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76 Cards in this Set

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Cardiac glycosides (digoxin): properties, mechanism, clinical use, toxicity, antidote
P: 75% bioavailability, 20-40% protein bound, t1/2 = 40hrs, urinary excretion
M: direct inhibition of Na/K ATPase pump --> indirect inhibition of Na/Ca exchanger/antiport --> increase calcium --> positive inotropy; stimulates vagus nerve
U: CHF (increases contractility), atrial fibrillation (decreases conduction at AV node + depression at SA node)
T: increased parasympathetic activity (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, blurry yellow vision), arrhythmia
Antidote: slowly normalize K, lidocaine, cardiac pacer, anti-dig Fab fragments, Mg

1. A1
2. B48
3. B100
4. ApoE
5. ApoCII
1. HDL
2. chylomicrons- used to combine w/ TG, PL, CE during chylomicron formation
3. VLDL, IDL: structural role
4. found on LP to bind cell surface R
5. VLDL, turns on LPL
Sickle Cell:

E6V (glutamate to valine)

1. decreased electrical charge, so decreased movement speed
2. inc. chance of surviving P. falciparum acute illness
Aqueduct of Sylvius

-connects third and 4th ventricles
-obstruction: hydrocephalus affecting both lateral ventricles and third ventricle
Foramina of Monroe

Foramen of Luschka

Foramen of Magendie
Monroe: lateral ventricle⟿third ventricle

Luschka/Magendie: drain fourth ventricle
In utero infection of MUMPS

heart defects
endocardial fibroelastosis:
-inc. fibrous and elastic tissue
-thickened endocardium
-mural thrombi
-flattened trabeculae
-a'nl (stenosed) valves
CMV fetal infection
-incomplete organogenesis of CNS:
1. mental retardation
2. microcephaly, seizures
3. deafness

(you can "C", but you can't hear)
Herpes neonatal infection
Rubella intrauterine infection
-patent ductus arteriosus (or pulm. aa hypoplasia)
+/- blueberry muffin rash
Syphilis intrauterine infection
-affects mucocutaneous tissues/bones:
1. snuffles
2. maculopapular desquamative rash
3. hepatosplenomegaly
4. neurosyphilis
5. teeth, bone, eye involvement

"sharp, knife life pains"

"stabbing pain..."
Dissection Aortic Aneurysm or Pericarditis

-pericarditis relieved by leaning fwd
-pericarditis pain related to breathing
Ovarian tumors that produce steroid hormones
1. Sertoli-Leydig cell tumors:
male H⟶masculinization
2. Fibroma-Thecoma:
endocrinologic manifestations rare
3. Granulosa cell tumors:
secrete E (precocious puberty or endometrial hyperplasia/fibrocystic change in breast in adult women)
secrete placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP)
1. dysgerminomas (ovary)
2. seminomas (testes)
Sydenham chorea
-hyperextended joints
-diminished DTR
-tongue fasciculations
-"milk sign": relapsing grip
-if no family hx of huntington⟶dx acute rheumatic fever

Aortic Regurge vs. Aortic Stenosis
Diastolic decrescendo

Stenosis: systolic ejection murmur in aorta area, accompanied by thrill, harsh in quality, radiates to carotids

Mitral Regurge vs. Mitral Stenosis
Regurge: systolic murmur

Stenosis: diastolic murmur, loud S1 and an opening snap that follows S2

Tricupsid regurgitation
-high pitched pansystolic murmur:
loudest in 4th intercostal space
-incr. during inspiration
-reduced in intensity and duration when px is standing and during valsalva maneuver
-"fried egg cells": tumor cells with round nuclei and cleared cytoplams
-may contain areas of calcification, hemorrhage, or cysts
-middle aged px, both sexes
-cerebral hemispheres
-better prognosis than astrocytomas

anticentromere vs. antitopoisomerase

anticentromere: limited systemic sclerosis (no visceral involvement)

antitopoisomerase: diffuse systemic sclerosis
UTI/Bacterial prostatis

Etiologic Agents
E. Coli (most common)
Aschoff Bodies
Myocardial involvement in Rheumatic Fever:

collections of fibrinoid necrosis, lymphocytes, plasma cells, and histiocytes

resoultion: aschoff bodies replaced by discrete fibrous scars
I-cell disease
-inherited lysosomal storage d/o
-failure of addition of mannose-6-phosphate to lysosome proteins--> EZ secreted outside cell
Clinical Presentation:
-coarse facial features
-restricted joint movement
-skeletal a'nl: dislocation of hip
-psychomotor retardation
-high plasma levels of lysosomal EZ
-fatal in childhood
Organ of Corti
houses the hair cells from the cochlear branch of CN VIII
-rest on the basilar membrane
Neurofibromatosis 1
-Cafe au lait spots
-Lisch Nodules: small, pigmented nodular lesions of hamartomatous nature found in IRIS of px
Neurofibromatosis 2
-cafe au lait spots
-schwannomas of CN VIII (bilateral)
Coarctation of Aorta

