.

Louisiana Purchase

* 1803

* Purchased from Napolian Bonaparte.

* A mutual benefit to both America and France.

* America doubled the size of the nation.

* France had money for the Nepolianonic Wars.

Aaron Burr

* Publically revealed Alexander Hamilton ill truths.

* Caused Alexander Hamilton to press for federalist backing of Thomas Jefferson.

* Vice president

* Later morally wounded Alexander Hamilton in a dual in New Jersey , because it was Illegal in New York.

William Marburry

* Was elected justice of the peace in Washington D.C. by John Adams.

* He filed suit against Vice President James Madison.

* Led to Marburry vs Madison.

Alexander Hamilton

* Leader of the federalist party.

* Founder of the National Bank.

* Sudo friend of George Washington. And John Adams.

Did not believe common man could run government .