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38 Cards in this Set

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Kingdom Archaebacteria
- prokaryotic (no membrane bound organelles)
- single-celled
-Motile and Nonmotile

Ex) mathanogens, halophiles, thermophiles
Kingdom Eubacteria
-single celled
-heterotrophs and autotrophs
-Motile and Nonmotile
-Bacteria cell wall of peptidoglycan
Phylum Schizophyta
-mostly decomposers (saphrophytes)
-some cause disease (pathogens)
-shape- round, rod, spiral
-may use flagellum for movement
Ex)E. coli, D. pneumonia
Phylum Cyanophyta
-photosynthetic bacteria
-chlorophyll not found in chloroplasts (no organelles)
-algae blooms in fresh water
-primary nitrogen fixer
-symbiosis with lichen and some corals
Kingdom Protista
- Eukaryotic
-Autotorphic and heterotrophic
-unicellular and multicellular
-motile and nonmotile
Phylum Chrysophyta
-unicellular; found in fresh and salt water
-autotrophic- light capturing using carotenes ans chlorophyll in chloroplasts silica shell
-stores food as oil/decayed remains are today's peteroleum reserves
Ex) diatoms
Phylum Phaeophyta
-autotrophic- light capturing using brown pigments and chlorophyll in chloroplasts
-multicellular can be from microscopic to 50 ft tall
Ex) brown algae, kelp
Phylum Chlorophyta
-unicellular and multicellular
-autotrophic- using chlorophyls in chloroplasts
-ancestors to plants
Ex) green algae
Phylum Sarcodina
-Motile- moves using pseudopods
Ex) amoeba
Phylum Mastigophora
-motile using flagella (whip-like-tail)
Ex) euglena
Phylum Ciliophora
motile- using body hairs called cilia
Ex) paramecium
Kingdom Fungi
- eukaryotic
-unique cellular structure- multicellular and unicellular
-heterotrophs- all are decomposers
-non-moitle (all but one phyla)
cell walls made from chitin
Phylum Zygomycota
-made from thread like hyphae- a mass is called a mycelium
-extremely rapid growth in high nutrient/ moist environments
-Cytoplasm/nutrients flow freely through the hyphae to growing tips
-Reproduces by spores
Ex) bread molds
Phylum Ascomycota
-some single celled
-sac fungi
-reproduces from budding
-economically important- bread, wine, beer, genetics
Ex) yeasts
Phylum Basidomycota
-extensive underground hyphae (one single mushroom occupies 6 acres of Michigan woodland)
-most reproduce by spore-producing basidia found in gills of the mushroom cap
Ex) mushrooms
Kingdom PLantae
-autotrophic chlorophyll in chloroplasts
-cell walls made from cellulose; food stored as starch
Phylum Bryophyta
-most live in moist environment because: no true roots, stems, leaves
-no vascular (transport) tissue- must remain small
-obtains nutrients by diffusion
-reproduction- male plant's sperm swims to the outside of the plant to the female
Ex) mosses
Phylum Pterophyta
-true roots, stems, leaves
-has vascular tissue- taller than mosses
-reprodices using protective spores
Ex)all ferns
Phylum Coniferophyta
-true roots, stems, leaves are needle shaped to conserve water
-has vascular tissue -taller
-reproduction- seeds released from pollinated cones that do not protect the early seeds- "naked seeds"
Ex) all cone bearing species
Phylum Anthophyta
-True roots, stems, leaves
-Has vascular tissue
-highly developed reproduction (pollen and flower)
-seeds develop inside fruits that protect and disperse seeds
Ex) all flowering species
Kingdom Animalia
-motile in some stage
Phylum Porifera
-body plan consisting of two cell layers
-filter feeder through pores
-adult form sessile (nonmotile)
-reproduction is sexual and asexual
Phylum Cnidaria
-radial symmetry
-soft body- two cell layers
-singing tentacles surrounding a mouth
-digestive plan is sac like, one opening
-nervous tissue
-reproduction is sexual and asexual depending on the stage
Phylum Platyhelminthes
-bilateral symmetry
-flat body
-body plan includes three tissue layers
-no true body cavity
-digestive system with two openings- complete with anus
-most are parasitic
Ex)flat worms
Phylum Nematoda
-bilateral symmetry
-round body
-body plan includes 3 layers
-no true body cavity
-digestive system with 2 openings (anus)
-most are parasytic
Phylum Rotifera
- bilateral symmetry
-body with wheeled cilia around mouth
body plan includes three tissue layers
-digestive system with two openings -complete with anus
Ex)all microscopic rotifers
Phylum Mollusca
-muscular foot/head
-soft body
-mantle that may produce a shell
-true body cavity containing organs
Phylum Annelida
-bilateral symmetry
-segmented body
-complete systems (digestive, nervous, closed circulatory)
-ventral nerve cord
-complex reproduction hermaphroditic
Phylum Arthtopoda
-bilateral symmetry
-sgmented body, jointed legs
-exoskeleton made of chitin
-complete systems (digestive, nervous, open circulatory[blood bathes organs/ not in vessels])
-ventral nerve cord
Phylum Echinodermata
-radial symmetry
-spines, hard body
-highly developed circulation
-tubed feet by circulating/ pumping water
Ex) starfish
Phylum Chordata
-bilateral symmetry
-segmented body
-notochord- dorsal nerve cord (and vertebra in subclass vertebrata)
-gills and tail at some stage
Class Agnatha
-no scales
-uncovered gills
-no fins
-cartilaginous skeleton- no bones
Ex)jawless fish
Class Chondrichthyes
-no scales
-uncovered gill slits
-paired fins
-cartilaginous skeleton- no bones
Class Osteishthyes
-covered gills
-paired fins
-bony skeleton
Class Amphibia
-moist skin (breathing) lungs/gills in larva
-paired legs- no claws
-lays eggs in water
Class Reptilia
-scaled skin
-paired legs with claws
-lays eggs in leathery shells
Ex) turtle
Class Aves
-no teeth/ hard beak
-lungs-extremely efficient respiration
-forelegs modified into wings
-lays eggs in calcified shells
Class Mammalia
-paired appendages
-bear live young
-nurse young with milk produced in mammary glands