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24 Cards in this Set

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Valgus/Varus Stress Test (of 1st MTP joint)
Test: big toe joint
Patient: supine or sitting
Stabilize: one hand on dorsal surface of foot, thumb and forefinger at the head of the 1st MT; grasp proximal phalange
Procedure: move phalange medially for varus, laterally for valgus
Positive test: pain or laxity in the joint
Anterior Drawer Test (of the ankle)
Tests: inversion injury of the anterior talofibular ligament
Patient position: sitting with leg over the edge of the table, foot hanging
Stabilize: grasp anterior aspect of distal leg, proximal to the ankle joint
Procedure: cup the calcaneous and draw it forward by directing force anteriorly
Positive test: pain or laxity
Inversion Talar Tilt Test
Tests: calcaneofibular ligament (N), posterior talofibular ligament (DF), anterior talofibular ligament (PF)
Patient position: supine or sitting with legs over the edge of the table
Stabilize: grasp the lateral aspect of the distal leg, proximal to ankle joint
Procedure: grasp calcaneous and talus while keeping ankle joint in 0-10 degrees DF; provide inversion stress by rolling calcaneous medially (at DF, PF, N)
Positive test: pain or laxity
Eversion Talar Tilt Test
Tests: injury of the deltoid ligament
Patient position: supine or sitting with legs over the edge of the table
Stabilize: grasp the medial aspect of the distal leg, proximal to ankle joint
Procedure: grasp calcaneous and talus while keeping ankle in neutral position; provide eversion stress by rolling calcaneous laterally
Positive test: pain or laxity
Kleiger's Test
Tests: eversion sprain; injury of the deltoid ligament
Patient position: supine or sitting with legs over the edge of the table
Stabilize: grasp anterior aspect of the distal leg, proximal to ankle joint
Procedure: grasp medial aspect of the foot while cupping the palm and forearm along the plantar arch of the foot; push ankle into DF and externally rotate the foot and talus
Positive test: medial joint line pain or talus displacement from medial malleolus (deltoid lig) or pain in anterior-lateral ankle at site of tibofibular syndesmosis (syndesmosis injury)
Squeeze Test
Tests: fracture
Patient position: supine with knee extended; sitting off edge of table
Stabilize: none
Procedure: gently squeeze fib/tib with one hand on each side, starting proximally; repeat procedure while moving more distally
Positive test: pain at injury site
Bump Test
Tests: fracture
Patient position: supine with heel over edge of table; sitting with leg hanging
Stabilize: grasp the foot and maintain neutral ankle position
Procedure: bump calcaneous by applying force with the palm of your hand
Positive test: pain at injury site
Thompson Test
Tests: achilles tendon rupture
Patient position: prone with foot off edge of table
Stabilize: none
Procedure: squeeze at calf at the muscle belly of gastrocnemius-soleus and observe for PF of foot
Positive test: no PF; pain
Valgus Stress Test (of the knee)
Tests: MCL injury
Patient position: supine with involved limb close to table edge
Stabilize: stand lateral to limb; one hand on thigh (grasp lateral aspect of the knee); other hand on leg (grasp medial aspect of distal tibia)
Procedure: apply medial force at the knee and lateral force at the tibia; repeat at 0 and 25 deg flexion
Positive test: pain or laxity
*Modification: thigh rests on table near the side edge with knee flexed slightly off edge to the side
Varus Stress Test (of the knee)
Tests: LCL injury
Patient position: supine with involved limb close to table edge
Stabilize:standing medial to involved limb; one hand on thigh (medial aspect of knee); other hand on leg (lateral aspect of distal tibia); hip abducted slightly
Procedure: apply lateral force at the knee and medial force on the tibia; repeat at 0 and 25 deg flexion
Positive test: pain or laxity
*Modification: clinician sits on table
Lachman's Test
Tests: ACL injury
Patient position: supine
Stabilize: grasp tibia at level of tibial tuberosity; other hand grasps femur at level above patella/femoral condyles; knee in 20-25 deg flexion
Procedure: stabilize and support femur; apply posterior pressure with one hand while applying anterior force, drawing tibia forward with other hand; compare bilaterally
Positive test: pain, anterior motion of tibia
*Modification: clinician places his/her thigh under thigh of patient; grasp proximal end of tibia at level of tibial tuberosity while thumbs palpate the anterior joint line
Anterior Drawer Test (of the knee)
Tests: ACL tear (but may show false positive for PCL injury)
Patient position: supine with knee flexed to 90 deg, hip flexed to 45 deg
Stabilize: clinician on table, sit on patient's foot
Procedure: grasp proximal portion of tibia with both hands at level of tuberosity and place thumbs on anterior joint line; draw tibia anteriorly
Positive test: pain, motion (anterior tibial translation)
Posterior Drawer Test (of the knee)
Tests: PCL injury
Patient position: supine, knee flexed at 90 deg, hip flexed at 45 deg
Stabilize: clinician on table, sits on patient's foot
