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48 Cards in this Set

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the study of morality
standards of good and evil
mercy killing
find out the difference between right and wrong
what is right and wrong depends on the consequence
whats right and wrong is in itself
virtue ethics
character development, role models, etc
cultural relativism
describes what comes out of the world's behavior
ethical relativism
societies have different standards, so correct morality is subject to that person's society
ethical absolutism
there is only one correct set of morals that everyone should follow
pleasure is the only thing worth having for its sake and has intrinsic value. it is right to seek your own pleasure.
value on the inside
a means to an end
hedonist, consequentialist. people should live to produce as much pleasure for themselves as possible
bentham and mills. good is what is good for the most people
found faults in utilitarianism, you never know the consequences that will happen after your action, so you cant tell whats right or wrong based off that. do do good works you have to have the right mindset.
kant's hypothetical imperative
"if i do this, then this will happen"
kant's categorical imperative
a priori. act as to treat humanity as people, not as objects or a means to something else
act utilitarianist. the end justifies the mean. what is right will promote pleasure, what is wrong will promote pain.
"having love affairs" any action is good if it promotes pleasure over pain. lying (affairs) are ok if concealing the truth would bring less pain. act utilitarianist
ramsey colloquium
morals that allow divorce, etc can be harmful on families. rule utilitarianism
rule utilitarianist. right actions that follow the moral rule that brings happiness and less pain. the body is no more than an instrument for the fullfilment of desire.
freudian model
release of tension is good for you
sartian model
there is a competition for dominance between male and female
interrelationship model
we all desire contact with others, rejection causes pain
religious model
romantic model
there's one person for everyone
empathy model (dr cording model)
feeling with not being used or treated as an object. people are vulnerable.
nonconsequentialist ethics
kant, we should always do the will of God, if we disobey it will be wrong
divine command theory
we should always do the will of God
catagorical comparative theory
we should only do something if we want it to become a law
tons of rules dictating what you should and shouldnt do, basically treat others above yourself
natural law ethics
people should live according to nature. zeno, aquinas, epitetus, finnis
finnis 7 tendencies
life, knowledge, aesthetic experience, friendships, practical reasonableness, religion, play
we should act in accordance with reason. virtue is to avoid bad habits.
preconventional: follows authority figures to avoid punishment
conventional: being accepted by people who follow rules
post conventional: questions conventional, morality= human welfare, justice, rights. women are less moral than men due to loyalties
women care for themselves first and others second and both third. morality is based on human welfare, justice, and rights.
aristole- love
philia (brotherly love)
enos (passionate love)
agape (God love)
excusability ethics
ignorance of consequences can be excused, but ignorance for the law cant.
if there is no God, then there is no morality. slave morality: those who dont have power, emphasis on heaven. Master morality: emphasis on nobility
all humans posess reason which is the source of moral rights. reason sets us apart from the animals. society keeps women below men which is wrong. she says all humans posess reason so we are all equal
if its in our power to prevent bad from happening and it wont commit more sacrifice then we should do it.
all animals are equal
what we think is good was built into us by God. principle of double effect.
we have a natural tendency to judge what is right and wrong for ourselves
rule utilitarianism
an action is right if it follows moral rules that will produce more pleasure and less pain if followed by everyone
principle of double effect
if an action will cause good and bad, it is ok to do the action and let the bad happen as long as your intentions are good
act utilitarianism
the right action is the one that produces more pleasure and less pain if followed by everyone