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50 Cards in this Set

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Acid Rain

Type of rain from fossil fuels reaction with atmosphere

Anchoring devices

Two of the major ways society "anchors" people into mainstream behavior (marriage and education)

Automobile and women

The automobile helped transform society, including views of courtship and sexuality, It altered women's attitudes as it transformed their opportunities and stimulated them to participate in areas of social life not connected with the home


literally, an extraordinary gift from God; more commonly, an outstanding, "magnetic" personality

Cohabitation Rates

Adults living together in a sexual relationship without being married, 1/2-2/3 of couples have co-habitated before their marriage

Crime increase women



A new religion with few followers, whose teaching and practices put it at odds with the dominant culture and religion

Cultural Lag

Inability to keep up in the culture of technology


The study of the size, composition, growth (or shrinkage) and distribution of human populations


Dual incomes-no kids


A religious group so integrated into the dominant culture that it is difficult to tell where the one begins and the other leaves off; called a state religion

Enterprise zone

The use of economic incentives in a designated area to encourage investment


Two or more people who consider themselves related by blood, marriage, or adoption

Family background

the details of a person's family, education, experiences

Family of orientation

The family in which a person grows up

Fertility rate

The number of children that the average woman bears

Gendered division of labor

Husbands still take the primary responsibility for earning the income and the wives primary responsibility for taking care of the house and children


Middle-class people moving into a rundown area of a city, displacing the poor as they buy and restore homes

Global warming

produces many problems for earth's inhabitants, for example acid rain

Grade inflation

Higher grades given for the same work; a general rise in student grades without a corresponding increase in learning


People who occupy the same housing unit


The combination of existing elements and materials to form new ones; identified by William Ogburn as one of three processes of social change


The view that the labels people are given affect their own and others' perceptions of them, thus channeling their behavior into either deviance or conformity

Machismo in Latino families



a city of 10 million or more residents


A central city-surrounded by smaller cities and their suburbs


The transformation of traditional societies into industrial societies


propose societies take different routes, but lead to the same stage

New technology


Not-so-empty nest

children leaving the home later

Nuclear family

A family consisting of a husband, wife, and children

Population pyramid

A graph that represents the age and sex of a population

Population Shrinkage

The process by which a country's population becomes smaller because its birth rate and immigration are too low to replace those who die and emigrate

Positive Sanction

An expression of approval from a norm, ranging from a smile or a good grade in a class to a material reward such as a prize

Protestant ethic

Weber's term to describe the ideal of ac self-denying, highly moral life accompanied by thrift and hard work


"spatial nearness" the tendency of people who have similar characteristics to marry one another

Public schools funded

supported by local property taxes

Reading and writing skills



The percentage of released convicts who are rearrested


A decision by the officers of a financial institution not to make loans in a particular area

Religious experience

a sudden awareness of the supernatural or a feeling of coming in contact with God

Social change

The alteration of culture and societies over time

Social placement

A function of education-funneling people into a society's various positions


"blemishes" that discredit a person's claim to a "normal" identity


growth of areas on the fringes of cities. It is one of the many causes of the increase in urban sprawl

Third social revolution

prompted by the invention of the steam engine


People taking the law into their own hands

White collar crime

Edwin Sutherland's term for crimes committed by people of respectable and high social status in the course of their occupations; for example, bribery of public officials, securities violations, embezzlement, false advertising, and price fixing

Understand relativity of deviance with examples

What is deviant to some is not deviant to others

( we need our own examples)

Understand the need for children in least industrialized nations with examples

Use them as a form of social security and care for when the parent is older