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75 Cards in this Set

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What does “logos” mean?
Reason and judgement
What does pathos mean?
An appeal to the emotions
What does Aristotle mean when he talks about logic?

The appeal to reason

With reference to the Toulmin Method, what is a rebuttal?
What a speaker says to counter a counter-argument
What is chronological organization?
Information organized according to time
What is process-organized information?

Information organized according to process

What is spatial organization?
Information organized according to physical location in space
How did John F. Kennedy organize the speech discussed?
Why is a pros vs. cons organizational structure useful for a political speech?
It allows the audience to weigh up sides of an argument
There are two types of logic.


There are two types of reason.


Deductive reason is the process of inferring general principles or rules from specific facts.


Deductive reason is the process of deriving a reliable generalization from known facts.


The claim of an argument is the overall "theory" you are asserting.


Spatial organization means organizing information according to cause and effect


Which of the following did Aristotle say?
Naturalness is persuasive, artificiality is the contrary.
Which of the following is one of Aristotle’s means of persuasion?
The language of a speech
Which of the following did Aristotle say?
Nobody uses fine language when teaching geometry.
What is the definition of “language register”?
A variety of language used for a particular purpose or social setting
Why does Sarah Palin use an informal language register in her speech?
To create rapport with her audience
Why is strongly emotive language rarely used to describe enemies in political speeches nowadays?
Because it shows obvious bias and irrational hatred
Which of the following are literary techniques commonly used in speech-making?
Repetition, anaphora, the list of three
What is the literary technique of “anaphora”?
Repeating the same word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses
Why is the list of three so effective?
No one knows exactly why.
Which of the following is the phrase “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country” an example of?
The inverted phrase
Why are the techniques of metaphor and simile only rarely used in speeches?
They are considered too “fanciful.”
The words of a speech should always be as “fancy” as possible.


Impressing your audience is not the same as persuading them.


Having a common language system can instantly create a kind of rapport between people.


Emotive language should be used subtly in speeches.


How do we express our character in a speech?
Through words, dress, and body language
What is self-efficacy?

Having a belief in your own efficacy

How can you improve your self-esteem?
By challenging your negative self-beliefs
What is mindfulness?
Giving your full awareness to a task
How can mindfulness help when it comes to public speaking?
Awareness of our thoughts can help us control our fears
Why is it a good idea to have note cards rather than a fully written-out speech?
Reading directly from a sheet of paper makes it difficult to sound natural
What can background images be used for in a public speech?
To emphasise the point the speaker is making
How can you learn to maintain a clear, level, and loud voice?

By practicing

How can you practice the pacing of a speech?

By practicing it aloud

Good public speakers are always very confident people in the first place.


It's vital to have very high self-esteem when delivering a speech.


Learning a new musical instrument can help to improve your sense of self-efficacy.


Those who have high self-esteem are naturally more able to deal with stressful life events than those with low self-esteem.


Faking it till you make it really does work.


Having a very complicated slideshow background for a presentation is always a good idea.


Which of the following behaviors signal deception?

Excessive sweating

Why is it not a good idea to use hand gestures below waist level?

Because it can convey deception

What should you say if you don’t know the answer to an audience member’s question?
I don’t have that information right now, but I’ll find out for you.
How should you behave if you encounter a hostile questioner?

Remain calm and polite

Why should you avoid dairy products before giving an important speech?

They create extra mucus in your airway

How can you avoid being monotonous when giving a speech?

Vary tone and emphasis

Why is it important not just to practice reading a speech but also to “perform” a speech?
To practice body language and facial expressions

Why should you speak more slowly than usual when giving a speech?

To allow the audience to really consider your words

Why should you be careful not to speak too slowly when giving a public speech?

Because it could become boring

Why is presentation so important to the success of a speech?

Because it conveys the character of the speaker

The body language of a liar is similar to the body language of someone who is nervous.


We always know when we are reading a person’s body language.


Standing with your head slightly bowed is a good posture for a speech.


A speaker’s facial expression can be used for pathos.


Mirroring the audience’s reaction can help create rapport.


What is the difference between a snap judgement and evaluation?
Being able to pinpoint flaws
Which of the following are all involved in the evaluation of the presentation of a speech?
Visual aids, vocal technique, body language
Why should a speaker not speak in monotone
It can be boring and can reduce emotional affect
Which of the following are involved in creating a strong argument?
Structure, logical inference, counter-argument
Assessing an argument also involves looking out for:


What is the purpose of an introduction to a persuasive speech?
To give the audience an idea of the speaker’s character
How should we assess the use of literary techniques in a speech?
In terms of how effective they have been
Why is it useful to self-evaluate?
So as to find areas for improvement
Anyone can critically evaluate a speech.


Anyone can make a judgment on a speech.


A speech should never go over and above the audience’s expectations.


You must say only exactly what the audience wants you to say.


Only very complex arguments need a counterargument.


The Toulmin Method involves a counterargument.


Vested interests can suggest a claim is biased.
