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117 Cards in this Set

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Africas Tournament was...

The 2010 FIFA World Cup

The 2010 FIFA World Cup was the first ever....

Cup to be hosted by an African nation

Branding Challenges when hosting the World Cup in 2010

- Guilty by association with the rest of Africa

- Crime, Civil war, famine, disease and corruption

- Developing the business of sport

Vision of the 2010 FIFA World Cup

To change the global perception of South Africa and the African continent

Concern with the 2010 FIFA was the ___ and the _______ of the event

legacy, and long-term impact (both financial and social)

Outward-oriented development model

the visual aspects of the spectacle itself as well as the Africian infrastructure, and was aimed at boosting foreign investment and tourism by attracting media attention, showcasing modernity, and circulating positive images of Africa to the world

Media Coverage of 2010 FIFA

- 700 million people watching final and final draw attracting 206 television crews from around the world

- bigger than inauguration of Obama

- Biggest event in history to date

- helped reach new markets in terms of tourism, trade and investment

The media attention that lead up to the 2010 tournament focused on...

the negative aspects such as economic inflation, crime, xenophobia and racism

Media is seen as being

adversaries or friends wth the power to convey either a negative or positive message

After the tournament no one talked about..

crime and thought it was safe (rebranding)

2010 FIFA World Cup legacy

increased sense of pride, social cohesion and self-confidence


infrastructure and services such as upgrade to roads, improved public transport systems, and airport upgrades

Conclusion of the 2010 FIFA World Cup

- South Africas brand image was transformed

- Put the country on the global map

- Favorable position

- Development and depth of the South African brand

- Increased local pride and confidence

Branding metrics

to measuring the performance impact of brands

brand orientation

an approach in which the processes of the organization revolve around the creation, development, and protection of brand identity in an ongoing interaction with target customers with the aim of achieving lasting competitive advantage

4 Brand Barriers

1. Market Orientation Barriers (values, beliefs, assumptions)

2. Export barriers (export knowledge, internal resource constraints, procedural barriers, exogenous variables)

3. Internationalization barrier (managerial factors, external factors)

4. Brand barrier (limied resources to employ in developing their brands)


firms either creates new wealth-producing resources or endows existing resources with enhanced potential for creating wealth

Firm performance (2 measures)

Objective measurements

- profit such as return on investment and profit of sales

- Sales-driven measures such as sales growth and market share

Strategic objectives (goals focused on competitor)

Brand distinctiveness

the art of being unique and desirable by target customers (competitive advange)

2 ways brands can be distinctive

1. It can be a symbol of ownership for legal purposes

2. Identity that guarantees consistency of offerings with a consequence of becoming a shortcut in decision-making in the long run

Brand distinctiveness is different to product differentiation because

the former is concerned about the differentiation of a brand in consumers minds, while the latter is very much based on physical product attributes

Construct Development (6)

1. Innovation

2. Brand Orientation

3. Brand Distinctiveness

4. Brand Barriers

5. Brand performance

6. Financial performance

Hypotheses Development

h1- brand orientation is a positive determent of brand distinctiveness

h2- brand barriers is a negative determinant of brand orientation

h3- brand orientation is a positive determinant of brand performance

h4- brand distinctiveness is a postive determinant of innovation

h5- innovation is a positive determinant of brand performance

h6- brand performance is a positive determinant of financial performance


brand orientation is a positive determent of brand distinctiveness


brand barriers is a negative determinant of brand orientation


brand orientation is a positive determinant of brand performance


brand distinctiveness is a positive determinant of innovation


innovation is a positive determinant of a firms brand performance


brand performance is a positive determinant of financial performance

___ and ____ were found to be the two most critical factors influencing brand performance and in turn financial performance

brand orientation, brand innovation

Branding metrics (3)

1. A brand innovation metric

2. A brand orientation metric

3. A brand barrier metric

Sport is able to

- unite culturally and ethically divided societies

- promote active citizenship

- generate healthy lifestyles

- Alleviate problems of social exclusion and antisocial behavior

- Develop community capacity and local empowerment

Their potential in ability to live up to the exaggerated expectation projected by the sporting community...

