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48 Cards in this Set

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What are the benefits of personal hygiene?
Personal hygiene has the following benefits:

Contributes to physical and psychological well-being
Fosters activity and movement
Provides comfort
Improves self-esteem
Why should you respect and accommodate your patients' hygiene preferences?
Respecting the patient's hygiene preferences promotes maximum participation and independence with ADLs and reflects caring.
Identify two economic or living environment factors that may influence how frequently a person bathes.
The following factors may influence a person's bathing frequency:

Inadequate bathing facilities
Lack of water
Lack of money to buy supplies
Lack of energy after focusing on meeting the basic needs for food and shelter
Identify one example of a cognitive impairment that may make independent initiation of grooming impossible.
Dementia, delirium, psychoses, stroke, Alzheimer's disease, or traumatic brain injury may make initiation of grooming impossible.
Why may people experiencing depression neglect their grooming and hygiene?
Patients suffering from depression often report a profound lack of energy or motivation and may neglect their grooming and hygiene practices.
What are five functions of the skin
The skin serves five functions: protection, sensation, temperature regulation, secretion/excretion, and formation of Vitamin D.
How does the skin help regulate body temperature?
The skin contains sensory organs or receptors for heat and cold. The skin regulates temperature through the process of dilating and constricting blood vessels and activating or inactivating sweat glands. The sweat glands found in the axillae and external genitalia secrete fatty acids and proteins and excrete perspiration, which produces a cooling effect as the moisture evaporates from the skin
What changes take place in the skin as a person ages?
With age, both layers of the skin become thinner and more fragile. As collagen and elastin fibers in the dermis deteriorate, the skin becomes wrinkled. Sebaceous and sweat gland activity decreases, causing the skin to become dry, scaly, and itchy; and temperature regulation in hot weather becomes more difficult. As the number and activity of hair follicles and pigment cells (melanocytes) diminishes, hair becomes thin, turns gray or white, and grows more slowly. Nails thicken and growth decreases. These changes increase the risk for skin problems.
True or False: The professional nurse is responsible for making assessments.
True or False: Assisting with the bath is an excellent time to assess the patient.
To inspect for pallor in a dark-skinned person, which areas would you assess for an ashen gray or yellow color?
For dark-skinned persons, the conjunctivae, buccal mucosa, tongue, lips, nailbeds, palms, and soles should be assessed for pallor.
What is the term that means "a bluish discoloration of the skin"?
Cyanosis means a bluish discoloration of the skin.
Name two causes of erythema.
Vasodilation and inflammation are causes of erythema.
Where can you best see jaundice?
The sclera of the eyes is the best place to see jaundice
What causes body odor?
Body odor is caused by the action of bacteria as they mix with fatty acids, proteins, and nitrogenous waste on the skin.
What is the best intervention to rid the skin of body odor?
Bathing is the best way to remove body odor.
What is the rationale for providing perineal care?
Perineal care is provided to remove secretions, to promote comfort, and to prevent excoriation, odor, and infection.
What is the rationale for providing perineal care?
Perineal care is provided to remove secretions, to promote comfort, and to prevent excoriation, odor, and infection.
How can you protect patient privacy during perineal care?
During perineal care, the following practices protect patient privacy:

Drape the patient with bath blanket, exposing only the area needed
Pull privacy curtains around the bed
Close the door
A nurse has given a bath in which he washed a bedridden patient's entire body without assistance from the patient. What is the term for this bath?
Complete bed bath
What are the advantages of a towel or bag bath?
A towel or bag bath has the following advantages:

Rinsing and drying are unnecessary, so it is quick, making efficient use of the nurse's time.
It is a preferred method for patients who have mild to moderate Impaired Skin Integrity or Activity Intolerance and for persons who have dementia.
Cleanliness is satisfactorily achieved with this technique.
For which type of bath will you most likely have a medical order?
Therapeutic bath
What are some causes of ingrown toenails?
Ingrown toenails are caused by not trimming toenails straight across and by wearing improperly fitted shoes.
What is the cause of foot odor?
Moisture from perspiration and bathing tends to remain between the toes. Lotion makes these areas even more moist, increasing the tendency for maceration and cracking.
True or False: Healthy nails are usually clean, smooth, and convexly curved.
List at least three nail changes that occur with aging.
As a person ages, the nails thicken, become ridged, and may yellow or become concave in shape.
List at least four things you should teach clients about self-care of their nails.
Clients should be taught the following self-care of their nails:

