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25 Cards in this Set

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-Classification of O2 Metab?
-catalase negative
-appear in pairs and chains
Streptococci Classification:
Lancefield Grouping and Hemolysis Patterns for:
-S. pyogenes
-S. agalactiae
-S. pneumoniae
-S. pyogenes: Lancefield A; beta hemolytic
-S. agalactiae: Lancefield B; beta hemolytic
-S. pneumoniae: Lancefield nongroupable; alpha hemolytic
S. pyogenes:
Important Cell Surface Stuctures
-M proteins
-group A specific carbohydrates: rhamnose and N-acetylglucosamine
S. pyogenes:
M-Protein Fxn
dual activity:
-antiphgocytic factor: degrades complement component
-antigenic shift (allows for immune sys. evasion)
S. pyogenes:
Virulence Factors:
-pyogenic exotoxins
-streptolysins S & O
-streptokinases A & B
("You have strep throat" "PSSSH, no i dont" [pt gets scarlet fever] "nice")
S. pyogenes:
Virulence Factors:
Pyogenic Exotoxins
-act like super antigens
-mediate toxic shock
-cause rash of scarlet fever
S. pyogenes:
Virulence Factors:
Streptolysins S&O
-lyses RBCs (B-hemolytic), platelets
S. pyogenes:
Virulence Factors:
Streptokinases A&B
-lyses blood clots
S. pyogenes:
Virulence Factors:
-degrades DNA in pus, reducing the viscosity and facilitating the spread
S. pyogenes:
Virulence Factors:
-digests CT
S. pyogenes:
Suppurative Diseases
-pharyngitis (strep throat): complications can lead to scarlet fever (rash)
-ipetigo: infection of superficial layers of skin
-erysipelas: red skin
-cellulitis: infection of deep layers of skin
-necrotizing fasciitis: flesh eating; rare
(pt gets scarlet fever.. "NICE")
S. pyogenes:
Lab Diagnosis
-bacitracin sensitivity test
-presence of N-acetylglucosamine & rhamnose dimer, M protein, streptolysin S&O, streptodornase, streptokinases A&B
S. agalactiae:
baby killer
(aga=baby in korean)
S. agalactiae:
Lab Diagnosis:
-CAMP test: S. agalactiae makes CAMP factor, which enhances hemolytic activity of S. aureus and causes an enhanced zone of hemolysis
(2 Soldiers in the Army stay in the same CAMP... with a hippo)
S. agalactiae:
Lab Diagnosis:
Hippurate Test
-S. agalactiae has enz hippuricase, which if placed in a medium with hippurate, it will hydrolyze it into benzene. benzene will combine with ferrin chloride to produce violet precipitate = + test
S. agalactiae:
Lab Diagnosis:
Presence of?
-group B specific carbohydrate: polymer of rhamnose, n-acetylglucosamine, galactose (BNGR)
-C protein (aga-C like tennis player)
S. pneumoniae:
Major Virulence Factor?
capsule (antiphagocytic)
S. pneumoniae:
Infection epidemiology?
-most infections are caused by endogenous spread from colonized naso/oropharynx to distal site
-person to person spread is extremely rare
S. pneumoniae:
-otitis media: inflammation/infection of middle ear
-bacterial pneumonia: inflammation of lungs
-meningitis: inflammation of meninges covering brain
(when pneumonia killed pavarotti, dr. shin was so mad, he started a MOB)
S. pneumoniae:
Lab Diagnosis:
-optochin (an antibiotic) sensitivity test: growth inhibited by optochin
-bile solubility test: undergo spontaneous lysis in bile and produce autolytic enzyme amidase
-quellung rxn: when subjected to anticapsular Ab, capsule swells
(BOQ has pneumonia)
S. pneumoniae:
-penecillin, but resistance is increasingly common
-2 types of pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine (PPV)
Other Streptococci:
Presence of what species commonly indicates colon cancer?
S. bovis (group D)
(D cow has colon cancer)
Other Streptococci:
Which species is a common cause of endocarditis following dental procedures (e.g., extraction)?
Viridans group of Streptococci
-Classification of O2 Metab?
-Classification of Hemolysis?
-Often found where?
-often occur in pair (diplococci)
-gamma hemolytic
-important nosocomial pathogen
-Virulence Factor
-intrinsic antibiotic resistance
*first bug to develop antibiotic resistance to vancomycin