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29 Cards in this Set

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Define resource

A source of a supply that can be drawn upon when wanted/needed.

Define what a non-renewable source is.

A source that can't be replaced or takes more than a human lifetime to be replaced.

Define what a renewable source is.

A source that renews/replaces itself within a human lifetime.

What are the Earths four spheres?

Lithosphere, Hydrosphere, Biosphere & Atmosphere

What is the Hydrosphere?

The water on, in and above (clouds) the Earth

What is the Atmosphere?

The layer of gases surrounding the Earth

What is the Lithosphere?

The outer part of the Earth - Crust and upper mantle

What is the Biosphere?

The parts of the Earth where life exists

How is coal formed?

Dead plants sink to the bottom if swamps, get covered by sediments and slowly turn to peat which gets buried under sediments and with pressure turns to coal.

How are natural gas and crude oil formed?

Microscopic creatures die and get buried under sediments to make which turn into sedimentary rocks. With enough pressure some of the organic matter makes natural gas while some makes crude oil

Where do resources we use come from?

In or on the Earth

What are some uses for metal ores?

Electrical wire, pipes, jewelry, steel, glass

What are some made resources that are reused/recycled?

Glass & rubber

List some of the Earth resources we use

Oil, coal, natural gas, metal, water, wood

How can wood be reused/recycled?

Wood can be reused as building material and recycled as mulch

Name 4 non-renewable sources

Coal, crude oil, natural gas and nuclear energy

What are coal's main uses?

Electricity generation,steel production, cement manufactoring and as a liquid feul

How can glass be reused/recycled?

Glass can be remade into other glass products

What are some natural resources that are reused or recycled?

Wood and water

What's the hydrothermal process?

When sea water circulates through hydrothermal vents, depositing minerals

What's the internal process?

Geological activities e.g. volcanoes bringing ore from deep to the surface

How can rubber be reused/recycled?

Rubber tyres can be melted and used in a mixture to make roads

What are crude oil's main uses?

Heating, electricity generation and transportation feuls

How are metal ores extracted?

Mining, grinding, concentrating, roasting, smelting with fluxes, conversion of matte,anode casting, electrolytic refining and leaching

What are the processes that form metal ores?

Internal processes,hydrothermal processes, surficial processes and meteorites

What's the surficial process?

When ore builds up due to erosion

How can water be reused/recycled?

You can convert waste water into water that can be used for other purposes e.g. gardening

Name 5 renewable resources

Water, wind, wood, sun and ethanol

List the Earth's resources that we use

Oil, coal, metal, water, wood, practically anything