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34 Cards in this Set

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Boxer Rebellion
1.) 1899-1900 anti-foreign militias such as The Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists/Society of Righteous Harmony (“Boxers”) attached foreigners in China.
2.) 1900-Boxers attacked Foreign quarters in Beijing; 55 day siege; U.S. later agreed to protect Chinese integrity
“Open Door” Policy
1.) 1899-1900: “Open Door” policy in China
2.) Sec. of State John Hay
-No European nation should carve out a sphere of influence in China and exclude others from trade
-Despite American claims to the contrary, other countries did not accept it
3.) Policy opened the potential for later conflict with expansion-minded powers in Pacific.
Emilio Aguinaldo
1.) 1896-Emilio Aguinaldo resistance leader.
2.) was a Filipino general, politician, and independence leader. He played an instrumental role in Philippine independence during the Philippine Revolution against Spain and the Philippine-American War that resisted American occupation. Eventually pledged his allegiance to the US government.
Treaty of Paris 1898
1.) Ended the Spanish-American War
2.) American and Spanish delegates met in Paris on October 1, 1898 to produce a treaty that would bring an end to the war after six months of hostilities.
Rough Riders
1.) The ______________ was the name bestowed by the American press on the 1st United States Volunteer Cavalry Regiment during the Spanish-American War.
2.)The 1st United States Volunteer Cavalry, as is its correct name, was one of three Volunteer Cavalry regiments raised for the Spanish American War and the only one of the three to see action in 1898.
Theodore Roosevelt
also known as T.R., and to the public (but never to friends and intimates) as Teddy, was the twenty-sixth President of the United States, and a leader of the Republican Party and of the Progressive Movement. He became the youngest President in United States history at the age of 42. He served in many roles including Governor of New York, historian, naturalist, explorer, author, and soldier. Roosevelt is most famous for his personality: his energy, his vast range of interests and achievements, his model of masculinity, and his "cowboy" persona.
U.S.S. Maine
The sinking of the Maine on February 15, 1898 precipitated the Spanish-American War and also popularized the phrase Remember the Maine! In subsequent years, the sinking of the Maine has been an area of great speculation. The cause of the explosion that sank the ship is still a mystery that remains unsolved to this day
“yellow journalism”
2.) William Randolph Hearst’s Journal and Joseph Pulitzer’s World printed sensational stories where rumor became fact: “YELLOW JOURNALISM” whipped up U.S. sentiment to favor Cuban independence.
Queen Lili’uokalani
1.) The last monarch of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻ
2.) 1891-Queen Lili’uokalani retaliated for McKinley Tariff, attempts to reduce U.S. influence
William Jennings Bryan
Was an American lawyer, statesman, and politician. He was a three-time Democratic Party nominee for President of the United States. One of the most popular speakers in American history, he was noted for his deep, commanding voice.
William McKinley
As the twenty-fifth President of the United States, and the last veteran of the Civil War to be elected. By the 1880s, this Ohio native was a nationally known Republican leader; his signature issue was high tariffs on imports as a formula for prosperity, as typified by his McKinley Tariff of 1890.
Jacob Coxey
1.) was a socialist American politician, who ran for elective office several times in Ohio.
Plessy v. Ferguson
Was a landmark United States Supreme Court decision in the jurisprudence of the United States, upholding the constitutionality of racial segregation even in public accommodations (particularly railroads), under the doctrine of "separate but equal".
Populist/ People’s Party
1.) Southern Alliance splits from Democrats to form this party
2.) 1892 ___________ presidential candidate James Weaver draws over one million votes
-Loses South to violence and intimidation by Southern Democrats
-Loses urban areas
Benjamin Harrison
Republicans ran Benjamin Harrison of Indiana, grandson of William Henry Harrison (9th President 1841)Benjamin Harrison, VI (August 20, 1833 – March 13, 1901) was the twenty-third President of the United States, serving one term from 1889 to 1893. He had previously served as a senator from Indiana. His administration is best known for a series of legislation including the McKinley Tariff and federal spending that reached one billion dollars. Democrats attacked the "Billion Dollar Congress" and defeated the GOP in the 1890 mid-term elections, as well as defeating Harrison's bid for reelection in 1892. He is to date the only president from Indian
The Mugwumps were Republican political activists who supported Democratic candidate Grover Cleveland in the United States presidential election of 1884. They switched parties because they rejected the financial corruption associated with Republican candidate, James Blaine. In a close election the Mugwumps supposedly made the difference in New York state and swung the election to Cleveland.
Grover Cleveland
the twenty-second and twenty-fourth President of the United States, was the only President to serve non-consecutive terms (1885–1889 and 1893–1897). He was defeated for reelection in 1889 by Benjamin Harrison, against whom he ran again in 1893 and won a second term. He was the only Democrat elected to the Presidency in the era of Republican political domination between 1860 and 1912, after the American Civil War. His admirers praise him for his bedrock honesty, independence, integrity, and commitment to the principles of classical liberalism. As a leader of the Bourbon Democrats, he opposed imperialism, taxes, corruption, patronage, subsidies and inflationary policies.
