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29 Cards in this Set

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What is philosophy?

Study of questions about existence, knowledge, ethics, justice, and morality based on logical reasoning rather than empirical methods.

What is capitalism?

An economic system in which production and distribution of goods rely on private capital and investment.

What does "Utopian" mean?

An idealized place or system, and ideally perfect society; individual or approach aspiring to impractical perfection.

What is political realism?

Approach to politics that emphasizes power and interests over ideas or social constructions.

What is social constructivism?

Sociological and political meta-theory that explains the interactions between individual agents, their social groupings, and their environment.

What is ideology?

Set or system of ideas that form the basis of a political or economic system and provide guidance and direction for political leadership.

What was the Cold War?

Period of rhetorical, non-violent hostility; most often used as reference to the period of 1945-91 and the relationship between the US and the USSR.

What is liberalism?

View of politics that favours liberty, free trade, and moderate social and political change.

What is self-determination?

The ability to act in free choice without external compulsion.

What is general will?

Will of the community as a whole.

What is particular will?

Will of the individual, as defined by Rousseau.

What is the invisible hand?

Adam Smith's notion that economic forces left on their own would lead to maximum efficiency and economic growth over time as they engage in competition against each other; benefits to society as a whole exist without political interference.

What is utilitarianism?

A branch of political thought that states that the worth of a particular action is determined by its contribution to overall utility, meaning the balance of happiness and unhappiness in society.

What is toleration?

Acceptance or protection of individuals, groups, and types of behaviour that may be disapproved of by the majority in society.

What is communism?

Political theory, based on writings of Marx and Engels, that espouses class conflict to form a system where all property is publicly owned and each citizen works to their own best ability and is compensated equitably.

What does materialist mean?

In Marxism, understanding the physical and economic basis for society.

What is dialectics?

In Marxism, points where ideas and processes throughout history come up against each other and form a new reality.

What does bourgeois mean?

According to socialists such as Marx, the property-owning class that exploits the working class proletariat.

What is a representative democracy?

A political system in which voters elect others to act on their behalf; also called indirect democracy.

What is republicanism?

A political idea that gives supreme power to the people or elected representatives of the people.

What is suffrage?

The granting of the right to vote.

What is sustainable development?

A model of economic growth that seeks to use renewable resources so as not to destroy the environment in which human beings have to live.

What is propaganda?

Spreading of information, true or otherwise, for the purpose of aiding a cause or making an audience react in a certain way.

What is libertarianism?

Ideology based on a limited government role and freedom of speech, action, and thought.

What is a caliphate?

A government inspired by Islam that rules over its subjects using Islamic law.

What is sharia law?

The sacred law of Islam.

What is Islamic fundamentalism?

Religious movements advocating a return to the fundamentals of Islamic religious texts.

What is jihad?

Moral struggle or struggle for righteousness; form of holy war.

What is Confucianism?

The philosophy and political thought of Confucius that stresses social harmony, obedience, and morality.