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106 Cards in this Set

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the eyes are protected by what?


where do the eyelids meet?

they meet at the medial and lateral commisure (canthus)

what is the space between the eye when it is opened called?

pallpebral fissure

what glands lubricate the eye?

tarsal glands

what glands lie between the eyelashes ?

ciliary glands

what lines the eyelids and covers part of the outer surface of the eye?


what does the lacrimal apparatus consist of ?

lacrimal glad and ducts

where is the lacrimal gland located?

located lateraly above each end of the eye

what does the lacrimal gland do?

releases a dilute salt solution (tears) through ducts

the tears flush across the eye into the what?

lacrimal canaliculi

after the tears go into the lacrimal canaliculi where do they go?

into the lacrimal sac

after tears go into the lacrimal sac they go into the?

nasoalcrimal duct which empties into nasal cavity

what do lacrimal secretions contain?


what is lysozyme?

an enzyme that destroys bacteria and cleanses and protects the eye surface

how many external eye muscles do we have?


what are the names of the 6 eye muscles?

lateral rectus, medial rectus, superior rectus, inferior rectus,inferior oblique,superior oblique

what does the lateral rectus do?

moves eye laterally

what does the medical rectus do?

moves eye medially

what does the superior rectus do?

elevates eye and turns medially

what does the inferior rectus do?

depresses eye and turns medially

what does the inferior oblique do?

elevated eye and turns laterally

what does the superior oblique do?

depresses eye and turns laterally

what is the outermost layer of the eye?

fibrous layer

what does the fibrous layer consist of ?

sclera and cornea

what is the cornea?

the window in which light enters

does the cornea have nerve endings?


what is the most exposed part of the eye?


does the cornea have blood vessels?


what is the middle layer of the eye?

vascular layer

how many regions does the vascular layer have?


what is the most posterior region of the vascular layer?


what is the choroid?

vascular layer of the eye containing connective tissue. its between the retina and sclera

what does the dark pigment in the choroid do?

prevents light from scattering inside eye

what is the ciliary body?

smooth muscle attached to the lens

what does the iris do?

regulates amount of light entering eye

what gives the eye color?


what is the pupil?

a round opening to the iris

what is the sensory layer?


the retina contains 2 layers called the ?

outer pigmented layer and the inner neural layer

the inner neural layer contains what?

rods and cones

what is another name for rods and cones?


the signals pass from the photoreceptors via?

bipolar cells and then ganglion cells

the signals leave the retina toward the brain through the ?

optic nerve then end in the optic cortex which produces vision

what is the optic disc?

a blind spot where optic nerves leave the eyeball

where are rods usually found?

towards the edges of the retina

what do the rods do ?

allow dim vision and peripheral vision

rods perception is in what tone?

gray tones

what do cones do?

allow detailed colored vision

where are cones usually found?

in the center of the retina

what is the fovea centralis ?

area of retina with only cones

where is the area with only cones?

fovea centralis

how many types of cones do we have?


what is the result of the lack of one cone type?

color blindness

what is the lens held in place by?

suspensory ligament attached to ciliary body

cataracts result when the lens becomes?


the lens divides the eye into 2 segments called the ?

aqueous segment and the viterous segment

which segment of the lens is anterior ?


which segment of the lens is posterior ?


what is the aqueous segment filled with?

clear watery fluid called aqueous humor

where is aqueous humor located?

between the lens and cornea

what does aqueous humor help maintain ?

intraocular pressure

where is aqueous humor reabsorbed into?

into venous blood through the scleral venous sinus or canal of schlemm

what is the vitreous humor?

gel like substance posterior to lens

what does the vitreous humor do ?

prevents eye from collasping

where must light be focused in order to see?


what is emmetropia?

when eye focuses images correctly


what is myopia?

nearsighted . when distant objects appear blurry

what is hyperopia?

farsighted. near objects are blurry while distant objects are clear

what is astigmatism?

images are blurry

the ear houses two senses which are?

hearing and equilibrium

the ear is divided into 3 area called?

external ear(outer ear),middle ear(tympanic cavity),inner ear

the external ear is involved in?


what are the structures of the external ear?

auricle and external acoustic meatus

what is the auricle (pinna)?

the ear. (the shell shaped structure surrounding the auditory canal opening)

what is the external acoustic meatus?

short narrow chamber carved into the temporal bone of skull

what do the ceruminous glands do?

secrete yellow cerumen

what is the tympanic membrane commonly called?


when waves enter the auditory canal they hit the ?


what is the middle ear commonly called?

tympanic caivty

how many bones are in the tympanic cavity?


what are the names of the 3 bones in the tympanic cavity?

malleus (hammer) incus (anvil) and stapes (stirrip)

what is the function of these 3 bones?

the vibrations from the eardrum move the malleus then the anvil which moves the stirrup then it ends in the middle ear

what is the inner ear also called ?

bony labryinth

what does the inner ear include?

sense organs for hearing and balance

what bony chambers are in the inner ear?

cochlea , vestibule, semicircular canals

what are the equilibrium receptors of the inner ear called?

vestibular apparatus

what are the 2 functional parts of the vestibular apparatus ?

static equilibrium and the dynamic equilibrium

whithin the membrane sac of the vistuble are receptors called?


macule are essential to ?

our sense of static equilibrium

what does maculae do ?

send info via the vestibular nerve

what do dynamic equilibrium receptors do?

they respond to angular or rotatory movements of the head

where are the locations of taste buds?

most are on tongue,soft palate and cheeks

the tongue is covered with projections called ?


what are filiform papillae?

they are sharp with no taste buds

what are finguifiorm papillae?

rounded papillae with taste buds

what are circumvallate papillae?

large papillae with taste buds

what are gustatory cells?

receptors of taste buds

sweet receptors are ?

saccharine and some amino acids

what are sour receptors ?


what are bitter receptors ?


what are salty receptors ?

metal ions

what is strabismus?

crossed eyes . results from unequal pulls by muscles

what is opthalmia neonatorum?

conjunctivitis fromm mother having gonorrhea

what is presbyopia?

old vision results from decreasing lens elasticity

what is prebycusis?

seneorinerual deafness requires hearing implants

what is otosclerosis?

when ear fossicles fuse . you will need hearing aid