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30 Cards in this Set

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The skin is a physical _____ that ____ the underlying tissues and structures from?
barier and protects
1. microorganisms
2.physical trauma
3.unltraviolet radiation
Skin plays vital roles in what 5 things?
1. temperature maintenance
2. Fluid and electrolyte balance
3. Absorption
4. Excretion
5. Sensation
What are the skin layers
outermost layer of skin
helps keep skin waterproof
contains melanin and carotene which gives us our color
-inner layer of skin
-papillae froms the base for swirls and ridges-provides unique pattern for fingerprints
-origin of hair follicles, sebaceous glands and sweat glands
What is found in the Dermis layer of the skin? Which 2 glands and what do they do?
Sebaceous gland-develop from hair follicles and secretes sebum which lubricates hair and skin decreasing water loss through the skin.
-Sweat glands-vital to temperature regulation
What are the two types of general hair?
Vellus hair-short, pale, and fine, found over most of the body
Terminal hair-particulary the scalp and eyebrows, longer, darker and coarser
What is the function of hair?
1.Protective covering
2.Filter for dust and airborne debris
what are the most common types of CA
1. Melanoma
2. Basal cell Carcinoma
3.Squamous cell carcinoma
Risk factors of skin cancer
sun exposure
How do you examine the skin for suspected lesions?
Border- not straight
Color-gets darker
Diameter-gets bigger
Elevation-gets raised
Primary Lesions
1.Macule-Flat, non-palpable lesion; freckles, petechiae, ecchymosis
2.Papule: elevated, palpable solid; pimples, warts
3. Nodue/Tumor: elevated, solid, palpable mass; squamous cell CA; poorly absorbed injection
Primary Lesions cont...
Vesicle (small) or Bulla (larger): round elevated mass containg fluid; herpes simplex, zoster, caricella
2.Wheal-elevated mass w/ irregular borders; uticaria, hives
3. Pusutle-pus filled vesicle or bulla/ acne, impetigo
4.Cyst-encapsulated fluid-filled or simeisolid mass in subcutaneous or dermis tissue
Secondary lesions
1.Erosion-loss of superficial epidermis only; scratch marks
2.Ulcer-skin loss past epidermis/pressure ulcer, venous insufficiency ulcer
3.Scar-skin mark left after healing wound/lesion
4.Fissure-linear crack in skin-may extend to dermis/ chapped lips, or hands; athlete's feet
Vascular skin lesions
1.Petechiae-round red/purple macule
2.Eccymosis-macular lesion larget then patechiae; color changes w/ black, yellow, and green hues, associated with trauma or bleeding
3.hematoma-localized collection of blood creating elevated eccymosis
vascular skin lesions cont...
4. cherry angioma-red/purple round papule
5.Spider angioma-red arteriole lesion-looks like a spider
6. talangiectasis (venous star)
spider like or linear; bluish red, does not blanch
What to inspection on skin?
1 note any distinctive odor
2.Generalized color variations
3.Skin breakdown
4.Primary lesions
5.Secondary lesions
6.Vascular lesions
how do primary lesions arise
from normal skin due to irritation or disease
how do secondary lesions arise?
from changes in primary lesions
How do vascular lesions arise?
reddish-bluish lesions are seen w/bleeding, venous pressure, aging, liver disease and pregnancy
Inspect skin for what?
temperature and mositure
thickness of skin
mobility and tugor
Inspect for what on scalp and hair
1. general color and condition, cleanliness, dryness, or oiliness, parasite and lesions
2.Amount and distribution of scalp, body, axillae, and pubic hair
What do you inspect on nails
nail grooming and cleanliness
nail color and markings
shape of nails
what do you palpate on nails
assess texture and consistency
capillary refil
What are questions you ask the pt about current symptoms regarding skin, hair and nails?
1. Skin Problems-rash, dryness, drainage, swelling, bruising..etc
2.Changes in lesion appearance: color, size or shape
3.Hair loss or changes
4.Controlling body odor problems
5. Body piercing or tattoos-infections
Bacterial infections cause what color of nail discoloration?
green, black, or brown
Fungal infections cause what color of nail discoloration?
yellow, thick, crumbling nails
Yeast infections cause what color of nail discoloration and what does it seperate?
white color and seperation of the nail plate from the nail bed
Who is least susceptible to skin CA?
What are some risk reductions in Skin CA?
1. Reduce exposure to direct sunlight.
2.Always use sunscreen
3.Wear long-sleeve shirts and wide-brimmed hats
4.Avoid sunburns
5.Understand the link b/w sun exposure and skin cancer and how they develop CA
6.have annual skin CA screenings