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60 Cards in this Set

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unknown author-
hero defeats monster and mother, is later killed by dragon
Dream of the Road, Christ, Exeter Book
translated Boethius's De Consolatione Philosophiae
The Doomsday Book (comisioned by...)
William the Conquerer
Piers Plowman
William Langland
poet dreams in Malvern Hills about tower of Truth and
dungeon of Wrong; Holy Church explains visions
Piers Plowman
Troilus and Criseyde
House of Fame
The Legend of Good Women
The Book of the Duchess
Geoffery Chaucer
The Parliment of Fowles
Canterburry Tales
Geoffery Chaucer
Pandarus helps two title characers get together, Cassandra predicts woman will be unfaithful and is right
Troilus and Criseyde
20 women who suffered and died for love
The Legend of Good Women
elegy on death of John of Gaunt's wife Blanche of Lancaster
The Book of the Duchess
Scipio Africanus appears to younger Scipio in dream; on
Valentine's Day 3 titular animals fight over formel eagle
The Parliment of Fowles
schoolboy sings hymn about Mary in Jewish ghetto and has throat cut
but is saved by Mary, who commands him to sing until a grain is removed from
his tongue
The Prioress's Tale (Canterbury Tales)
Summoner and Devil swear friendship
The Friar's Tale
Theseus defeats Creon at Thebes; Arcite dies after winning tournament
for the hand of Hippolyta's sister Emily and his cousin Palamon marries her
The Knight's Tale
Titular man forgives 3 enemies who beat his wife Prudence and killed his daughter Sophie
Melibee's Tale
carpenter John's wife Alison scorns Absolon but loves Nicholas, who convinces John to suspend three tubs in the attic in preparation for a second
Flood; Absolon brands Nicholas's rump
Miller's Tale
mom of Sultan of Syria puts Constance adrift; washed ashore in Northumberland and marries King Alla],
Man of Law's Tale
used tricks to keep first 4 husbands in hand; married 5th for love, but after a fight he let her run everything; foul witch tells Arthur's knight what women most desire is sovereignty over husbands and makes him marry her; he gives her choice of beauty or fidelity and gets both
Wife of Bath's Tale
Virginia killed by judge father, whom Apius condemns to hanging but people revolt and the judge commits suicide
Physician's Tale
3 revelers want to slay Death, who killed their friend with plague; find treasure under tree; stab and poison each other over the gold
Pardoner's Tale
fox Don Russell seizes rooster Chauntecleer, as he had dreamed, but had been mocked by wife Pertelote
Nun's Preist's Tale
description of Confession, 7 Deadly Sins, and Penitence; Chaucer's Retractions
Parson's Tale
Miller Simkin steals grain from scholars John and Alan, who spend the night at his house and sleep with his wife and daughter
Reeve's Tale
archer Phebus's white crow tells him his wife had affair; he kills her but then turns against the tattle-tale crow
Maniciple's Tale
knight January's sight restored but his wife May has affair with Damyan
Merchant's Tale
Marquis Walter marries Griselda and tests her loyalty
Clerk's Tale
first tales of King Arthur, written in the 15th century
Le Morte de Arthur by Malory
title character is challenged to behead another title character, which he does. The entire thing was planned by Morgan le Fay
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Title characer from Death; friends Fellowship, Worldly Goods, and Beauty leave him but Good Deeds remains faithful but weak; morality play
possible based on the Earl of Huntington
Robin Hood
(Book I dialogue analyses ills in England; Book II describes a community run with humanist ideals
Sir Thomas More
A Garland of Laurel, Philip Sparrow, Colin Clout
John Skeleton
Astrophel and Stella
Sir Philip Sidney
Faerie Queene
Edmund Spencer
(planned 12 books for each private moral virtues; Prince Arthur sees vision of Gloriana [Elizabeth I]; evil Catholics Duessa [Mary], Archimago, and Grantorto [Philip II]; 6 books: Red Cross Knight [Holiness], Sir Guyon [Temperance], Britomart [Chastity], Cambel and Triamond [Friendship], Artegal [Justice], Calidore [Courtesy]
The Faerie Queen
The Anniversaries, Devotions upon Emergent Occasions
John Donne
An Anatomy of the World, Of the Progresse of the Soule; in
memory of Robert Drury's daughter Elizabeth
The Anniversaries
Poetical Blossoms, Davideis
Abraham Cowley
The Temple
George Herbert
Raphael tells Adam about Satan's revolt and expulsion; Satans as serpent tempts Eve to eat forbidden fruit and Adam does also; Sin and Death enter world; Michael leads them out of Garden of Eden
Paradise Lost
Jesus resists Satan's temptations; suggested by Quaker Thomas Ellwood
Paradise Regained
title character betrayed by Delilah, blinded by Philistines, and destroys temple
Samson Agonistes
commemorates death of schoolmate Edward King; title from shepherd in Bucolic
pamphlet against restriction of freedom of the press
young lady left by two brothers in the woods captured by Comus, god of sensual pleasure
Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, Samson Agonistes, Lycidas, Areopagitica, Comus
John Milton
Spanish marshal Hieronimo's son Horatio, who loves Bel-
Imperia, is slain by her brother Lorenzo and the prince of Portugal; Hieronimo finds his body hanging in the arbor; Hieronimo and Bel Imperia kill villains while performing a play and Hieronimo kills self; 9 die on stage
Spanish Tragedy
Spanish Tragedy
Thomas Kyd
Scythian shepherd becomes Persian king and marries Soldan's daughter Zenocrate
scholar sells soul to devil
Barabas looses fortune and wants revenge on invading Turks; murders daughter and whole nunnery with poisoned porridge; dies in bubbling cauldron
Jew of Malta
Tamburlaine, Faustus, Jew of Malta
Chrisopher Marlowe
Marlowe, Robert Greene, John Lyly, Thomas Nashe, Thomas Lodge, George Peele
University Wits
France: Helena cures French king and chooses to marry Bertram, she tricks him to gain his ring and bear his child
All's Well That Ends Well
Rosalind disguises herself as boy Ganymede and meets Orlando, who is reconciled to his brother Oliver by saving his life; Duke Frederick becomes a monk and four couples are united at feast of Hymen; clown Touchstone woos Audrey
As You Like It
Aemilia and Aegeon have twins, both named Antipholus, and both with slaves Dromio; one goes to Syracuse and one to Ephesus but eventually reunited after much confusion
Comedy of Errors
Britain: King Cymbeline banishes Posthumous Leonatus who married his daughter Imogen; in Rome Iachimo bets Imogen will be unfaithful and steals her bracelet; servant Pisanio allows Imogen to escape dressed as a boy; Iachimo's villany exposed
4 men vow to eschew women for 3 years but fall in love; King Ferdinand of Navarre with French princess, Biron with Rosaline, Longaville with Maria, and Dumain with Katherine; others include Don Armado, clown Costard, and constable Dull
Love's Labours Lost