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34 Cards in this Set

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Words with the last syllable stressed

Palabras Agudas (ie. Japón)

Words with the second to last syllable stressed

Palabras Graves (ie. Cádiz)

Words with the third to last syllable stressed

Palabras Esdrújulas (ie. México)

Palabras Agudas have a tilde (or accent mark) when they end in the letters...

N, S, or vowel

Palabras Graves have a tilde (or accent mark) when they do NOT end in the letters...

N, S, or vowel

Palabras esdrújulas (words with third-to-last syllable stress) have an accent when...


Words that end in a vowel, n, or s stress the ______ syllable. They are palabras _______.

next-to-last, graves

ie. clase, examen, mesas

Words that do not end in a vowel, n, or s stress the _____ syllable. They are palabras _______.

last, agudas

ie. bondad, papel, cantar

Which two criteria are needed to decide whether a word needs a tilde (accent mark) or not?

1. Its ending

2. which syllable is stressed

Words that do not follow the rules (1. words that end in vowel, n, s stress the next-to-last syllable or 2. words that do not end in a vowel, n, s stress the last syllable) require...

a tilde, or written accent mark

Weak vowels or closed vowels

I, U

Strong vowels or open vowels

A, E, O

Weak vowels (i, u) in combination with a strong vowel are not _____.

stressed. (They become one syllable with a strong vowel).

ie. fue, cuidad (two syllables cui-dad)

Strong vowels (a, e, o) in combination with any other vowel are _____.

stressed or pronounced. (They are pronounced as separate syllables).

ie. paella

Weak vowels in combination with a strong vowel which are stressed require a ______.

tilde (accent mark)

ie. día

When two vowels join to form one syllable (closed vowel + closed vowel or open vowel + closed vowel), this is called a _____.

diptongo or diphthong

When two vowels are two syllables (open vowel + open vowel or closed vowel + open vowel), this is called _______.

hiatos or hiatus

Words that are used to make a question have ______.

an accent (they do not have an accent when used as a pronoun).

Quién, Qué

one-syllable words do not have an accent, except to differentiate between identical words.

dé means

give (command)

one-syllable words do not have an accent, except to differentiate between identical words.

de means

of, from

one-syllable words do not have an accent, except to differentiate between identical words.

él means


one-syllable words do not have an accent, except to differentiate between identical words.

el means


one-syllable words do not have an accent, except to differentiate between identical words.

más means


one-syllable words do not have an accent, except to differentiate between identical words.

mas means


one-syllable words do not have an accent, except to differentiate between identical words.

mí means


one-syllable words do not have an accent, except to differentiate between identical words.

mi means


one-syllable words do not have an accent, except to differentiate between identical words.

sé means

I know

one-syllable words do not have an accent, except to differentiate between identical words.

se means

reflexive, impersonal pronoun

sí means


si means


té means


te means

you (object pronoun)

tú means


tu means
