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58 Cards in this Set

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what elements should a good map have?
title, legend, direction, scale, date
large scale map
local view
medium scale
regional or country view
small scale
global scale or world view
five themes of geography
location, place,human-enviroment interaction, movement, regions
everything has a location, it can be specific or relative
what makes a place different from other places
ex: house v. home
patterns of wind, river, transfer of people and food
areas that share common characteristics (types: physical, cultural, etc)
human-enviroment interaction
how we treat the enviorment
plate tectonic theory
describes the moevement of the earth surface and subsurface, why surface has its features
types of plate boundaries
divergent, convergent, transform
magma is forced up causing plates to separate
plates collide and the denser plate is forced back down
plates slide past one another making faults and fracture zones
tilt of the earth
the earth orbits in one plane, is tilted 23 1/2 degrees off perpendicular to plane
paralellism of the tilt
the axis will be paralell to the day before, reason we have seasons
circle of illumination
what side of the earth is light up
always listed first, aka paralells, each degree is 60 min, each min is broken into 60 sec
aka lines of meridians, prime meridian (0) and the opposite is the international date line
tilt of the earth
the earth orbits in one plane, is tilted 23 1/2 degrees off perpendicular to plane
paralellism of the tilt
the axis will be paralell to the day before, reason we have seasons
circle of illumination
what side of the earth is light up
always listed first, aka paralells, each degree is 60 min, each min is broken into 60 sec, max 90
aka lines of meridians, prime meridian (0) and the opposite is the international date line, max 180
tilt of the earth
the earth orbits in one plane, is tilted 23 1/2 degrees off perpendicular to plane
paralellism of the tilt
the axis will be paralell to the day before, reason we have seasons
circle of illumination
what side of the earth is light up
always listed first, aka paralells, each degree is 60 min, each min is broken into 60 sec, max 90
aka lines of meridians, prime meridian (0) and the opposite is the international date line, max 180
types of scales
RF or representative fraction, written/verbal, graphic/bar/linear
elements of weather/climate
temperature, humidity/moisture/precipitation, movement (wind)
controls of weather
latitude, elevation, continentality
what has more atmospheric pressure? (low or high elevation)
low elevation tends to have higher elevation because it has more air above it
horizontal movement of air, moves from high to low pressure
how do we name winds?
by where they come from
valley breeze
air moves from high pressure to low, from ground to up the mt, in morning
mt. breeze
from the top of the mountain to the bottom, in the evening
land breeze
pressure is high out at sea and blows onto low pressure land because the land is warm
land breeze
the land cools and has high pressure so blows out to see where it is warmer and ha low pressure
relative humidity
measure of the actual amount of moisture/ potential for an air mass
dew point temperature
depends on actual moisture in the air mass, the more moisture in the air the higher the dew pt temp is, must drop below dew pt temp to rain
three causes of rain
orographic lift, convection, frontal
orographic lift
forcing an air mass to rise up over mts (it cools)
land gets heated enough that it heats the air enough so the air rises
warm front collides with a cold front, the warm front is pushed up at the front
area of low pressure so air is attracted there then has to rise
global warming
visible light waves come in and are absorbed, it is remitted as heat wave (longer wave) and cant escape
types of green house gases
carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor
what can science do and not do?
can't prove anything but can disprove
evidence of global warming
glacers are melting, polar ice caps are shrinking, mild/shorter winters, more extreme storms,
weather v. climate
weather is day to day variations in temp. and rain
climate is the statistical summary
where are the tropic of cancer and the tropic of capricorn?
tropic oc cancer is north of the equator, tropic of capricorn is south of the equator
ex: hurricanes, typhoons (west. pac.)
water heats and cools slower than the land
types of geography
human: cultural, econcomic, political
physical: continents, climates, vegetation
drawing of maps
methods of map making
conformal maps: distort size but save shape
equal area maps: distort shape but save size