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127 Cards in this Set

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A symbolic interactionist would be most likely to ask which of the following questions?

What messages are communicated to students by the structure in which education takes place?

Both sociologists and psychologists are interested in prescription drug abuse and addiction. However, in investigating abuse and addiction, a __________ would be most interested in the organization and patterns of consumption among individuals and social groups.


During periods of rapid social change, the suicide rate often increases. Durkheim would term such suicides:


Of the following theorists, who believed that the entire history of human societies could be seen as a history of struggles between those who own and control the means of production and those who do the work?

Karl Marx

People who kill themselves out of a sense of duty to the group or self-sacrifice would be termed _________ suicides by Durkheim.


The main focus or unit of analysis for sociologists is


Which of the following statements is closest to a sociological approach to understanding the iPhone?

We can see which groups of people are most likely to own and use an iPhone

Recent social protests in the United States are being called the 99% movement. The name of the movement points to the fact that only 1% of households in the country have incomes of over a million dollars a year. This movement's claims point to long-term inequalities and disadvantages based on class in our society. Which paradigm is represented in this story?

conflict theory

The main goal of sociology is to

understand the forces that mold individuals and shape their behavior.

What is the main difference between sociology and social work?

Social workers help people with problems while sociologists try to understand why problems exist.

"Social class background is a good predictor of achievement in school." In this statement, achievement in school is the:

dependent variable.

A variable is:

anything that can change.

Find the mean of the following quiz scores: 12, 24, 36, 47, 57, 100.


Find the mode of the following quiz scores: 45, 77, 65, 67, 51, 98, 51, 77, 79, 69, 86, 83, 77, 99, 98, 54, 68, 77, 93, 94, 72, 77.


Objectivity requires a social researcher to:

recognize and attempt to control for bias.

People are selected from a group in such a way that every person has the same chance of being selected. The people who are selected make up what type of sample?


Riding in unmarked police cars to collect data on drug dealers is using:

participant observation.

This measure of central tendency is commonly referred to as the average.


You would like to do a study of household size among the population of the state of Illinois. Which type of study method would be appropriate?

cross-sectional study

_____ is defined as "all that human beings learn to do, to use, to produce, and to know, and to believe as they grow to maturity and live out their lives in the social groups to which they belong."


Anna travelled to another country to visit relatives, who offered her live sea urchin at their first meal together. Watching the urchin moving across her plate made her feel anxious and queasy; she didn't want to eat it, but felt rude refusing. Anna's experience is an example of:

culture shock

Culture is transmitted through:

social interaction

Ideas, norms, values, mathematical formulas, and love are all:

non-material culture

When immigrants encounter hostility because their manners are different, they are experiencing:


All human groups have a ______.


Symbols stand for things simply because:

people agree that they do.

Which of the following would not be considered an example of material culture?

marriage vows

Culture is a blueprint for living in a particular society. True or False?


Culture is a complex whole that includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and other capabilities and habits acquired by members of their society. True or False


According to Freud, the _______ is the internal censor or conscience that represents society's norms and values as learned primarily from our parents.


Adult socialization differs from primary socialization in that adults

often have more control over how they wish to be socialized.

Cases of isolated children like Anna indicate

the importance of interaction for normal human development.

Cooley's theory that we see ourselves as others see us is called:

the looking-glass self.

Observers argue that media plays a socializing role on children that emphasizes:

positively valuing violence to solve problems in a hostile world.

Patterns of behavior and ways of thinking and feeling that are distinctive for each individual constitute the individual's:


The concept of self:

includes the ability to organize one's knowledge and beliefs.

The process of social interaction that teaches a child the intellectual, physical, and social skills needed to function as a member of society is called:


Which of the following is needed by human infants if they are to grow and develop normally?

people who provide adequate food and shelter

interaction with people who teach them the requisite physical and social skills

interaction with people who teach them their culture

frequent contact with other humans who demonstrate affection

___________ is anything people are conscious of doing because of other people.

Social action

A social status that is conferred on us by virtue of birth or other significant factors not controlled by our own actions or decisions is known as:

ascribed status

A social status that is occupied as a result of an individual's actions and efforts is known as:

achieved status.