- increased attention to the social value of hosting sporting events for broader community outcomes

- there is clearly a need for greater attention to the social value of events and the relationship between events and their host community

- development efforts have shifted towards planning and implementing targeted strategies to achieve social change

Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD)

Draws attention to the social assets of the community like:

1. Individual talent

2. Social capital inherent to relationships

3. Informal networks as well as formailized assets such as infrastructure, resources, human capital

ABCD approach aims to

shift focus of event-led projects as a way to solve social problems to enhancing the existing abilities of the community

ABCD approach can

empower citizens and improve the effectiveness of government by drawing on the resources, abilities and insights of local residents

ABCD approach suggests that

community development activities centered upon event strategies must be citizen led with external resources acting in a supportive role

ABCD Framework

1. Working with community members to identify strengths or assets (mapping)

2. Articulate a future direction and desired outcomes (visioning)

3. Working with community partners to mobilize strengths to help achieve goals (mobilizing)

Six-step ABCDE process (Mathie and Cunningham)

1. Appreciating what is good

2. Organizing an ABCD initating group

3. Mapping the capacities and assets

4. Building a community vision and plan

5. Mobilizing assets

6. Leveraging activities and resources

Sports and events can act as...

mobilizers for people to understand more about community strength and assets to be leveraged (opportunity)

External agencies drive the development agenda is an example of

a challenge

ABCD approach helps...

to refram the conversation about the role of sport events in community development (opportunity)

ABCD approach allows community to...

take ownership and control of actions to effect social change (opportunity)

Refer to Week 10 slides for opportunies and challenges


Toronto Skydome

- Opened June 3rd, 2989

- World's first fully retractable roof

- Dedicated facility to male sport

- Went from public to privately owned

Design of Skydome

hotel of 70 rooms, 7 resturants and a bar, private fitness club, 5000 underground parking spaces

- 50,000 baseball, 53,000 football

Dealing with debt- Skydome

Financial problems from $300 million constructon

- recruited firms

- leasing of private boxes and club seats to make more $

- first four years lost $107 million

- required both the province and DCI memebrs to contribute to any loss

3 Options for dealing with SkyDome debt

1. REtain and operate SkyDome as a public corporation

2. Force the partnership with DCI

3. Sell it outright

What did they do about Skydome debt?

Went with selling that would generate private funds, the terms were the province receive 151$ in cash and various provisions to protect it against a quick flip

Dilemma of public ownership for the Skydome

- was planned anad managed as a revenue-maximizing business

- no policy to attract and support non-profit groups

- Corporate events paid the bills

A major event encompasses the following characteristics:

- a clear-cut starting a findshing point

- fixed deadlines

- one-off organization

- large risks

- many opportunities

Major sports event can be defined as

A sporting championship recognized by the appropriate governing body of the sport and attracting a minimum of 1000 spectators

Effective project management is

balancing the constraints of time, cost and performance within an environment of external and internal political pressures

Environment of major sports event, involves all elements of Maylors project complexity

1. Organizational complexity- the number of people, departments, organizations and nations involved

2. REsource complexity- the volume of resoures involves, time, capital processes

3. Technical complexity- the level of innovation in the product or the project processes

3 Developmental stages of the bidding process

1. Gaining the councils approval

2. A competitive bid to the national sports governing body, and hopefully the acceptance as the winning bid

3. A competitive bid to the international sports governing body, and hopefully acceptance as the winning bid to host the event officially

Time bound franchisee

the local authority of an event, who is a low level contractor who is normally expected to accept responsibility for nearly all of the projects risks

Raising the area profile

- to promote the changing face/profile of the locality as an emerging new city

- To promote awareness and investment opportunities and to extend the tourism season decimated by the collapse of the coal mining and steel industries

- to extend the depth of the event portfolio of a focused sport and to celebrate the millennium significance

