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45 Cards in this Set

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This is the number of live births occuring among the population of a given geographical area during a given year per 1000

Crude Birth Rate

Crude Birth Rate

This is the number of deaths occuring among the population if a given geographical area during a given year

Crude Death Rate

The number of children who would be born per woman if she were to pass through childbearing years.

Fertility Rate

An estimate of the average number of additional years a person may expect to live based on the age specific death rate rates for a given year.

Life Expectancy

Who is the creator of the Malthusian theory?

Thomas Robert Malthus

What were the professions of Malthus

Clergyman, philospher and economist

When did Malthus study population?


What did Malthus believe was the main limit to Population growth

Food Supply

What was Malthus basic claim?

The population would always grow faster than the food supply

How did Malthus say the population expand?


How did Malthus say the Food Supply expands?


What was the purpose of the negative checks?

Limit reproduction or fertility

What were the practices in the negative checks?


Delay of marriage

Why did Malthus doubt that the negative checks would work?

Because people gain pleasure from sex

What was the purpose of the positive checks?

Increase mortality and reduce life expectancy

Did Malthus support artifical birth control?


What was the concequence of population growth as stated by Malthus?

Greater pressure to farm available land for food which will reduce the quality of the land

Why did Malthus did not support Welfare

He feels it encourages the poor to reproduce more as it eliminates the fear of financial burden that came with children

What are the limitations to Malthusian theory?


His Religous Hinderance

Technology Improved


Who created the Demographic Transition Theory and when?

Warren Thompson in 1929

Who further developed the Demographic Transition Theory and when?

Frank Notestein in 1945

What is the name of stage 1 in the demographic Transition Theory?

The High Fluctuating Stage

What is Stage 2 of the Demographic Transition theory called?

The early expanding stage

What is the name of Stage 3 in Demographic Transition theory?

Late expanding stage

What is stage 4 of the Demographic Transition called?

Low fluctuating stage

Births rate are high in stage 1 of ths DT theory because?

No birth control or family planning

Children are needed as farm hands

Children are seen as a sign of verility

Death rates in stage 1 of the DT theory is high because

Death by famine

Death by poor nutrition

Death by plagues

Poor Sanitation

Backwards medicine

The death rate decreases in stage 2 of the DT theory because...

Imcreased Food Supply

Medical Advances

Better Sanitation

Enhanced Transportation

How did Medical Advances decrease the death rate in stage 2 of the DT theory

Vaccination, better drugs and supplies, more doctors and more nurses

Why is the birth rate declining in stage 3 of the DT theory?

Children are seen as liabilities

Who developed a Caribbean perspective on the caribbean demographic transition theory?

George Roberts

Which type of population pyramids have large bases and gets smaller going up?

Expanding pyramids

Who is the creator of the Modernisation theory?

Walt Whitman Rostow

What did W.W.Rostow base his explanation on?

Economic growth

How many stages are in Modernisation theory


Who formulated the convergenc theory

Clark Kerr

Who created the Dependency theory

Andre Gunder Frank (Marxist)

Who put foward the world systems theory

Immanuel Wallerstein

Which other theory is Immanuel Wallerstein is involved in?

Globalization Theory

What are some criticisms of Modernisation theory?

Bias towards western standards

Rich countries contribute to slow develipment of other countries

Progress of countries can be hindered by natural disasters, Rostow does not consider this

What is a criticism of Convergence theory?

It feels that all countries must evolve along the line of western countries

Give 2 Pronatal countries

France and Japan

Give 2 Antinatal countries?



What are the 4 areas population policies may be created under?

Birth Control


Food Security


What is the name of the birth control agency in Jamaica?

National Family Planning Board