Pendleton Civil Service Act
is an 1883 United States federal law that established the United States Civil Service Commission, which placed most federal employees on the merit system and marked the end of the so-called "spoils system." Drafted during the Chester A. Arthur administration, the Pendleton Act served as a response to President James Garfield's assassination by a disappointed office seeker. The Act was passed into law on January 16, 1883. The Act was sponsored by Senator George H. Pendleton, Democrat of Ohio, and written by Dorman Bridgeman Eaton, a staunch opponent of the patronage system who was later first chairman of The United States Civil Service Commission. The most famous commissioner was Theodore Roosevelt (1889-95).
Chester Arthur
Was an American politician who served as the twenty-first President of the United States. Arthur was a member of the Republican Party and worked as a lawyer before becoming the twentieth vice president under James Garfield. While Garfield was mortally wounded by Charles Guiteau on July 2, 1881, he did not die until September 19, at which time Arthur was sworn in as president, serving until March 4, 1885.
James Garfield
was a major general in the United States Army, member of the U.S. House of Representatives, and the twentieth President of the United States. He was the second U.S. President to be assassinated — Abraham Lincoln was the first. Garfield had the second shortest presidency in U.S. history, after William Henry Harrison's. While 'in office' for six Months and fifteen days, President Garfield, a Republican, served for less than four months before being fatally shot on July 2, 1881.
It was originally called the Independent Party or the National Party. In 1878, it was the largest force involved in the election of 21 independents to the United States Congress. In 1880 the Party broadened its platform to include support for an income tax, an eight hour day, and allowing women the right to vote. The party's influence declined quickly, and after 1884 it was no longer a force in American politics. Many activists, including 1880 Presidential nominee James B. Weaver, later participated in the Populist Party
Rutherford B. Hayes
was an American politician, lawyer, military leader and the nineteenth President of the United States (1877–1881). Hayes was elected President by one electoral vote after the disputed election of 1876
Hull House
was co-founded in 1889, in Chicago, Illinois, by Jane Addams and Ellen Gates Starr. It was one of the first settlement houses in the U.S. and eventually grew into one of the largest, with facilities in 13 buildings. Because of the Hull House’s social, educational and artistic programs, it earned a reputation as the best-known settlement house in the U.S. and became the standard bearer for the movement that included almost 500 settlements nationally by 1920.[1]
William “Boss” Tweed
was an American politician and head of Tammany Hall, the name given to the Democratic Party political machine that played a major role in the history of 19th century New York City politics. He was convicted and eventually imprisoned for stealing millions of dollars from the city through political corruption. He was of Scottish-Irish descent
Karl Marx
Marx addressed a wide range of political as well as social issues; he is most famous for his analysis of history, summed up in the opening line of the Communist Manifesto (1848): “The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles”. Marx believed that capitalism would be displaced by radical socialism which in turn would develop into a communism - a classless society.
is an ideology that seeks to establish a classless, stateless social organization based on common ownership of the means of production. It is usually considered a branch of the broader socialist movement that draws on the various political and intellectual movements that trace their origins back to the work of Karl Marx.
a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. • policy or practice based on this theory. • (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of communism.
Eugene Debs
was an American labor and political leader, one of the founders of the International Labor Union, the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), and five-time Socialist Party of America candidate for President of the United States. [1]
Pullman Strike 1894
occurred when 4,000 Pullman Palace Car Company workers reacted to a 28% wage cut by going on a wildcat strike in Illinois on May 11, 1894, bringing traffic west of Chicago to a halt
Haymarket Square
The Haymarket Riot on May 4, 1886 in Chicago is generally considered to have been an important influence on the origin of international May Day observances for workers.[2] In popular literature this event inspired the caricature of "a bomb-throwing anarchist." The causes of the incident are still controversial, although deeply polarized attitudes separating business and working class people in late 19th century Chicago are generally acknowledged as having precipitated the tragedy and its aftermath. The site of the riot was designated as a Chicago Landmark on March 25, 1992.[3] It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places and as a National Historic Landmark on February 18, 1997.
The American Federation of Labor (AFL) was one of the first federations of labor unions in the United States. It was founded in Columbus, Ohio in 1886 by Samuel Gompers as a reorganization of its predecessor, the Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions. Gompers was the president of the AFL until his death in 1924
Knights of Labor
also known as Noble and Holy Order of the Knights of Labor, was founded by seven Philadelphia tailors in 1869, led by Uriah S. Stephens. It grew to be one of the most important American labor organizations of the 19th century. The Knights' ideology may be described as producerist, demanding an end to child and convict labor, equal pay for women, a progressive income tax, and the cooperative employer-employee ownership of mines and factories.
Isaac Singer
was an American inventor, actor, and entrepreneur. He made important improvements in the design of the sewing machine and was the founder of the Singer Sewing Machine Company.
Alexander Graham Bell
was a Scottish scientist, inventor and innovator. Born and raised in Edinburgh, Scotland. Recognized as an eminent scientist and inventor, Alexander Graham Bell is most often associated with the invention of the telephone.[3]