Preductal vs. Postductal
Preductal (infantile):
-narrowing of aorta PROXIMAL to opening of ductus arteriosus
-causes reversal of flow in intercostal aa-->rib notching

Postductal (adult):
-narrowing of aorta DISTAL to opening of ductus arteriosus
-disparity in pressure between upper and lower extremities
-most common type; allows survival into adulthood
Products made in hypothalamus:

1. Supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei
2. arcuate nucleus
3. anterior and medial hypothalamus
1. Oxytocin, TRH (mainly PVN)
2. Dopamine, GHRH
3. GnRH
-naked ICOSAHEDRAL DNA viruses
-affects children and sometimes adults in same household; swimming pools can be a source
1. pharyngoconjunctivitis
2. watery, non-bloody diarrhea
3. URI
carcinoma of pancreas:
clinical presenting sx
sx usually vague: ab pain
cancer of head of pancreas:
1. jaundice
2. enlarged palpable gallbladder (courvoisier's sign) > no sig. tenderness though
3. Migratory thrombophlebitis (trousseau's syndrome) > redness and tenderness on palpating extremities
pancreatic adenocarcinoma:
risk factors
Risk Factors:
1. inc. in Jewish and African American males
2. CIGARETTES (but not ETOH!)

Markers: CEA and CA 19-9
use to calculate osmolarity of added solution...

1. Differentiation of epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicles
2. growth spurt: penis, seminal vesicles, sperm, muscle, RBCs
3. deepening of voice
4. closing of epiphyseal plates (via E converted from T)
5. Libido

differentiation of penis, scrotum, prostate

prostate growth, balding, sebaceous gland activity

Sertoli Cells of the seminiferous tubules

selective inhibition of FSH release from anterior pituitary
facial nucleus location
lower pons
nuclei contained
1. Cr. IX
2. Cr. X
3. Cr. XI
4. Cr. XII
oculomotor nucleus location
Klebsiella granulomatis
causes granuloma inguinale (rare STD in USA)
-lesions may mimic those of syphilis
Why is EPI used to treat anaphylaxis?
-causes an inc. in cAMP :
1. decreases mast cell degranulation
2. smooth muscle dilation in airways
infant botulism
<1 yr old
eyelid drooping
difficulty feeding

neurotoxin: flacid paralysis (inhibits release of Ach)

what is it?
-stable association between bacterium and temperate phage-->how bacterium can get some of its toxins
shigA-like toxin
Botulinum toxin
Cholera toxin
Diptheria toxin
erythrogenic toxin of strep pyogenes
Budd Chiari syndrome
thrombosis obstructs venous outflow of the liver


digoxin toxicity
(used for CHF, atrial fib, atrial flutter)

-yellow-green halos in visual field
-cardiac arrhythmias
flecainide SFX
(class IC to treat ventricular arrhythmia)

-worsening of cardiac arrhythmias
drugs that can induce lupus
ataxia telangiectasia

1. clinical presentation
2. etiology
-telangiectasias of the skin and eyes
-variable immunodef.
-progressive ataxia-->wheelchair bound by adolescence
-high incidence of malignancy, esp. lymphoreticular (hodgkin, NHL, leukemia)

-11q22-23 mutation: codes for a tumor suppression gene
-mutation causes inc. sn to ionizing radiation, defective DNA repair, frequent c-somal a'nl
Abdominal Layers
Sometimes Extra Innings TAke Too long. END PLEASE!

Superficial fascia (camper, scarpa)
External Oblique
Internal Oblique
Transversus abdominalis
Traversalis fascia
Extraperitoneal tissue
Thiazides vs. Loop Diuretics

Effect on Calcium
Thiazides: Increase Calcium reabsoprtion

Loops: block Ca reabsorption
Venous drainage of Gonads
Left Ovary/Testis-->left gonadal vein-->left renal vein-->IVC (varicocele more common on LEFT)

Right ovary/testis-->right gonadal vein-->IVC
lymphatic drainage of Gonads
Ovaries/testes-->para-aortic LN

distal 1/3 of vagina, vulva, scrotum--> superficial inguinal nodes

proximal 2/3 of vagina/uterus--> obturator, external iliac, hypogastric nodules
what stains TRAP positive (tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase) and talk about that condition
Hairy cell leukemia

