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37 Cards in this Set

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Wolff's Law
A bone remodels it's shape according to the way force is transmitted through it.
Examples of intramembranous bone growth
bones at the top of the skull and the clavicle
Examples of endochondral bone (aka cartilaginous)
bones of skull base, all postcranial bones, including part of the clavicle
Nutritional considerations: Vitamin C. Why is it necessary and what does deficiency lead to?
necessary for proper collagen formation-- deficiency leads to scurvy
Vitamin D- Why is it necessary and what does deficiency lead to?
necessary for proper bone mineralization-- deficiency leads to rickets (in children) and osteomalacia (in adults)
What does an excess of parathyroid hormone lead to?
bone thinning
What does an excess of pituitary growth hormone lead to? A deficit?
excess-- gigantism in children, acromegaly in adults
deficit-- dwarfism in children
Define a simple fracture
bone broken but not displaced
Define a compound fracture
bone breaks through the skin
Define comminuted fracture
bone is fragmented-- blood supply is usually destroyed, bone chunks become necrotic
Define compression fracture
bone collapses under compressive forces or telescopes into itself
Define avulsion fraction
tendon or ligament pulls bone away at site of attachment
Define greenstick fracture
incomplete fracture and bending of bone (common in children)
What are the four steps in the healing of a fracture?
1. Fracture hematoma formed from ruptured blood vessels.
2. Soft callus forms (mixture of spongy bone and fibrocartilage)
3. Hard callus forms by mineralization of soft callus
4. Remodeling of hard callus to mature (compact and spongy) bone
inflammation of bone tissue caused by injury or infection
inflammation of periosteum caused by trauma or infection
inflammation of bone interior caused by bacteria, usually entering the bone via wound or via bloodstream
can spread to the spongy bone (particuarly of the vertebral bodies) resulting in bone and joint destruction
benign neoplasm (tumor)
benign neoplasm
osteogenic sarcoma
malignant neoplasm
multiple myeloma
malignant neoplasm
the reduction in bone mass due to deossification, most prevalent in middle-aged and elderly women
Why are women more likely to have osteoporosis?
1. Women have less bone mass than men.
2. Women loose bone mass sooner and faster than men do (women start loosing bone mass at age 35, men in their 60s)
classification of immovable joint
slightly movable joint
freely movable joint
fibrous joint
bones fasted together by thin layers of fibrous connective tissue
joint consists of long fibrous band which forms interosseous ligament

(an amphiarthrosis joint)
joint found only between some bones of the skull- short fibrous band forms sutural ligament

(a synarthrosis joint)
articulation between tooth root and bony socket-- short fibrous band forms periodontal ligament

(a synarthrosis joint)
Cartilaginous joint
connection consists of fibrocarilage and/or hyaline cartilage
bones united by band of hyaline cartilage

(a synarthrosis joint)
articular surfaces covered by hyaline cartilage, which in turn is attached to a pad of fibrocartilage

(an amphiarthrosis joint)
synovial joint
space between articulating bones filled with synovial fluid

freely movable (diarthrosis)
fibrocartilage pad located between articular surfaces (shock absorbing)
closed fluid-filled sac (synovial membrane sac)