**** Cromptons 5 lines of argument to justify their involvement in major sport****

1. Te region could accrue additional economic impact

2. Increased community visibility

3. Enhanced community image

4. Stimulation of other development

5. Improved psychic income

Key Factors behind successful bidding

- relevant professional credibility

- fully understanding the brief and the dcision making process

- not assuming the decision makers are experts

- customizing professional tangible products/services and exceeding expectation

- knowing your strengths and weaknesses in comparison to competitiors

Desirability to host a event is based on more than

personal and political conviction

Four major errors that lead to the dramatic over-estimation of major events

1. Major events are usually held in larger metropolitian areas that are already tourist destinations

2. The numbers used to extol the benefits from hosting report aggregate spending even though a substantial portion of what is bought is imported for resale

3. The presence of a mega-event create temp demand for part-time labor

4. There is a level of intra-regional substition spending that occurs

Sport events vary in size and nature but have a strong appeal for

domestic and foreign tourists

Opportunties of hosting mega sports events

- creatin income, taxation, revenue and jobs

- influx of fans, atheletes, officials, etc..

- branding, raising awarness

- disseminate formally sanctioned and favorable images of hosting country

- national and civic pride boosted,leaving social legacy

- infrastrucuture improvements

Challenges with hosting a mega sports event

- Events disrupts regular tourist activity

- domestic and foreighn visitors may deter travel due to fear of over-crowding, inflated charges

- Hosting mega- event is rarely repeated, therefore built facilities are generally under-utilized

- event employement is temporary

- promises of urban regeneration and economic development may be unfulfilled

- Environmental cost

- Critism and tarnished image should there be mismanagement

2010 FIFA World Cup stands out for

the volume of sponsorships, branding, marketing and merchandising

2010 Local Organization Committee amed to (FIFA 2010)

- To strengthen the African and South African image

- Promote new partnership with the world

- Drive our collective determination to be significant global players in all fields of human endeavor

Economic data from 2010 FIFA

-tourist arrivals and projected fell short

- number of created jobs will become available in time

- pre-event economic estimates were overly optimistic

- 2010 finals generated to the highest profits for FIFA in history

Opportunities for Qatar and the 2022 World Cup

- economic sustainability and diversification

- tourism, image and branding, social development

- smaller states to exercise an influence on the world stage

- sporting events are synonymouse with contemporary Arab identity

- chance to promote Qatar foundations aims and showcase qatars modernity and progress

Qatar offers a ____ and ___ environment for sports events due to the poltical stability enjoyed since becoming a republic in 1971

safe, and secure

Mode of governing in Qatar


In Qatar, large reserves of __ and ____ facilitated rapid development sine 1995

oil and gas

Qatari citizens are amongst the ____ worldwide


The mission of the 2022 Qatar games is

to turn Qatar into a financial and business hub with greatly enhanced regional economic, political and social-cultural status

Environmental and social responsbilities in Qatar bid book

- the concentration of activities in a compact 60 km radius area

- a commitment to zero carbon emissions

Risk of Qatar holding the 2022 cup

stadium construction adn operation- medium risk

team base camp facilities- high risk

overall legal risk- low risk

______ billion was allocated for eight new and four upgraded stadia in Qatar

3 billion

How much did the metro/rail system improvements cost Qatar?

44 billion

Doha's airport expansion currently handles __ million passengers, and is scheduled to reach __ million

30, 50

Qatar- Marketing has intensified within and beyond the region and foreign tourists exeeded __ million in 2007, rising to almost ___ in 2014

1, 2.8

How many tickets will be on sale for the 2022 World Cup?

2.9 million, influx of 500,000 to 700,000 visitors expected

Qatar expects to see the expansion of the industry by ___ over the next 5 years and the target is ____ million tourists in 2030

20%, 7.4 million

Qatar was the first middle east country to hold the

asian games in 2006, the largest such gathering after the summer olympics

What was the budget of the 2006 Asian Games in Qatar

28 billion

Why is the climate of Qatar a concern for the World Cup

potentially dangerous for the human health (high heat), espically for those engaged in open-air sports (football)

- world cup usually held in june-july

Qatar won hosting rights agains Australia, Japan, South Korea and USA which let to accusations of

bribery of FIFA officails, seset for some timy by rumors of corrupt practices

Alcohol was banned by Islamaic Sharia in Qatar because

public drunkenness is a punishable offence

Cultural clashes, undemocratic goverment, gender inequalities, crimizinaliztion of homosexuality is predicted to happen between

visitors and citizens

Qatars limitation as a tourist destination

- nternational arrivals relatively small in number

- lengths of stay is short as 3.5 nights and almost 70% of visitor spending is attributatable to business

