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38 Cards in this Set

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Physical Characteristics (6)

1) physical configuration

2) capillarity

3) diameter

4) knot tensile strength

5) elasticity

6) memory

Physical Configuration

Monofilament- 1 strand

Multifilament - many strands

ability to soak up fluid along a strand

Diameter across

-more zeros means it is smaller (2-0)

- less zeros means it is larger (2)

Knot Tensile Strength
a force, in pounds, how much a suture can take before it breaks when knotted
ability to regain original form and length after stretching

tendency of suture to recoil to original shape during packaging.

- higher memory leads to less knot security

Non absorbable

- derived from natural or synthetic material

- no change to suture during healing

- become encapsulated and need to be removed


- derived from collagen or synthetic polymer

- can be digested, hydrolyzed, and/or assimilated by tissue during healing

Natural Absorbable

- Surgical Gut

- Collagen suture

Surgical Gut

- Natural Absorbable

- can be absorbed in less than 21 days

- obtained from collagen or small intestine of sheep

- 2 types: Plain and Chromic

Plain Gut (natural absorbable)

- used for subq and repair of rapidly healing tissues

- ligate superficial blood vessels and tissue under tension

Chromic Gut (natural absorbable)

- slow absorption process

- used in infected tissues, ligate larger vessels, biliary, urinary tracts, muscle and fascia closure

Collagen Suture

- Natural absorbable

- made from tendons of cattle, chemically treated, purified and processed into strands

- eye surgery primarily

Synthetic Absorbable

-Long lasting (3 weeks - 6 months)

- broken down by hydrolyzation (h20 penetrates suture filament)

- used for ligating and suturing when tissue is not under stress


- synthetic absorbable

- monofilament

- Wound closure, bowel or cosmetic closure


- Synthetic absorbable

- mono (uncoated)

- multifilament (coated)

- eyes


- synthetic absorbable

- slow healing tissues

- extended wound support

- general, thoracic, colorectal


- synthetic absorbable

- soft tissue


- synthetic absorbable

- used for peritoneal, fascia, subq

- replaces surgical gut

- requires extra knots

Natural Non absorbable

- Silk

- Surgical Cotton

- Linen

- Stainless steel

Silk (natural non absorbable)

- made from fibers spun by silkworm larvae

- used DRY and NEVER to be MOIST

- good support during ambulation

- promotes rapid healing

- surgical, virgin and dermal silk

Surgical Silk (natural non absorbable)

- braided or twisted Multifilament

- close fascia with no infection present, serosa of GI tract

Virgin Silk (natural non absorbable)

- natural fibers

- eye surgery

Dermal Silk (natural non absorbable)

- strands encased by gelatin or protein substance

- prevents in-growth of tissue cells and facilitates removal

- skin closure

Surgical Cotton (natural non absorbable)

- weakest of nonabsorbables

- multifilament

- strength when wet

- used to ligate and suture

Linen (natural non absorbable)

- twisted fibers

- used in GI surgery

Stainless Steel (natural non absorbable)

- referred to and measured by gauge and has high tensile strength

- closure of abdominal wall, retention sutures, respiratory tract, ortho, neuro

- can be placed if infection is present but NOT when another alloy metal is present

Synthetic Non absorbable

- Less tissue reaction

- high tensile strength

- retains strength in tissue

- Knot tying difficult due to slick material

- surgical nylon, polyester, and synthetic polymers

Surgical Nylon

- monofilament

- multifilament (coated)

- multifilament (uncoated)

Ethilon or Dermalon (Synthetic Non absorbable)

- single strand

- easily handled

- pliable when wet or damp

- used for micro surgery or eyes, cosmetic


Neurolon (Synthetic Non absorbable)

- tightly braided, uncoated

- handles like silk

- strong

- less reaction


Surgilon ( Synthetic Non absorbable)

- braided, coated (silicone)

- pulls through tissue easily

- similar to silk


Mersilene or Dacron (Synthetic Non absorbable)

- used for cardio and respiratory

- braided, uncoated

- flexible and pliable

- can cause "drag"


Ticron, Ethibond, Teflon

( Synthetic Non absorbable)

- lubricated (with polyester)

- used for cardio anastomosis and prostheses placement

-retains strength indefinitely


Novafil (Synthetic Non absorbable)

- poly (glycol) monofilament strand

- flexible and elastic

Dermalene ( Synthetic Non absorbable)

- long chain, monofilament

Prolene or Surgilene ( Synthetic Non absorbable)

- easy to handle

- most inert product

- can be used when infection is present

- requires long healing time

- used fro cardio, continuous abdominal fascia closure,retention suture, plastics