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23 Cards in this Set

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Properties of Stars

1. Luminosity

2. Mass

3. Radius

4. Temperature

5. Chemical composition

6. Evolutionary Stage

Hydrostatic Equilibrium

The balance between gravity and nuclear fusion in a star

What happens when hydrostatic Equilibrium is disturbed?

1. More gravity = more density = higher temperature

2. More nuclear fusion = lower temperature = star expands = red giant

What determines a stars brightness?

1. Size

2. Distance

3. Color

4. Temperature

Apparent Magnitude

How bright a star appears from the Earth.

Absolute Magnitude

How bright a star appears at a standard distance of 32.6 light years or 10 parsecs

Spectral Type

Classes measured by temperature. Our sun is type "G" (5,000-6,000K)

What are the three types of Nebulae?

1. Emission Nebulae

2. Reflection Nebulae

3. Dark Nebulae

Emission Nebulae

Ultraviolet Radiation. Appears pinkish.

Reflection Nebulae

Reflects bluish glow. Reflects light from other stars.

Dark Nebulae

So dense that light cannot pass through. Appears black.

Evolution of Red Giant

Stellar Nebula>red giant>planetary nebula>white dwarf

Evolution of Red Super Giant

Stellar nebula>red super giant>supernova>neutron star/black hole

White dwarf

A stellar remnant. Very dense, luminosity from stored thermal energy.

Neutron Star

Compact star resulting from gravitational collapse of a massive star after a supernova.

Black Hole

Place in space where the gravitational pull is so strong, not even light can escape from it.

The higher the mass, the higher the _______.


More mass means that there is more...

1. Gravity

2. Fusion

3. Luminosity

How do stars form?

Shockwave approach a dark nebula

Shockwaves come from...

1. New star ignition

2. Supernova explosion

3. Galactic density wave

Steps to star formation

1. Shockwave approaches nebula

2. Shockwave passes through nebula

3. Dense regions of the nebula collapse

4. Proto stars begin to form

Evolution of a stars with low mass

Has too little matter, gravity is too weak to collapse into fusion stage, object stops evolution and turns into Brown dwarf, cools to black dwarf

Low mass star evolution

1. Collapse to fusion temperature in core

2. Red dwarf

3. Live the longest

4. Fusion stops when H turns to He.

5. Goes through SCH

6. Remnants become a white dwarf