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47 Cards in this Set

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Marx's social class classification

Those who own the means of production (capitalists) and those who don't (workers)

Weber's social class classification

A large group of people who rank close in property, power and prestige

Updating Marx

1. Capitalists

2. Petty bourgeoisie

3. Managers

4. Workers

Updating weber

1. Capitalist

2. Upper middle class

3. Lower middle class

4. Working

5. Working poor

6. Underclass

Types of social mobility

1. Intergenerational mobility

2. Structural mobility

3. Exchange mobility

Intergenerational mobility

Change that family members make in social class from one generation to next

Upward social mobility

Movement up social class ladder

Downward social mobility

Movement down social class ladder

Structural mobility

Movement up or down based on structure of society rather than individuals


A group whose inherited physical characteristics distinguish it from other groups


Having distinct cultural characteristics

Minority group

People who are singled out for unequal treatment and who regard themselves as objects of collective discrimination

The myth of race

The idea of ppl believing one race is superior to another

Majority/dominant group

Group with the most power, greatest privileges and highest social status


An attitude or prejudging, usually in a negative way


An act of unfair treatment directed against an individual or a group

Individual discrimination

Person-to-person or face-to-face discrimination; the negative treatment of people by other individuals

Institutional discrimination (a.k.a. Systemic discrimination)

Negative treatment of a minority group that is built into a society's institutions

Exchange mobility

A large number of ppl move up and down the social class ladder, as if they exchanged places

Poverty line

Income less than 3x a low-cost food budget

Horatio Alger myth

Because of having limitless opportunities, anybody can do what they want if they work hard enough

What sociologist defined the minority group?

Louis wirth

Interviewer of neo-nazi skinheads

Michael kimmel

Interviewer of female KKK

Kathleen Blee

Contact theory

Prejudice and negative stereotypes will decrease and relations will improve if ppl from different backgrounds interact

Creators of implicit association test

Mahzarin Banaji and Anthony Greenwald

1) Who did study on prejudice towards other racial groups?

2) what did the study conclude?

1) Eugene Hartley

2) a. Prejudice doesn't depend on negative experiences with others

b. People who are prejudiced against one racial group tend to be prejudiced towards other groups

Who did study on racism with KKK and nazis and wrote the book The Racist Mind?

Raphael Ezekiel (Jew)


- termed the phrase authoritarian personality

- ran study on ethnocentrism, anti-semitism and support for authoritarian leaders

Theodor Adorno

Split labor market

Workers are split up by race/ethnicity, age, gender, etc; weakens their bargaining power

Reserve labor force

The unemployed; hired when needed, fired when not


To separate acts from feelings or attitudes

Direct population transfer

When a dominant group expels a minority group

Indirect population transfer

Making life so miserable that members of a minority group leave voluntarily

Internal colonialism

The policy of exploiting minority groups for economic gain


- White Anglo-Saxon Protestant

- held deep prejudice against other whites


The process of being absorbed into the mainstream culture

Who coined the term power elite?

Wright mills


Linked to occupational status

Who developed the updated Marx model?

Erik Wright

Who developed the updated Weber classifications?

Kahl and Gilbert

Proposition 209 (1996)

Made it illegal to give preference to minorities and women in hiring, promotion and college admissions

Functionalists explanation of prejudice

Stress benefits and costs that come from discrimination

Conflict theorists

Look at how groups in power exploit racial divisions to control workers and remain powerful

Symbolic interactionists explanation of prejudcie

Stress how labels create selective perception and self-fulfilling prophecies

What are latinos divided by?

Social class and country of origin

Psychologists explanation of prejudice

Stress authoritarian personality and frustration placed toward scapegoats