-rare chronic B cell leukemia of middle aged men
-pancytopenia, splenomegaly, cells w/ cytoplasmic villi (hairs) in BM, spleen, and peripheral blood
S-100 marker
1. Melanoma
2. neural tumors
3. astrocytomas
CA-125 Marker
serous cystadenocarcinoma of the ovary
Reiter Syndrome
"can't see, can't pee, can't climb a tree"

triad of: conjunctivitis, urethritis, arthritis

autoimmune rxn to previous infxn w/:
shigella, salmonella, yersinia, campylobacter, chlamydia
Lymphatic drainage of the body
Right lymphatic duct-->right subclavian vein
right arm, right of the chest, right side of head

Thoracic duct-->left subclavian vein:
drains rest of body
Inclusion bodies:

Cowdry Type A
Negri Bodies
Owl-eye inclusions
Guarnieri bodies
Cowdry Type A: HSV
Koilocytes: HPV (enlarged nucleus, perinuclear vacoulization)
Negri bodies: Rabies (eosinophilic, intraCYTOplasmic)
Owl Eye Inclusions: CMV (basophilic, intraNUCLEAR)
Guarnieri bodies: poxviruses (intraCYTOplasmic)
clue cells; condition associated w/ it?
seen in bacterial vaginosis

-caused by Gardnerella vaginalis
-malodorous thin & gray discharge
patent foramen ovale vs. atrial septal defect
PFO: residual slit like opening between atria; patent to a probe but not hemodynamic significance

ASD: much larger opening; can result in inc. O2 saturation on right side(would not result in systolic murmur)
glutamate receptors
NMDA receptors: permeable to Ca and Na

ligand gated: activates channel

voltage gated: dep. necessary to expel the Mg ion that plugs the channel

other Receptors: ligand gated cation channels: AMPA, kainate
lymphoid stem cells give rise to
NK cells
B cells
T cells (helper and cytotoxic)
meyloid stem cells give rise to
dendritic cells
mast cells
Leigh Disease
(subacute necrotizing encephalomyopathy)
-a'nl mitochondrial DNA: defective cytochrome oxidase
-mm and brain particularly affected
-intellectual deterioration, weakness, ataxia, seizures
-usu. infants 3mos-2yrs, but can also affect teens and adults
Inheritance mode, accumulation of?


Krabbe Disease

Metachromatic leukodystrophy
Adreno: XL; a'nl lipid metabolism (demyelination)

Krabbe: AR; cerebroside accum. in histiocytes of CNS

metachro: AR; sphingolipids in CNS and elsewhere
Cushing Triad
1. htn
2. bradycardia
3. respiratory depression

d/t inc. ICP which constricts the arterioles; cerebral ischemia stim. sym response-->htn and reflex bradycardia
spinocerebella degenerative dz
Friedrich ataxia
olivopontocerebellar atrophy

-->ataxia is the prominent symptom
involvement of soles and palms by rash

-dz process?
Secondary syphilis
-caused by treponema pallidum
-spirillar prokaryote w/ internal flagellum

Rocky Mountain spotted fever
-caused by rickettsia rickettsii
-tick born dz! (think parks, mountains)
Trinucleotide Repeat Disorders

1. Name 2
2. Mode of inheritance
3. Etiology
1. Huntington's
-polyglutamate exitoxicity

2. Friedrich ataxia:
-impaired mitochondrial function
Skewed Distributions
Positive Skew: Mean > Median > mode
Negative Skew: Median > Mean > mode

-median is a better representation of central tendency than the mean
-mode is least affected by outliers in the sample
von Hippel-Landau disease
-Autosomal dominant
-mutated tumor suppressor VHL on c3
1. cavernous hemangiomas in skin, mucosa, organs
2. bilateral renal cell carcinoma
3. hemangioblastoma in retina, brain stem, cerebellum
4. pheochromocytomas
APGAR scoring
-taken at 1 and 5 minutes
-max score 10 (2 for each parameter)
oxytocin, vasopressin produced where?

released by?
made by hypothalamus, released by posterior pituitary (derived from diencephalic neuroectoderm)
adenocarcinomas w/ the worst prognosis
pancreatic adenocarcinoma
esophageal adenocarcinoma
ways to reduce bias
1. blind studies (double blind better)
2. placebo responses
3. crossover studies (each subject acts as own control)
4. randomization
hypertension, bradycardia, respiratory depression indicates what?
incr. intracranial pressure

what is the pathway that causes this?
incr. intracranial pressure (from whatever mechanism) --> constriction of the arterioles -->causes cerebral ischemia (inc. CO2 levels)--> stimulates reflex sympathetic response to vasoconstrict (brain trying to increase blood flow to brain) --> HYPERTENSION --> results in reflex bradycardia
pH, Bicarb, pCO2 profiles:
(w/o compensation)
metabolic acidosis
metabolic alkalosis
respiratory alkalosis
respiratory acidosis
Metabolic acidosis: all LOW
metabolic alkalosis: all HI
respiratory alkalosis:
pH= hi, bicarb= low, pCO2= low
respiratory acidosis:
pH= low, bicarb= hi, pCO2= hi