- vactioners make up only 10% demand

- low score for its natural and cultural resources

- lack of awareness outside the region

- terrorism is persistent

For Qatar financial gains are less urgent, and they want..

recognition as a significant actor on the interational stage

REad strengths and weakenesses in week 8 slides


Olympic bid for 2022

LA and PAris are the remaining citites

- 6 countries pull out

- governments contribute to IOC offers but members are appointed and books are off the record

___% of TV and sponsorship of Olympics kept by IOC


Defining Sport Tourism

- 5.2 billion annual industry in Canada

- Fastest growing segment

- Trends include event portfolios, medium-small scale events, cross-promotion with cultural and non-sport related events (beer run)

Time Switchers

if someone plans to visit Guelph in any case but adjusted travel time to coincide with the event


a non-local resident whose primary propose was not the event, but ended up participating


occur when spectators or residents spend their money at an event instead of at other activities orbusinesses in the local community

How do we measure impact?

Canadian measurement tool: STEAM (sport tourism economic assessment model

- input-output modelling based on visitor expenditture

- generates estimates such as overall impact, jobs and salaries supported, taxes, visitor expenditures

Challenges with econmic impact assessments

- multipliers

- reporting of results

- Who is conducting the study

- Whats in the literature

How do we measure impact (social)?

Social excahnge theory- there is an exchange that happens with event participants (tangible or intangible)

- psychological and behavioural motivator

Impact (environmental)

Multiple tools- no standarized approach

- input-output models (c02)

Bid Committee

responsible for the submission of the bid

- cross-section of individuals and organizations with various skills and expertise

Rights Holders

governing bodies of a specific sport or multi-sport games

- multi-sport organizations vs. single sport organization

-responsible for oversight of bid process, awarding the host community and the overall management of event

Host Organizing Committee (HOC)

- formal vs. informal

- legal considerations

- transferred rights and responsibility of delievering the event

The process of bidding to host can be

comprehenive and lengthy, depeneding on size and scope

- can include several components including submission of documents, in-person presentations, one or more site visits

Bid Guidelines

details of the bid process, timelines, hosting standards, bid documents requirements and selection process

Resource documentation

transfer of knowledge from other HOC and the Rights Holder

What are Rights Holders looking for?

- Motivation to host

- Community profile

- Partnerships

- Host competition venues

- Marketing and communications

- business plan

- Operational plan

- Servicing the athletes/teams

- host experience

Accommodations in bidding and hosting

- most critical component to participant satisfaction

- highest expense

- multiple stakeholders who require

- tiered accommodation types

Transportation in bidding and hosting

- one of the most challeneging components to manage

- most critical component of a successful event

- very difficult to manage (arrivals, departures, delays)

- costly

Risk Management in bidding and hosting

- Most overlooked componenet of event

- Security

- Medical

- Insurance

- Critical for facilities, participants, and the organizer

Sponsorships and Grants in bidding and hosting

- one of the highest revenue generators for many events

- 'discovery' finding a fit that works for both

Volunteers and Staff for hosting

- structure

- clearly defined roles

- thankless tasks

-outfitting- food, apparel and gifts

- importance of recognition

- face of the event

Post event reporting

- surplus/defcit

- sponsor/grants

- marketing and comms- total likes, views, shares, web traffic

- operational logisitics- what worked well, what did not?

Making an event pitch involves

- stakeholder consultation

- defining a collective vision

- identifying potential roles of each stakeholder

- budget considerations

- impacts


- who is the audience

Stakeholder Management Theory

identifies the various players that have some degree of influence on an event

- roles could include organizer, politicans, tourism agency, sponsors, participants

Examples of private, public and non-for-profit sectors in sport

public- municipal/provincial gov, educational insititutions

Not-for-profit- Hockey Canada, Ontario Womens Hockey Association

Private- Sponsors (RBC, NIKE), facility owners (Meridian Centre)

Overview of the North American Indigenous Games (NAIG Games)

- July 2017

- 6000 participants

- 12 mill budget

- 14 sports