Procedure: grasp proximal portion of the tibia with both hands at level of tuberosity and place thumbs on anterior joint line; push tibia posteriorly
Positive test: pain, motion (posterior tibial translation)
Godfrey's Test
Tests: PCL injury
Patient position: supine on table, both knees bent to 90 deg flexion
Stabilize: none
Procedure: stand to the side of table and patient, position both knees at 90 deg flexion with 90 deg hip flexion; observe level of tibial tuberosities
Positive test: unilateral posterior displacement of the tibial tuberosity on the involved side
McMurray's Test
Tests: meniscus tear
Patient position: supine on table
Stabilize: stand laterally and distal to knee; grasp heel with one hand; other hand grasps knee and brings it into flexion; find joint line
Procedure: externally rotate tibia and apply valgus stress while moving knee into extension; repeat with varus stress; internally rotate tibia and apply valgus stress while moving knee into extension; repeat with varus stress
Positive test: popping, clicking, locking of knee
Apley's Test
Patient position: prone on table, knee flexed 90 deg
Stabilize: stand laterally to patient; stabilize thigh by placing hand on distal portion of hamstring muscles above popliteal space
Procedure: compression = grasp heel by placing palm over the plantar surface of the calcaneous; apply compression/downward force through tibia and then internally/externally rotate tibia while maintaining compression
depression = grasp distal tibia and fibula proximal to ankle joint; distract knee by applying an upward force on tibia and internally/externally rotate tibia while maintaining distraction
Positive test: pain or laxity
Ober's Test
Tests: IT band tightness
Patient position: sidelying on table; knee flexion of involved leg 90 deg
Stabilize: clinician stands behind patient near the hip and places hand on the pelvis
Procedure: support distal tibia along medial aspect; passively abduct and extend the involved hip; allow hip to adduct and observe for amount of passive motion into adduction
Positive test: IT band tightness results when there is only minimal adduction or no adduction
Patella Apprehension Test
Tests: patella injury (subluxation or dislocation)
Patient position: supine, knee extended
Stabilize: none
Procedure: grasp patella and attempt to move it as far as possible laterally
Positive test: guarding of quadriceps muscle, facial expressions, pain or laxity
Trendelenburg Test
Tests: weak gluteus medius
Patient position: standing with weight evenly distributed
Examiner position: behind patient
Procedure: instruct patient to lift leg opposite the side being tested; compare bilaterally
Positive test: pelvis lowers on non-weight bearing side
Thomas Test
Tests: tightness of the quadriceps, iliopsoas, tensor fascia
Patient position: lying supine with mid portion of thighs on edge of table
Examiner position: beside patient on the side opposite to the hip being tested
Procedure: passively assist in bringing knees and hips to 90 deg flexion; make sure lordotic curve is always maintained; have patient hold the non-involved knee and lower the opposite thigh; compare bilaterally
Positive test: knee extended = quadriceps tightness, thigh extended = iliopsoas tightness, thigh abduction or ex.rotation = tensor fascia tightness
Scouring Test
Tests: injury of articular cartilage or labrum of the hip
Patient position: supine
Examiner position: beside patient on same side of injured hip
Procedure: passively flex the knee and hip of involved side fully, with one hand grasping the distal tibia and the other over the top of the knee; apply downward pressure with the hand on the knee and internally/externally rotate the hip a few times
Positive test: pain
Tests: hip or sacroiliac joint pathology
Patient position: supine with injured foot over the opposite thigh
Examiner position: at involved side of patient with one hand on opposite side ASIS and other hand over top of the bent knee on involved side
Procedure: allow patient's limb to rest in full external rotation and then apply overpressure on the knee and ASIS
Positive test: pain in inguinal area of anterior hip = hip pathology; pain in SI area on involved side = SI joint pathology
Straight Leg Raise Test
Tests: sciatic nerve irritation, lumbar disk involvement
Patient position: supine
Examiner position: at side of patient on involved side; one hand grasping leg above ankle on achilles tendon, other hand anterior to the knee
Procedure: keep knee in extension and passively raise leg off the table until pain is experienced or full ROM is obtained
Positive test: pain in post.thigh 70 deg to full ROM hip = sciatic nerve; pain in post.thigh before 70 deg hip = lumbar disk
Slump Test
Tests: impingement of dural lining, spinal cord, or nerve roots
Patient position: sitting with knees at edge of table; slumped forward flexing spine and rounding shoulders
Examiner position: at side of patient on involved side; apply overpressure to patients trunk flexion (hand over thoracic spine)
Procedure: patient flexes spine (chin to chest) and clinician holds them here with hand over back of head; patient actively extends knee and then DF ankle on involved side; compare bilaterally
Positive test: sciatic pain or neurological symptoms in final position