Inspect the nails daily
Trim nails with a nail clipper (people with diabetes or circulatory problems should file only, as cutting poses a risk for injury to the tissues)
File the nails straight across, rounding the corners slightly to prevent scratching; do not cut deeply into the lateral corners as this may cause ingrown nails
Remove hangnails by carefully cutting them off
Clean under the nails with an orangewood stick or other blunt instrument
Push back the cuticles gently
Use a moisturizing lotion to soften cuticles
Avoid biting nails
Consult a podiatrist for any ingrown toenails or other nail problems
Recommend to patients with diabetes, circulatory insufficiency, or nail problems that they seek nail care from a podiatrist
How do the teeth aid in digesting food?
The tongue and teeth begin digestion by breaking up food and mixing it with saliva.
How many deciduous teeth does a child usually have?
Children usually have 20 deciduous teeth.
List at least three factors that cause dry mouth.
Heavy cigarette smoking
Excessive alcohol use
Inadequate fluid intake or dehydration (e.g., being NPO)
Mouth breathing
Nasogastric tubes
Oral airways
Certain medication
Radiation therapy
Oxygen therapy
List at least two medications or medical treatments that can cause oral problems.
the anticonvulsant, phenytoin (Dilantin), causes gingival hyperplasia (excessive growth of cells)
other medications cause dryness of the mouth: diuretics, laxatives (used excessively), medications used to treat cancer, tranquilizers such as chlorpromazine (Thorazine) and diazepam (Valium)
Medical treatments
jaw surgery, which requires need scrupulous oral hygiene to prevent infection
radiation treatments of the head and neck: these can permanently damage the salivary glands, resulting in dryness of the mouth; radiation can also damage teeth and jaw structure
oxygen therapy, which dries the oral mucosa, especially if the client must breathe through the mouth
presence of nasogastric tubes, especially if the person breathes through his mouth
Name four situations that can compromise self-care ability for oral hygiene.
Decreased level of consciousness (e.g., a person who is comatose or heavily sedated); such patients are, in addition, likely to breathe through the mouth, causing dry mucous membranes
Serious illness or injury, weakness, activity intolerance, or paralysis
Cognitive impairment, such as occurs with developmental delay, dementia, and certain mental illnesses
Lack or knowledge or motivation to perform self care (e.g., lack of daily brushing and flossing
Define and identify several causes of halitosis.
Halitosis is bad breath. It results from poor oral hygiene, eating certain foods (e.g., garlic, onions), tobacco use, dental caries, infections, or even, a systemic disease such as uncontrolled diabetes or liver disease.
What are the two most common problems affecting the teeth?
Dental caries and periodontal disease are the two most common problems affecting teeth.
What is the end result of severe periodontal disease?
Severe periodontal disease causes severe inflammation and destruction of the surrounding bone structure. As a result, teeth loosen from a lack of structural support and may fall out or need to be removed. Without the necessary teeth to chew food, the patient may be at risk for impaired nutrition.
How would you position Mr. Gold ("Meet Your Patients," in Volume 1) to perform his oral hygiene?
Oral hygiene should be performed with the patient on his side and the head of the bed flat.
List at least four assessments you should make of a patient's hair.
Use of special products or medicated shampoos
History of hair problems or current conditions necessitating treatment (e.g., pediculosis)
History or presence of disease or therapy that affect the hair (e.g., chemotherapy)
Factors influencing the patient's ability to manage hair and scalp care (e.g., Impaired Mobility)
Personal or cultural preferences for styling of the hair
Condition, cleanliness, texture, and oiliness of the hair
Inspection of the scalp for dandruff, pediculosis (head lice), alopecia (hair loss), secretions or lesions
What is pediculosis?
Pediculosis is an infestation of head lice.
What is alopecia?
Alopecia is hair loss.
True or False: Eyes should be cleansed from the outer to the inner canthus.
How can a contact lens wearer help prevent eye infections?
Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water before handling the lenses.
Clean and store lens according to manufacturer's instructions
Do not wear lenses longer than time recommended by the manufacturer
After you have cleansed a prosthetic eye, should you dry it before reinserting it, or leave it wet?
After cleaning the prosthetic eye, leave it wet so it will slide in more easily.
When selecting the method of bathing for a patient, the nurse should consider which of the following?
A. The patient's mobility limitations
B. Any dressings, drains, or intravenous lines on the patient
C. The patient's self-care needs
D. All of the above
D. All of the above
What should be the temperature of the water used to bathe the client in bed?
A. 120 to 130°F (48.9 to 54.5°C)
B. 110 to 115°F (43.3 to 46.1°C)
C. 100 to 105°F (37.8 to 40.6°C)
D. 98.6 to 99.6°F (37 to 37.6°C)
B. 110 to 115°F (43.3 to 46.1°C)
When providing oral care for the unconscious patient, the nurse should do which of the following?
A. Place the patient on his side with the head of the bed in a lowered position
B. Not attempt to brush the patient's teeth; the patient could aspirate
C. Swab the patient's lips and oral cavity with lemon glycerin swabs at least hourly
D. Place the patient in an upright position, and brush his teeth with a sponge brush
A. Place the client on his side with the head of the bed in a lowered position

To facilitate oral hygiene and protect the patient's airway, the nurse should keep the patient on his side with his head lower than his stomach.
Why does the nurse use a different portion of the washcloth to cleanse the patient's eyes?
A. Avoid irritating the eyes if the patient wears contacts
B. Minimize the spread of infection
C. Use the warmest portion of the cloth
D. Minimize stretching the skin around them
B. Minimize the spread of infection
What is the preferred position of the patient when giving a back rub?
A. Side lying
B. Supine
C. Prone
D. Fowler's
C. Prone

A prone position allows the nurse to rub the largest portion of the patient's back in a position to smooth and relax their muscles.
List the sequence of body areas that the nurse follows when giving a bed bath.
When giving a bed bath, body areas are washed in the following order:
1. Face
2. Arms
3. Chest
4. Legs
5. Back
6. Buttocks