Culturally defined rules for proper behavior that are associated with various statuses are called:


Socially defined positions that people occupy are known as:


Sociologists describe the process of two or more people taking each other's actions into account as:

social interaction

Sociologists describe the process of two or more people taking each other's actions into account as:

nonverbal communication

Which of the following is an ascribed status?


Race is an achieved status in our society. True or False.


Social roles are culturally defined rules for proper behavior that are associated with various statuses. True or False?


A characteristic of bureaucracy is that power and responsibility making are typically:


How would a sociologist describe you and the people you meet and talk to at the bus stop everyday on your way to work?

social aggregate

In a bureaucracy, people are hired because they:

have the ability and skills to do the job.

Relationships that are intimate, cooperative, and personal are known as:


The most important quality of primary groups that is missing in secondary groups is:


What is the sociological name for strangers waiting in line to buy concert tickets?

social aggregate

What is an example of a primary group?

members of a family

Which of the following would be a sociological example of the term "group"?

nursing majors at a university

Gemeinschaft relationships are intimate, cooperative, and personal. True or False?


_____ are rewards and penalties that group members use to regulate an individual's behavior.


A university places a fraternity on probation because some of its members served alcoholic drinks to minors. The university in this case was using:

formal sanctions

Carol engages in several acts of nonconformity that violate her community's norms. Sociologists would call her actions:


Each in their own way, Lombroso and Sheldon attempted to explain deviant behavior on the basis of:

anatomical characteristics.

Elderly victims of violent crime are most likely to be assaulted by:

a relative inside the home.

Giving a child a hug for doing something right would be an example of a(n):

informal positive sanction.

It is 3 a.m. and Tracy is driving home from work when she comes to an intersection where the light is red. Although she can see no other cars on the road in any direction, Tracy waits until the light turns green. Sociologically, this is an example of:

internal means of control.

Merton would label a person who attempts to win a race by using steroids as a(n):


People conform to social norms because:

they have internalized the standards.

Theorists who view crime as individual choice state that crime is more likely to occur when:

benefits for committing crime are greater than for not committing crime.

What percent of crime in the United States constitutes crimes against property?


Which theory of deviance assumes that deviance can be deterred by strengthening the bonds that tie the individual to society?


A successful professional who has a college education, lives in an exclusive suburb, and has a savings reserve would be placed into which of the following class categories?


In 2010, the poorest 20% of American families earned _____ of the country's total income for the year.


Members of the upper class:

have great wealth, often going back for many generations.

Poverty is more frequent:

among blacks and Hispanics than among whites

The feminization of poverty refers to:

a trend in which females represent an increasing proportion of the poor.

Teresa is a waitress in Chicago who has little control over the system, but when she joins the 99% Movement she attempts to exercise ____________ as part of a group.


Hector is a master electrician. He holds a high school diploma, and owns a modest home but can't afford many luxuries. He considers himself politically conservative and fairly religious. Hector is most typical of which of the classes listed?

lower-middle class

Janis was a young mother in her late 20s when she and her husband divorced, forcing her to live on her sole income as a part time minimum wage worker. Janis represents:

the feminization of poverty.

A group that has a distinct cultural tradition with which its own members identify and which may or may not be recognized by others is known as a(n):

ethnic group.

At one time in the U.S., individuals who were avowed homosexuals were prohibited from joining the armed services. Those already in who were "discovered" were discharged. This policy represents:

institutionalized prejudice and discrimination.

Can women be regarded as a minority group in American society?

Yes, because they are singled out for discriminatory treatment.

