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39 Cards in this Set

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What would be the importance of finding a PSV of 80 cm/sec in the aorta and 240 cm/sec in the left renal artery?
Documents a greater than 60% diameter reduction of the left renal artery
You have a patient come in for an ultrasound evaluation of the portal vein. What are normal flow characteristics of that vessel?
Hepatofugal, into the liver, minimally phasic and almost continuous
In a normal fasting patient, the SMA has what type of flow pattern?
High resistance
In cases of renal artery stenosis, the RI...
Which visceral artery changes its pattern and velocity post pradnail?
Criteria for a >60% stenosis is a RAR of....
Waveforms obtained from what arteries for renal exam?
main renal artery, interlobar artery, arcuate artery, segmental artery
70% stenosis is indicated in the sma if the psv is.....
>275 cm/sec with post stenotic turbulence.
The diameter measurement of the normal portal vein is...
A high resistivity index found unilaterally in one of the main renal arteries suggests...
renal parenchymal disease
To ensure we detect low level venous flow we do not use....
high wall filters.
Clinical sympotoms of infection include...
localized tenderness, malaise, chills (not afebrile)
Kidney absesses are characterized by their...
Pleural fluid tends to distribute ____ into the chest.
posterior medial
Hepatic and subhepatic lesions produce ____ displacement.
inferior and posterior
Small opening where lesser sac communicates with greater sac
epiplioic foramen
Ascitic fluid first fills the pouch of douglas then the lateral paravesical recesses before it ascends to both _____
paracolic gutters
The small bowel loops float or sink in the surrouding ascitic fluid depending on relative ___ content and amount of fat in mesentery.
Normal breast tissure is composed of ____, which are separated by adipose tissue.
15-20 lobes
characteristic findings of breast carcinoma include....
attenuation of sound, irregular margins, anechoic echo patterns with calcifications
What supplies the breast?
lateral thoracic arteries
Normal measurements of testicles
3-5 cm lenght, 2-4 cm width, 3 cm AP
What prostate zone does BPH originate in?
testicular cancers occur most frequently btw ages..........
Sternocleidomastoid muscles are seen along the ____ border of the thyroid.
anterior lateral
Normal thyroid measurement
40-60 mm
enlargement of lymph nodes
rare, undifferentiated carcinoma occurring in middle lage
anaplastic carcinoma
When scanning the shoulder, the pt's arm on the side being scanned should be _____ when scanning biceps tendon.
resting in their lap with the palm up.
initial TD position for scanning shoulder
anterior surface medial to humerus and inferior to clavicle
Scanning from ANTERIOR shoulder surface allows visualization of...
subscapularis tendon
T or F: TD should be maintained parallel to the biceps when scanning rotator cuff and not varied.
The _____ is the area of most tears of the rotator cuff and called the critical zone.
supraspinatus tendon
Trv or Long?
See biceps tendon as oval structure on the anterior surface of shoulder
Groove located btw the greater and lesser tuberosities, couples with trv ligament maintains the _____ location.
biceps tendon
Infraspinatus tendons lie ____ to the scapular spine.
Anterior displacement of the kidny and ureter indicates....
mass in retroperitonuem
hangs over intestines like apron
greater omentum
most common breast malignancy
infiltrating ductal carcinoma

***most often in UOQ