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45 Cards in this Set

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primary, secondary
categories of statistical data
primary data
refers to the information which are gathered directly from an original source or to the information which are based on direct or first hand experience
secondary data
refers to the information which are taken from published or unpublished papers which were previously gathered by other individuals or agencies.
direct or interview, indirect or questionnaire, registration, observation, experiment method
methods used in the collection of data
direct or interview method
a method of person-to-person exchanged between the interviewer and interviewee.
indirect or quesetionnaire method
in this method, written responses are given to prepared questions.
registration method
in this method, the gathering of information is enforced by certain laws.
observation method
in this method, the investigator observes the behavior of persons of organizations and their outcomes.
experiment method
this is a method used when the objective is to determine the cause and effect relationship of certain phenomena under controlled conditions.
factores that are considered as causes and effects in a research project or experiment.
dependent, independent
categories of statistical variables according to their functional relationship (2)
dependent variable
effect, criterion, result
independent variable
cause, predictor, determinant or correlate
independent variable
controlling factors
experimental, manipulated, controlled, moderator, intervening, extraneous
types of independent variables (6)
the variable being analyzed in an experiment or research.
the variable which is reduced, increased, removed or added in the study to ascertain its effect on or relationship to the dependent variable.
the variable being held constant inorder to prevent it from affecting the dependent variable
variables like sex, age, education, type of school, income, location, etc. which are not the main focus of the study but are analyzed in terms of their impact on the dependent variable.
variable that is not mentioned in the problem or hypothesis but affects the results of the test or study. it is used to explain the results of the study.
variable that always figures out in any study. it is any variable that the researcher does not control because he cannot control it. it is also called error or chance variable.
personal, environmental
variables can be either of these (2)
continuous, discrete or discontinuous
categories of statistical variables based to the continuity of values.
variables that can theoretically assume any value between two given values. with these values, one can make varying degress of precision.
discrete or discontinuous
variables with definite values and cannot take the form of decimals.
qualitative variables
if they take the form of attributes
quantitative variables
if they come as measurements
nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio scale
categories of statistical variables according to scale of measurement
nominal scale
they are numbers which do not represent an amount or quantity.
ordinal scale
this scale of measurement is possible when the researcher can detect differing degree of an attribute or property in objects.
interval scale
this scale of measurement is possible when the measures can distinguish not only different amounts of the porpoerty in objects but can also discern equal differences between objects.
ratio scale
ratios of the numbers assigned in measurement reflect rations in amount of the property measured.
textual, tabular, graphical forms
presentation of data (3)
textual form
in this form, the data is present in paragraph form
tabular form
in this form, the data is presented in rows and columns
general or reference, summary or text, graphical form
types of tables
general or reference table
is used as a warehouse of information in order to present data in such a way that individual items may easily be found and is usually found in the appendix.
summary or text table
this is smaller compared to the general or reference table in size and is designed to guide their reader in analyzing the data.
graphical form
in this form, the numerical dta are presented with the use of graphs.
bar, line, circle, pictograms, map graph
kinds of graphs (5)
bar graphs
the length of bars represent the magnitude of the quantities being compared.
line graphs
show the relationship between two or more sets of quantities.
circle graph
pie chart is used to represent quantities that make up a whole
are known as picture-graphs. picture symbols are used to represent values.
map graph
this is the best way to present a geographical data. this is also known as the cartogram.