Forcing a group of people to live separate from the majority is known as:


Luis and Maria were denied housing in a neighborhood because of their ethnicity. This represents:


Most of the earlier immigrants to America had distinctive subcultures with their own unique language, style of dress, norms, and values. The children of these immigrants, however, rapidly learned to speak English and to adopt mainstream American cultural styles. This is an example of:



may or may not result in discrimination.

The development and coexistence of separate racial and ethnic group identities within a society where no single group dominates is referred to as:


The essential characteristic of a minority group is:

the differential treatment and exclusion its members' experience.

The term race refers to a category of people who are defined as similar because they:

share a number of physical characteristics.

The vast majority of Asian immigrants:

are middle-class and highly educated.

Unequal treatment of individuals on the basis of membership in a category or group is known as:


In the winter of 1838, members of the Cherokee nation were rounded up by U.S. soldiers and forcibly marched from North Carolina to what is now Oklahoma, a march that has come to be known by the Cherokee as the "Trail of Tears." This march is an example of:

forced migration.

Currently, it is estimated that the world population doubles every _____ years.


Early marriage for girls in developing countries has which negative consequence?

It means little or no formal schooling, so women are less educated.

Global aging has an impact on:

economic growth.


the transfer of wealth from one generation to the next.

labor markets.

In the United States, what accounts for high population growth in the sunbelt states?


People who are born into a caste:

are restricted in their choice for marriage.

spend their entire lives within the caste.

are restricted in their choice of occupation.

are restricted in their degree of social participation.

Which of the following is the least open and most rigid system of social stratification?


Which theorist believed that human populations would outgrow the food supply and enter into a struggle for existence?

Thomas Malthus

A patriarchal ideology is:

the belief that men are superior to women and should control all aspects of society.

According to Erik Erikson, the most important task in adolescent socialization is:

establishing a sense of identity.

Functionalists argue that the family functions best when:

the father assumes the instrumental role and the mother the expressive role.

In adolescent socialization, boys are:

encouraged to compete and prepared for occupational roles.

In her pioneering research, Margaret Mead found that:

male and female behavior varied greatly due to differing cultural expectation

Most sociologists agree that:

biological factors have some influence, but cultural factors are more important determinants of gender roles.

Patriarchal ideology:

declares inherent male superiority.

Women earn less than men in:

almost every occupation.

A nuclear family consists of:

a husband-wife pair and their dependent children.

Homogamy refers to:

the tendency to choose a spouse with a similar social and cultural background.

In regard to the divorce rate and remarriage:

the majority of people who divorce eventually remarry.

Interracial marriage in the United States:

has risen slightly over the past twenty years.

Over the last forty years, the median age at first marriage in the United States has:


The marriage pattern that provides for one spouse at a time for each member is called:


The reason polygamy occurs relatively infrequently is that:

it is expensive and only a few can afford it.

Which marriage pattern allows a man to have more than one wife?


Joel and Rachel marry and take up residence away from their relatives. What type of residence is this?


Len and Ramona are both teachers. They grew up in the same city and are about the same age. They teach at the same school and spend a lot of time together, which eventually results in dating. Should they marry, we would characterize their relationship as:


The family created by a marriage union is called a(n):

family of procreation.

The rise in matriarchal families in America is due in large part to:

the rise of single-parent families headed by mothers.

For the last decade, which group experienced "the immigrant advantage" as it relates to good group health characteristics?

Asian Americans

The American health care system has been described as:

curative, acute, and hospital-based.

The Bureau of the Census estimates that by 2050, approximately what percent of the American population will be aged 85 or over?


What country has the most advanced health care resources in the world?

United States

Which statement best characterizes the relationship between age and wealth in the U.S.?

The elderly are among the wealthiest and poorest in our nation.

The United States is the only leading industrial nation that does not have:

a centrally-planned health care delivery system.

In general, males have a longer life expectancy than females. True or False?


Increasing longevity in the United States raises the dilemma of how to pay for care. True or False?


Studies of life expectancy show that social class influences longevity on every measure. True or False?


One significant criticism made of the U.S. health care system is that:

it emphasizes cure rather than prevention.